4.0 GPA, 153 LSAT Statistics

If you want to know what law schools you should be applying to with a 4.0 GPA, 153 LSAT, check out the stats below for similar LSN users:

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Top 10 schools applied to

# School # Applied # Accepted % Accepted
1 U of Alabama 3 2 66.7%
2 Washington 3 1 33.3%
3 IU Bloomington 3 2 66.7%
4 Texas A&M 3 0 0.0%
5 Emory 3 0 0.0%
6 UGA 3 1 33.3%
7 UNC 2 2 100.0%
8 Richmond 2 1 50.0%
9 UC Hastings 2 1 50.0%
10 St. John's 2 0 0.0%

User Statistics

  • Total # of Users: 15
  • Average # of Apps: 7.7
  • % of Applications Accepted: 46.5%
  • % Users accepted by T14 school: 0.0%
  • % Users accepted by Top 50 school(US News): 60.0%

User Profiles

I - International U - URM N - Non Traditional
User Name GPA LSAT URM # of Apps Acceptance Rate Highest Ranking School Accepted Into Law School
lmnc3 3.98 153 No 6 100% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: UNC Law School Attending: -
kp1313 3.95 153 No 2 50% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: UC Hastings Law School Attending: -
Funsterix U N 4.0 153 Yes 6 17% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: New York Law School Attending: New York
lawschool?yes 4.02 153 No 16 38% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: UU Law School Attending: -
pickles19 3.98 153 No 8 38% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: Emory Law School Attending: Emory
savannahlane17 4.0 153 No 3 100% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: U of Alabama Law School Attending: -
ky_mckell 3.96 153 No 10 20% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: Brooklyn Law School Attending: -
magcal89 N 3.98 153 No 11 27% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: UNC Law School Attending: -
Syco_h3r0 U 4.0 153 Yes 1 100% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: Texas Tech Law School Attending: -
mmcon 3.96 153 No 7 14% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: LSU Law School Attending: -
CottonCandyIceCream I N 4.0 153 No 19 16% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: IU Bloomington Law School Attending: IU Bloomington
lawschool7880 3.95 153 No 2 50% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: American Law School Attending: -
vap42 3.99 153 No 11 55% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: Mercer Law School Attending: -
ames111 U 3.97 153 Yes 2 100% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: Washington Law School Attending: -
seekingwisdom N 3.95 153 No 11 45% Highest Ranking School Accepted Into: U of Iowa Law School Attending: -