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High Maintenance Brides

red Love 24 hours neon light sign

While eating dinner, I happened to catch an episode of "True Life: I'm a Southern Belle", and on it, was a good-looking 24 year old high maintenance woman who couldn't find a boyfriend. She looked like your typical prom queen. During the episode, as to be expected of a woman her age that just got out of college, she had sky high expectations of a man. And right next to her, was her female friend just egging her on, fucking it up for her.

These were the types of girls who believed that a woman should never call a man, never ask a man on a date, never have sex too soon etc. etc. In short, this girl finally met a guy, good-looking, seemed educated and whatnot. In the end, the guy ended up never calling her after the first date.

What was this a case of? A reality check. These girls constantly get hit on by naive boys while in high school and college, thus blowing up their egos and causing these brides to think that they can dictate terms forever. And what this "Southern Belle" girl came to realize, was that just about all of the men who wanted to be in relationships, were taken by the time they reached their mid 20's.

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And what does this leave brides with? The eligible guys like me who know that they have the advantage, know that marriage is a losing proposition for a guy, and avoid relationships. Or a guy that is probably physically unattractive, lacks confidence, and has no backbone; you know, the guy that the girls didn't want in high school and college, and still don't want now.

This show was an example of part of the reason why brides in their mid to late 20's grab at me like hawks. I have the advantage. To give you high maintenance girls an example of what you're competing against, there isn't a part of my body that hasn't been licked, brides constantly ask me out on dates and not only do they treat me, they treat my friends as well. There was a girl that always had a beer and blowjob waiting on me everytime I came over, and another girl that would fuck me ANYWHERE I wanted.

I could go on and on, but I'm sure you get my point. And I KNOW what some of you are thinking "those girls were probably sluts". No. As far as I know, only two of the brides I've dated have been with more than ten men. And I've dealt with enough people and read enough up on psychology to know when someone's lying to me. Also, note that one of these brides that waited on me hand and foot happened to be a feminist.

And I'm not even going to argue the "I'm not high-maintenance" point, because I know that there isn't a single girl out there that's going to admit that she's high maintenance.

For now, let's talk about some of the things that you high maintenance brides don't do that you probably need to change if you ever hope to find a decent guy if you're still single after your college undergrad years (It's kind of funny how brides say they don't want men who play games, but it's all they do, and that show was proof of it. Hypocrites.):

"I don't call guys first"

Well, guess what? If you don't call me first, I will not call you. Why not? Because for every one of you that don't call, there are five who are willing to. I'm not going to waste my time chasing after a girl when I have five others chasing after me. The only exception to this rule is if the girl actually says "hey, I really want you to call me." or some variation of. In that case, I'll call her.

"I don't ask guys to date me"

Every single woman that I have ever dated seriously, asked me out. What does this mean? If you don't ask me out, there is another woman who will, and once again, you'll be wondering why I stopped calling you. Oh well, at least you'll have your cats right...right? Because cats are the perfect replacement for a man.

"I don't have sex on the first night (or too soon)."

If the chemistry is there, then the chemistry is there. No, I'm not advocating that you go out and fuck every guy on the first date, but if the chemistry is there, stop playing fucking games. If you try to play that waiting game with a guy in his mid 20's or older, then guess what? He's going to fuck another girl who is more than willing, or he's going to stop seeing you. You are an adult, and this isn't high school.

"If a guy doesn't ask me to marry him by x date, then I'm leaving him"

Ladies, let me ask you a question. Knowing that nature dictates that men be driven by a woman's physical health for obvious child-rearing reasons, why would a guy want to rush into marriage with an older woman if he can get a much younger, healthier looking one? And don't say "because there is no woman like me", because I can guarantee you that there is. Everyone is replaceable.

My point is that you get older (read: more unattractive with each passing year) and threaten to financially mutilate us if we ever get a divorce, so why would any sane older guy want to get married? The only men who rush into marriage, do so because they don't know any better, and are just happy to have constant sex (read: other brides don't want them.).

What I'm trying to say, is that you brides are asking a lot of us, and that's why you remain single. You have unrealistic expectations of older men, which really doesn't make any sense to us, seeing that we have a lot of brides who are willing to do what you aren't.

Not only are the older brides clamoring for us, but chances are, we have our careers in order (read: steady stream of income) and also become the targets of much younger brides that we didn't necessarily get in high school and college.

I know you're saying "I'll take my time finding a guy that gives me everything I want" because the men constantly hitting on you in college have your egos blown up, but I've got news for you, the party ends after your undergrad years. So stop listening to your friends who managed to sucker a guy in college, get over yourself, and realize that the tide turns once you enter your mid 20's.

Older single brides have come to this realization, and it's in your best interests to realize this before you end up like them. Unattractive and unwanted.


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