Hello everyone! Recently, I was faced with the choice between an ordinary bicycle and an electric bicycle, and to be honest, after all the thinking, I decided to take an electric bicycle, and I did not regret it. Rides on it are something https://voxen.com.ua/ru/elektrovelosiped-vs-obychnyi-velosiped-chto-vybrat/ ! It is ideally suited both for daily trips around the city and for long-distance routes outside the city. It is easy to overcome uphills and difficult sections without spending a lot of effort. Plus, if the charge suddenly runs out, you can always pedal like on a regular bike.
I found a useful article on voxen.com.ua that helped me figure out what to choose. The pros and cons of electric bicycles are detailed here, so if you are at a crossroads, be sure to take a look. It is convenient that electric bicycles have different modes: it is possible to turn on the assistant on lifts or move entirely on electric traction. For myself, I found in it an excellent combination of sport and convenience. So, if someone is still in doubt, the electric bicycle is definitely worth paying attention to!