buckeyegrrl (2022-2023)

Views: 4659 User Since: 01/10/12

Application Information

F - Fee Waiver A - Attending W - Withdrawn D - Deferred
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# Law School Status Type $$$ Sent Received Complete Interview Date Decision Updated
#2 University of Michigan Ann Arbor F Accepted Type: RA $54,000 Sent: 01/09/12 Rec: 01/12/12 Comp: 02/08/12 Inter: -- Dec: 02/22/12 Upd: 13 years
#7 University of Chicago F WL, Accepted W Type: RA $30,000 Sent: 01/18/12 Rec: 01/19/12 Comp: 03/09/12 Inter: -- Dec: 05/09/12 Upd: 13 years
#5 Georgetown University F Accepted W Type: RA $90,000 Sent: 01/09/12 Rec: 01/10/12 Comp: 01/11/12 Inter: -- Dec: 02/13/12 Upd: 13 years
#4 Duke University F Accepted W Type: SP $75,000 Sent: 01/09/12 Rec: 01/10/12 Comp: 01/10/12 Inter: -- Dec: 01/16/12 Upd: 13 years
#8 University of California Los Angeles F Accepted W Type: RA $75,000 Sent: 01/09/12 Rec: 01/10/12 Comp: 01/13/12 Inter: -- Dec: 02/10/12 Upd: 13 years
#1 Stanford University F Waitlisted Type: RA Sent: 01/13/12 Rec: 01/18/12 Comp: 01/30/12 Inter: -- Dec: 04/18/12 Upd: 13 years
#10 University of Southern California F Accepted W Type: RA $90,000 Sent: 01/11/12 Rec: 01/11/12 Comp: 01/11/12 Inter: -- Dec: 02/08/12 Upd: 13 years
#3 University of California Berkeley Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 01/11/12 Rec: 01/13/12 Comp: 01/19/12 Inter: -- Dec: 02/10/12 Upd: 13 years
#13 Howard University F Accepted W Type: RA $25,000 Sent: 01/09/12 Rec: 01/10/12 Comp: 01/17/12 Inter: -- Dec: 01/24/12 Upd: 13 years
#6 New York University F Waitlisted W Type: RA Sent: 01/14/12 Rec: 01/17/12 Comp: 01/30/12 Inter: -- Dec: 04/09/12 Upd: 13 years
#7 Cornell University F Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 01/09/12 Rec: 01/10/12 Comp: 01/25/12 Inter: -- Dec: 04/03/12 Upd: 13 years
#11 Emory University F Accepted W Type: RA $81,000 Sent: 01/07/12 Rec: 01/09/12 Comp: 01/10/12 Inter: -- Dec: 01/24/12 Upd: 13 years
#12 Washington University in St Louis F Accepted W Type: RA $105,000 Sent: 01/11/12 Rec: 01/12/12 Comp: 01/19/12 Inter: -- Dec: 02/01/12 Upd: 13 years
#9 University of Virginia F Rejected Type: RA Sent: 01/09/12 Rec: 01/10/12 Comp: 01/10/12 Inter: -- Dec: 03/12/12 Upd: 13 years
#8 University of Pennsylvania F Waitlisted W Type: RA Sent: 01/11/12 Rec: 01/12/12 Comp: 01/25/12 Inter: -- Dec: 03/07/12 Upd: 13 years

Applicant Information

  • LSAT: 163
  • LSAT 2: -
  • LSAT 3: -
  • GRE : -
  • LSAC GPA: 3.8
  • Degree GPA: 3.8
  • School Type: Public
  • Major: Political Science

Demographic Information

  • City: -
  • State: -
  • Race: -
  • Gender: Woman
  • Under Represented Minority: Yes
  • Non-Traditional Applicant: Yes
  • Years out of Undergrad: 1-2 Years

Extra Curricular Information

Volunteer work - career relevant
Leadership position
Other minor stuff
(approx. stats)

Additional info & updates

1/16 - It's MLK Day and offices are closed, so I wasn't expecting the acceptance email I received from Duke! I was worried because I'd sent all my apps in relatively late, but that non-binding PT is a stress-saver - 7 days later and a decision. (LS Predictor: Weak Consider).

1/23 - Duke acceptance packet came in the mail. Got a lanyard and a little notepad (made from recycled paper) as school swag. *shrug*

1/24 - In at Howard via online checker. $/yr, since not guaranteed :-|

1/24 - In at Emory via snail mail. Another quick decision - which is definitely appreciated. (LS Predictor: Admit)

2/1 - In at WUSTL via email. File under Scholarship Committee review. (LS Predictor: Admit)

2/10 - Busy day...
In at UC Berkeley via phone call. (LS Predictor: Strong Consider).
In at UCLA via phone call from Dean S (LS Predictor: Consider).
Also got a Scholar in Law Award from WUSTL.

2/13 - In at USC via snail mail. (LS Predictor: Strong Consider).

2/17 - In at Georgetown via snail mail. (LS Predictor: Consider).

2/22 - In at Michigan via online checker. Excited, but just when I thought I was going to pick Berkeley... (LS Predictor: Weak Consider).

3/7 - Mixed day...
Georgetown scholarship via email. More than expected.
Duke scholarship letter sent out today in snail mail.
WL at Penn. *Shrug* Prefer Mich. Withdrew. (LS Predictor: Consider).

3/10 - Duke scholarship letter arrived. Same amount as Gtown. Still nothing from UMich :-(. Will wait for the ASW to get a firm impression of Duke and NC.

3/12 - Rejected at UVa. Bummer when you get denied at a school you wouldn't have attended. (LS Predictor: Consider)
The only "gamechanger" left in my cycle is Stanford, once that's final, I can get down to decision-making.

3/14 - WL at Chicago via email. May withdraw. (LS Predictor: Consider).

3/16 - USC scholarship offer via snail mail. Hell of a lot better than UCLA, who only offered a need based grant so far. Will try to negotiate with the latter...

3/24 - Update: Sent email to UCLA to negotiate. Finaid upped by 10k/yr scholly in addition to need-based grant.

4/2 - Michigan scholarship after negotiation. Lowest yet, but better than nothing. Hoping for need-based aid too.

4/3 - In at Cornell via email. Better late than never I suppose...
Withdrew. (LS Predictor: Consider).

4/6 - UCLA and GULC scholarship increases via email. Pleasant, unexpected and unsolicited surprise.

4/9 - WL at NYU via email :-). Withdrew. (LS Predictor: Consider).

4/14 - Withdrew from Berkeley. ASWs make decisions easier. I didn't wait for the matching scholly offer - it would not have mattered.

4/21 - WL at Stanford via snail mail. Disappointed but way better than expected. (LS Predictor: Consider)

5/1 - Withdrew from Gtown. Toughest decision yet. It sickens me to turn down that much money...this is probably the last time before I become a lawyer that I choose happiness over money.

5/9 - Accepted off WL at Chicago today. I just don't know what to do...Jeez, they just threw in some money.

5/23 - Withdrew from Chicago. Just didn't feel the connection.

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Wednesday, February 08 2012 at 07:00 PM

How did you negotiate with financial aid office? Did you include your offers from higher ranked schools? Any advice will be appreciated! Thanks!