3.7 GPA, 169 LSAT Statistics

If you want to know what law schools you should be applying to with a 3.7 GPA, 169 LSAT, check out the stats below for similar LSN users:

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Top 10 schools applied to

# School # Applied # Accepted % Accepted
1 U Michigan 23 11 47.8%
2 Georgetown 21 10 47.6%
3 Duke 19 8 42.1%
4 Vanderbilt 15 13 86.7%
5 Penn 14 0 0.0%
6 Texas 14 12 85.7%
7 Northwestern 13 1 7.7%
8 UCLA 13 6 46.2%
9 Berkeley 12 3 25.0%
10 WUSTL 12 10 83.3%

User Statistics

  • Total # of Users: 40
  • Average # of Apps: 9.8
  • % of Applications Accepted: 54.0%
  • % Users accepted by T14 school: 55.0%
  • % Users accepted by Top 50 school(US News): 92.5%

User Profiles

I - International U - URM N - Non Traditional
User Name GPA LSAT URM # of Apps Acceptance Rate Highest Ranking School Accepted Into Law School
Re_Boot 3.67 169 No 18 33% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: Texas Law School Attending: USC
Cudder 3.7 169 No 10 30% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: Vanderbilt Law School Attending: -
*midwest_lvr* 3.69 169 No 9 78% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: Northwestern Law School Attending: WUSTL
Publius456 3.7 169 No 8 25% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: Cornell Law School Attending: -
SLSHopeful2125 U 3.74 169 Yes 22 77% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: Stanford Law School Attending: Stanford
basshead808 3.65 169 No 11 36% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: GW Law School Attending: UGA
NEPIapplicant 3.68 169 No 18 33% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: Cornell Law School Attending: -
mellow519 N 3.67 169 No 12 25% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: U Michigan Law School Attending: -
Mmurphy15 U 3.65 169 Yes 2 50% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: Georgetown Law School Attending: -
j4jacobsen 3.68 169 No 11 55% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: Berkeley Law School Attending: Berkeley
That One Guy 3.65 169 No 13 15% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: U Michigan Law School Attending: -
Jsmoserjr 3.65 169 No 4 50% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: U Michigan Law School Attending: -
gach I U 3.7 169 Yes 16 56% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: Berkeley Law School Attending: U Michigan
plsletmein2022 U 3.7 169 Yes 11 36% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: U Michigan Law School Attending: -
jacotaco 3.69 169 No 9 78% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: Vanderbilt Law School Attending: -
Forevergoldx 3.71 169 No 1 100% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: ASU Law School Attending: -
thirdandlong 3.65 169 No 14 43% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: U Michigan Law School Attending: U Michigan
ZySun I 3.67 169 No 2 50% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: Duke Law School Attending: -
ch444 3.66 169 No 3 100% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: U Michigan Law School Attending: -
jsawyerladylawyer 3.68 169 No 20 65% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: U Michigan Law School Attending: U Michigan
MariSaf U 3.73 169 Yes 3 67% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: Harvard Law School Attending: -
ys8sw 3.7 169 No 3 67% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: U Michigan Law School Attending: -
showmetheBL5 3.67 169 No 11 55% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: Duke Law School Attending: Duke
whynot8 3.69 169 No 17 29% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: Vanderbilt Law School Attending: -
espresso17 U 3.67 169 Yes 7 57% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: Berkeley Law School Attending: -
badlawpuns2020 3.65 169 No 15 53% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: Vanderbilt Law School Attending: WUSTL
levwin 3.66 169 No 2 50% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: Georgetown Law School Attending: -
segrossa 3.7 169 No 3 33% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: ASU Law School Attending: -
mymajorwasamistake 3.71 169 No 11 64% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: U Michigan Law School Attending: U Michigan
geewhizz420 3.67 169 No 20 55% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: U Michigan Law School Attending: -
swimswam97 3.68 169 No 16 19% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: Texas Law School Attending: -
plitvica_123 3.7 169 No 14 21% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: Texas Law School Attending: -
invisible_tape 3.65 169 No 19 16% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: GW Law School Attending: GW
SavvyFrenchGirl 3.74 169 No 3 100% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: Texas Law School Attending: -
rolo18 3.72 169 No 13 23% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: ASU Law School Attending: -
CandyColors193 3.7 169 No 4 25% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: BU Law School Attending: -
bookiezen 3.7 169 No 15 0% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: - Law School Attending: -
LSNumbers12345 3.7 169 No 1 0% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: - Law School Attending: -
PandaEsq 3.74 169 No 3 67% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: GW Law School Attending: -
Linnn2323 3.74 169 No 1 100% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: MSU Law School Attending: -