Wishbear (2022-2023)

Views: 3247 User Since: 11/02/12

Application Information

F - Fee Waiver A - Attending W - Withdrawn D - Deferred
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# Law School Status Type $$$ Sent Received Complete Interview Date Decision Updated
#1 Northwestern University F Accepted A Type: SP $135,000 Sent: 11/15/12 Rec: 11/20/12 Comp: 11/28/12 Inter: -- Dec: 01/29/13 Upd: 12 years
Harvard University Pending W Type: RA Sent: 12/23/12 Rec: 01/02/13 Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 12 years
Columbia University Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 12/05/12 Rec: 12/06/12 Comp: 01/02/13 Inter: -- Dec: 01/29/13 Upd: 12 years
Tulane University F Accepted W Type: RA $90,000 Sent: 11/15/12 Rec: 11/19/12 Comp: 11/19/12 Inter: -- Dec: 01/09/13 Upd: 12 years
University of Texas Austin F Accepted W Type: RA $54,000 Sent: 11/15/12 Rec: 11/20/12 Comp: 11/30/12 Inter: -- Dec: 01/23/13 Upd: 12 years
Boston College F Accepted W Type: RA $75,000 Sent: 11/23/12 Rec: 11/25/12 Comp: 11/26/12 Inter: -- Dec: 02/04/13 Upd: 12 years
Vanderbilt University Accepted W Type: RA $80,000 Sent: 11/15/12 Rec: 11/20/12 Comp: 11/20/12 Inter: -- Dec: 12/12/12 Upd: 12 years
University of Alabama F Accepted W Type: RA $78,000 Sent: 11/15/12 Rec: 11/19/12 Comp: 11/26/12 Inter: -- Dec: 12/11/12 Upd: 12 years
Cornell University Pending W Type: RA Sent: 11/23/12 Rec: 11/26/12 Comp: 12/17/12 Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 12 years
Duke University F Waitlisted W Type: RA Sent: 11/15/12 Rec: 11/20/12 Comp: 11/20/12 Inter: -- Dec: 03/07/13 Upd: 12 years
Washington University in St Louis F Accepted W Type: RA $84,000 Sent: 11/15/12 Rec: 11/19/12 Comp: 11/20/12 Inter: -- Dec: 12/14/12 Upd: 12 years
New York University Accepted W Type: RA $37,500 Sent: 12/05/12 Rec: 12/12/12 Comp: 12/12/12 Inter: -- Dec: 12/20/12 Upd: 12 years
University of Michigan Ann Arbor F Accepted W Type: RA $45,000 Sent: 11/15/12 Rec: 11/28/12 Comp: 12/06/12 Inter: -- Dec: 02/25/13 Upd: 12 years
University of Pennsylvania F Waitlisted W Type: RA Sent: 11/23/12 Rec: 11/25/12 Comp: 12/11/12 Inter: -- Dec: 02/11/13 Upd: 12 years
University of Virginia F Waitlisted W Type: RA Sent: 11/15/12 Rec: 11/19/12 Comp: 11/20/12 Inter: -- Dec: 01/23/13 Upd: 12 years

Applicant Information

  • LSAT: 174
  • LSAT 2: -
  • LSAT 3: -
  • GRE : -
  • LSAC GPA: 3.5
  • Degree GPA: -
  • School Type: Large Public
  • Major: Spanish

Demographic Information

  • City: -
  • State: Texas
  • Race: Unremarkable
  • Gender: Woman
  • Non-Traditional Applicant: Yes
  • Years out of Undergrad: 3-4 Years

Extra Curricular Information


Additional info & updates

Weak softs other than work experience.
4ish years of decent, legal work experience (not law firm).

Why Tulane (required).

Northwestern App is AJD - interviewed on campus in October before submitting App.

Interviewed w/ Alumni in home city for Vandy, after submitting App.

Invited to phone interview w/ WUSTL - will complete.

Applied to U of Alabama because they invited me to dinner and seemed very nice and like a good school. Received call from an admissions counselor to tell me the application is going to committee.

-Accepted to U of Alabama via status check
-Accepted to Vandy via email (usually they send out black box, but there is some delay?)

Pretty shocked to be in the first round of Columbia RD acceptances. No idea what I'll do. Sticker scares me, but the opportunities out of there are crazy. Also accepted to NU on the best day ever.

2/4 :
Invited to interview at Cornell. Becoming concerned about the very short timeline for the Northwestern AJD program. I hope they give me scholarship information soon and that it's generous enough that I can accept w/ no regrets.

Decided to accept the Northwestern AJD offer. I will edit my profile and post financial information after the rest of their financial aid starts rolling out.

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Good luck
Wednesday, July 25 2012 at 08:00 PM

Thanks, you too!

Wednesday, July 25 2012 at 08:00 PM

Haha thanks again, are you planning on attending NW if accepted?

Wednesday, July 25 2012 at 08:00 PM

Yea I have no idea to be honest, wasn't expecting a straight rejection from them. Looks like I might be seeing you at NW though?

Harvard, Chicago, NYU
Monday, September 03 2012 at 08:00 PM

Why not apply to Harvard, Chicago, NYU? I think you have a good shot at Chicago and NYU, and an outside chance at Harvard.

Harvard, Chicago
Monday, September 03 2012 at 08:00 PM

Ah, see you did apply to NYU. But still think you should throw an app to Chicago and Harvard.

Monday, September 03 2012 at 08:00 PM

I really don't think you have no shot at Harvard (I, on the other hand, actually have no shot). And thanks! Yeah, I've been pretty lucky and had a pretty great cycle; really wasn't expecting it. And I'm going to let the cycle play out, but it's probably between UVA and Penn right now. Good luck with the rest of your cycle!

Friday, October 12 2012 at 08:00 PM

congrats on a great cycle so far, numbers twin!