miriamn (2022-2023)

Views: 2791 User Since: 03/19/06

Application Information

F - Fee Waiver A - Attending W - Withdrawn D - Deferred
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# Law School Status Type $$$ Sent Received Complete Interview Date Decision Updated
Boston University Accepted W Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 03/02/06 Upd: 18 years
Georgetown University Waitlisted W Type: Sent: 10/29/05 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 12/15/05 Upd: 18 years
Northwestern University Waitlisted W Type: Sent: -- Rec: 11/23/06 Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 06/11/20 Upd: 18 years
Duke University Waitlisted W Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: 02/06/06 Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 18 years
New York University WL, Rejected Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: 01/29/06 Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 18 years
University of Pennsylvania WL, Accepted A Type: Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 06/20/06 Upd: 18 years
Columbia University WL, Rejected Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 01/31/06 Upd: 18 years
University of Chicago Waitlisted Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 02/23/06 Upd: 18 years
Harvard University Rejected Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: 02/16/06 Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 18 years
George Washington University Accepted W Type: RA $10,000 Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 02/03/06 Upd: 18 years
Fordham University Accepted W Type: RA $10,000 Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 02/16/06 Upd: 18 years
Washington and Lee University F Accepted W Type: RA $23,000 Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 01/17/06 Upd: 19 years
Boston College Accepted W Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 02/21/06 Upd: 19 years

Applicant Information

  • LSAT: 167
  • LSAT 2: -
  • LSAT 3: -
  • GRE : -
  • LSAC GPA: 3.92
  • Degree GPA: 3.94
  • School Type: Private
  • Major: English & Psychology

Demographic Information

  • City: Washington
  • State: Washington D.C.
  • Race: Caucasian
  • Gender: Woman
  • Non-Traditional Applicant: Yes
  • Years out of Undergrad: -

Extra Curricular Information

-Internships: Senator Dodd (CT), Capitol Hill; DC US Attorney's Office (Grand Jury Division); Department of Justice (Bureau of Justice Assistance); and the DC Superior Court (Domestic Relations Branch)
-Job: GW Writing Center (gotta pay the bills...)
-Phi Sigma Sigma Sorority
-Wrote an Honors Thesis on war poetry and its relation to society
-Studied abroad at Oxford for a year (where I rowed crew...at the giant size of 5'5. I'm not that foolish anymore.)

basically, law school apps and my thesis owned my life this year.

now, however, it's summer - time to sit around and do nothing. :)

Additional info & updates

Just got into Penn Law. Definitely going there, and super excited! :D anyone else going, give me a shout.
Hey All,
just days after a friend (trueib2002, for whom I have a lot of law-school jealousy) showed me this website, i've already decided it may be the death of me. haha. Anyways, I'm mostly interested in Constitutional Law (i know i know, everyone I say that to basically tells me that's not a path I can really pursue. I'm stubborn), Civil Liberties, and Human Rights. Career-wise, I'd love a judicial clerkship, and I'm currently considering either (or both) a position in a medium-sized city firm, or at some place like the ACLU. I'd love to be a judge some day. More to come later...I'm currently shirking at work.

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Thursday, December 15 2005 at 07:00 PM

How did you hear? Email?

BU v. Fordham...
Wednesday, March 08 2006 at 07:00 PM

heya...i'm trying to decide between BU and Fordham...you? Boston is slightly better ranked and cheaper, but apparently has a hideous building...and Fordham is in NYC, and I hear tell they're number 5 in the country for sending graduates to the top 25 firms in the country...not that that would be of particular interest to you apparently...what're you thinking...?

Monday, January 02 2006 at 07:00 PM

hey, you're going to BU for sure in the fall? Congrats. I'll be there too. See you in the fall.

congrats to you too!
Monday, January 02 2006 at 07:00 PM

On Penn! Look forward to seeing you there--looks like we have similar interests =) when were you at Oxford? I have a friend who studied there in 2003, he rowed crew too