bunnygirl921 (2022-2023)
Application Information

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Visitor Comments
Hey! I spoke with a good friend last week who is a current OU law student who told me that the Ad Com has not met yet for the year but will be meeting in the next week. Best of Luck to us both!
I'm a one school applicant as well.
Well, at least TTU has ED. Does OU not have ED? I look at other profiles where people have applied to thirty different schools and already have 12 or 15 acceptances. I don't know how I would even decide!
When and how did you find out???!!!! That means that my fate is coming soon as well. Wish me luck!
I am so JELOUS! I just want to get in Oklahoma and be done with the process. I even already have a place to live. I sent my application to them three weeks after you, so I am somewhere next on the list to find out! p.s. did you tell them to send it to your home, or did they just do it on their own?
And here's to us both getting in!
See you at school!
hey i lost your email... can you send it back to me? i have some ou questions, i.e. football tickets, parking, laptops! let me know.
Hey, I take it you are an OU student... Have you heard anything at all from the College of Law yet. I am nervous too! I go to the other state school. Let me know what happens!