wiseowl (2022-2023)

Views: 5979 User Since: 07/03/08

Application Information

F - Fee Waiver A - Attending W - Withdrawn D - Deferred
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# Law School Status Type $$$ Sent Received Complete Interview Date Decision Updated
George Washington University Accepted D W Type: ED Sent: 11/26/08 Rec: 11/27/08 Comp: 12/09/08 Inter: -- Dec: 01/15/09 Upd: 15 years
Wake Forest University Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 12/04/08 Rec: 12/04/08 Comp: 12/10/08 Inter: -- Dec: 12/17/08 Upd: 16 years
Vanderbilt University F Accepted W Type: RA $60,000 Sent: 11/27/08 Rec: 11/27/08 Comp: 12/10/08 Inter: -- Dec: 12/19/08 Upd: 16 years
University of Virginia F Accepted W Type: RA $30,000 Sent: 11/27/08 Rec: 11/27/08 Comp: 12/03/08 Inter: -- Dec: 12/30/08 Upd: 16 years
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Accepted W Type: RA $30,000 Sent: 11/27/08 Rec: 11/27/08 Comp: 02/07/09 Inter: -- Dec: 02/13/09 Upd: 16 years
University of Georgia F Accepted W Type: RA $8,425 Sent: 11/27/08 Rec: 11/27/08 Comp: 12/05/08 Inter: -- Dec: 12/15/08 Upd: 16 years
Georgetown University Accepted W Type: RA $15,000 Sent: 11/27/08 Rec: 11/28/08 Comp: 12/04/08 Inter: -- Dec: 12/22/08 Upd: 16 years
George Mason University F Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 11/27/08 Rec: 12/01/08 Comp: 12/05/08 Inter: -- Dec: 01/09/09 Upd: 16 years
Emory University Accepted W Type: RA $135,000 Sent: 11/27/08 Rec: 11/27/08 Comp: 01/08/09 Inter: -- Dec: 01/24/09 Upd: 16 years
Duke University Accepted A Type: RA $54,000 Sent: 11/27/08 Rec: 11/28/08 Comp: 12/10/08 Inter: -- Dec: 01/19/09 Upd: 16 years
Columbia University F Waitlisted W Type: RA Sent: 11/27/08 Rec: 12/01/08 Comp: 12/16/08 Inter: -- Dec: 02/02/09 Upd: 16 years

Applicant Information

  • LSAT: 170
  • LSAT 2: -
  • LSAT 3: -
  • GRE : -
  • LSAC GPA: 3.62
  • Degree GPA: -
  • School Type: Public
  • Major: -

Demographic Information

  • City: -
  • State: North Carolina
  • Race: -
  • Gender: Man
  • Non-Traditional Applicant: Yes
  • Years out of Undergrad: 5-9 Years

Extra Curricular Information

Eagle Scout

Full named scholarship to undergrad

Biology PhD

Worked 15-20 hours per week for all of undergrad and most of grad school

Undergrad Assistant Chief Justice

Graduate Senator

Graduate Student Government Chief of Staff

Graduate Representative to Student Congress

Volunteer Coordinator, Obama for President

Kaplan teacher/tutor

Nine summers of biomedical research

Study abroad, Oxford

Additional info & updates

Short version:

BME and history double major undergrad
Bio PhD
Decent but not stellar extracurriculars (see left)

Results: Got in everywhere I applied but Columbia (and wouldn't have gone there anyway). Applied ED to GW to try to get full ride and didn't get it. Apply early. Don't sell yourself short. I didn't think I had T14 numbers and got into several without much problem, and was also offered a full scholarship stipend at a T20. Nice choices to have.

My "final four" were Duke with 54k, UVA OOS with 30k, UNC in-state with 30k, and Emory Woodruff Fellowship. It was a very hard decision but in the end I went with Duke.

Long version:

I am finishing a science PhD program sometime in the spring.
I am married. My wife has a job that she can get in most cities.
I am from the South and would like to return/practice here.
I am definitely doing patent law.

10-8-08 Went back to undergrad alma mater to get 2 recommenders. Both were surprised at law school decision but both were enthusiastic. Current PhD advisor says he will get to it eventually but that I am 10th in line for letters.

10-29-08 First undergrad LOR in!

11-12-08 I had sinus surgery today. Will be loopy and on my back for a while, but this gives me a chance to finish apps.

11-17-08 I return to work, boss says he will do LOR this weekend. I surreptitously steal the file folder from his desk and change my instructions to him to fax rather than mail to LSAC. I'm also going to have him be my Emory Woodruff letter.

