forneims1963 (2020-2021)

Views: 44 User Since: 07/21/22

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What is plagiarism
Checking for uniqueness is a headache for all students. The process of writing a term paper for many turns into a struggle to increase originality, and this kills any desire to learn. To fight plagiarism, you need to know the enemy by sight.

It is impossible to raise the uniqueness or immediately write a unique work if you basically do not understand what plagiarism is and why it is bad. At school, you were probably given essays and reports. How did you make them? The answer is very simple: copy-paste.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that it is difficult for you to write 30 pages of a unique scientific text. For so many years at school, you got used to the fact that this is how any work is “written”: you look for sources (and also incorrectly), then copy the successful pieces, and you get “your” term paper or “your” essay. The process of searching for sources and copying text even begins to feel like a hard one, and only in get instant help from specialists can you quickly and no longer complicate your life. Since no one has ever said that such work is worthless, plagiarism begins to be taken for granted.

80% students at least once allowed the use of plagiarism in their work

What do you need to know? Plagiarism is the most common theft. "Just copy" is always boring. Copying from other people's work seems so time consuming only because at that moment you are not in the flow, and it is very difficult to concentrate on such a task. In fact, writing it yourself is easier and faster than spending hours looking for a normal source of copying and a way to “increase uniqueness”. And yet all these methods do not work for a long time.

Types of plagiarism
To finally figure out how not to do it, let's talk about what types of plagiarism are:
Submitting someone else's work as your own. For example, downloading someone else's work from the "finished work database". The roughest option. What you need to know: such work will never pass the test for uniqueness, and, most likely, will be of extremely poor quality. So, even if you know that the text will not be checked for plagiarism, the delivery of such a “work” can end sadly.

Formation of "own" work from pieces of text of others. At best, water is added to these pieces to make the text at least a little coherent.

Paraphrasing - retelling in your own words. For many, this method is the only way to increase uniqueness. “Paraphrasing” is not such a uniquely “black” way of writing a term paper, but it is acceptable only if the author indicates all links to primary sources, and there is a personal opinion in the course paper. The tightening of the uniqueness check systems limits the use of this method - we will talk about this in this guide.

You will need the art of paraphrasing, but really unique and high-quality works are created differently and this is a long and painstaking work, a flight of fancy and a real awareness of the topic.

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