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50 Most Recently Updated J.D. Profiles

Select cycle(s)
I - International U - URM N - Non Traditional
User Name LSAT GPA Last Updated
John234 U 150 3.0 25 mins
ColombiaMelbet 180 4.0 4 hours
rooaustralia 144 4.0 5 hours
lucianamax N 180 3.3 6 hours
cryptocasinofr 141 4.0 9 hours
originmenuboards N 168 2.5 9 hours
cryptocasino 141 4.0 9 hours
Flighrs 180 3.5 9 hours
dugdales76 I 135 2.3 11 hours
rajni834 156 3.0 11 hours
sanapatel4u 175 4.0 11 hours
carrecoverynetwork 120 3.0 12 hours
MarieBlake I 140 3.5 14 hours
dosew93 120 3.5 15 hours
aroslavaro771 121 4.0 17 hours
Jack321 I U N 150 3.0 21 hours
spinsycasino 141 4.0 23 hours
EllieSmith 179 2.0 23 hours
kubet6dev3 120 3.0 1 day
shufflecasino 141 4.0 1 day
call4Up 160 4.0 1 day
StanleyYates 175 4.0 1 day
jakewillsonjdf 145 3.1 1 day
JacobHarrison 175 2.0 1 day
alexseenalexseen 120 4.0 1 day
DoylesBlackberryInc 155 3.6 1 day
bharat12345 I U N 170 4.0 1 day
cvforjobsuae 180 2.0 1 day
Airofficesinfo 150 4.2 1 day
PatrickJoyce 179 2.0 1 day
emmascott63 180 3.2 1 day
Jakediaz 133 3.5 1 day
Terminalsinfo1 255 2.3 1 day
dpcat24 167 3.8 1 day
Ananttny 168 4.0 1 day
Klupats 140 4.0 1 day
sasaerlober 120 4.0 2 days
xebysy 140 4.0 2 days
ndzunker U N 170 3.61 2 days
rickypat2000 U N 163 3.43 2 days
ErinGough 179 2.0 2 days
Mason1to 141 4.0 2 days
linnc123 128 4.1 2 days
SethHudson 175 4.0 2 days
WILLIAM123 140 4.0 2 days
Theodore 120 4.0 2 days
WhitlyZ 167 2.1 2 days
Julissence 179 2.0 2 days
henthjessica 147 3.0 2 days
abellaroracg 175 3.0 2 days