11-24-08 Boss's letter shows up after faxing it the day before! I've got two letters in, still waiting for the third. I decide it's time to go ahead and submit.

11-25-08 Laptop dies. Ruh-roh. Fortunately I had uploaded most essays into LSAC already, but my Why Penn, NYU scholarship and Wake Forest optional essays are trapped in hard drive recovery limbo. I'll try to extract those in the next few days.

11-26-08 Around midnight after my wife is asleep and I'm up with a post-op nosebleed I go ahead and submit GW, my first app and my ED hope. The others that I am able to do follow.

11-27-08 I notice GW and UNC automatically request LSAC reports.

11-30-08 Everyone has requested reports now except Columbia and George Mason. Still need to get the three outstanding apps done, and get my Vandy Law Scholars questions done. Sure would be nice if my 3rd rec showed up someday...

12-03-08 Complete at UVA by email. First completion!

12-04-08 Got some of the junk off my hard drive and sent in Wake Forest. I'll try to get NYU and Penn by the weekend.

12-15-08 I'm at a conference but my wife says a large envelope arrived from Georgia! First acceptance! My third LOR is still AWOL so maybe that's preventing some others.

12-16-08 Georgia scholarship email - I got the resident tuition for one semester deal that they talked about at the LSAC forum. Kinda wanted a little more there, maybe we will wait and see.

12-17-08 In at Wake Forest via large first class envelope. Scholarship to follow later. My mom calls and says UGA has sent a letter to their house trying to get me to come. Weird.

12-20-08 Third LOR arrives! Hooray! Now I am really complete, other than the Vanderbilt Law Scholars.

12-22-08 Decided not to apply to Penn and NYU. I've waited too long by now, and I can't see myself at either place anyway. Also, Vanderbilt's status checker went to decision! Update 6 PM: GULC went to decision too!

12-23-08 In at Vandy!

12-26-08 In at GULC! It's almost hard to get excited about these acceptances because I haven't heard one way or the other from GW. Hint Hint!

12-30-08 In at UVA by phone! Nice gift while traveling to my alma mater's bowl game!

01-08-09 Finally complete at Emory - not an unexpected delay as this was the only app that depended on my third LOR.

01-09-09 In at George Mason by phone call.

01-15-09 Finally, mercifully deferred at GW for ED and accepted RD at the same time. Now all the options are opened!

01-17-09 Receive full George Mason packet in the mail.

01-19-09 In at Duke by email!! Really wanted this one.

01-20-09 Receive full GW packet and a GULC info book in the mail.

01-24-09 In at Emory by snail mail - large yellow portfolio. Didn't get the phone call like some people but still glad to be in. Will wait and see on the Woodruff.

02-02-09 WL, or "first reserved" at Columbia. Honestly, I'm flattered to have even gotten this far. But I can't wait until May for a decision and I can't pay sticker to Columbia, so farewell fair Lions.

02-07-09 Finally complete at UNC, 10 weeks after submission.

02-13-09 In at UNC by email! Heard from everyone now - now we just need to hear about $$$.

02-19-09 Scholarship at Emory, first noted on the online OPUS system then confirmed with a snail mail two days later.

02-25-09 Scholarship at GULC by email

02-28-09 Scholarship at Vanderbilt by snail mail

03-02-09 Received call that I am a Woodruff finalist at Emory!

03-12-09 Wake invites me to write an essay for a $60k scholarship. Nice gesture.

03-14-09 Scholarship at Duke by snail mail.

03-25-09 Scholarship at UVA by snail mail.

03-28-09 Woodruff finalist interview in Atlanta

03-29-09 Notified that I was a Woodruff, given 48 hrs to decide

03-30-09 Scholarship at UNC by email.

04-01-09 Asked Duke for a bit more money, they did so. Decided on Duke, declined Woodruff. Cycle over.

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Monday, June 23 2008 at 08:00 PM

Good Luck from a fellow PhDer!

Wednesday, July 16 2008 at 08:00 PM

Why hello there!

Wednesday, July 16 2008 at 08:00 PM

hope you're doing well! i'm missing you and C - we'll have to go out soon!

Saturday, May 10 2008 at 08:00 PM

Congrats on getting more money out of DUKE- whew, aren't you glad this hot mess is behind us? I see you listed your Emory $$$ as 135,000. I'll need to amend my estimation on my profile... every thousand counts, in the opinion of this poor person. Anyway, I was glad to meet you, particularly because it meant I was not the only nominee who was familiar with TAB. Juveniles.
