2ndCareer (2019-2020)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
#3 | Penn State University (Dickinson) | Accepted A | Type: RA | $157,578 | Sent: 11/27/19 | Rec: 11/27/19 | Comp: 11/28/19 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/18/19 | Upd: 5 years | |
#1 | Wake Forest University | Pending W | Type: | Sent: 11/22/19 | Rec: 11/22/19 | Comp: 11/25/19 | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 5 years | ||
#2 | University of Iowa | Pending W | Type: RA | Sent: 11/22/19 | Rec: 11/22/19 | Comp: 11/25/19 | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 5 years | ||
#2 | University of Arizona F | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 12/08/19 | Rec: 12/09/19 | Comp: 12/11/19 | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 5 years | ||
#1 | Washington and Lee University F | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 01/26/20 | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/20/20 | Upd: 5 years | ||
#3 | Temple University | Accepted W | Type: RA | $52,500 | Sent: 12/01/19 | Rec: 12/01/19 | Comp: 12/02/19 | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/06/20 | Upd: 5 years | |
#3 | University of Richmond F | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 01/26/20 | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/25/20 | Upd: 5 years | ||
#5 | Arizona State University F | Accepted W | Type: ED | $80,000 | Sent: 11/22/19 | Rec: 11/22/19 | Comp: 11/25/19 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/17/19 | Upd: 5 years | |
#5 | University of Nebraska Lincoln F | Accepted W | Type: | $82,000 | Sent: 11/22/19 | Rec: 11/22/19 | Comp: 11/25/19 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/06/19 | Upd: 5 years | |
#5 | University of Montana F | Rejected | Type: | Sent: 11/22/19 | Rec: 11/22/19 | Comp: 11/22/19 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/19/19 | Upd: 5 years |
Visitor Comments
Accepted and given scholarship info via email $135k leaves about $5k per year tuition. I hope to be able to negotiate up to a full ride. Not sure how to do that except wait for a few more offers to come in and then email a request to be reconsidered in light of other scholarship offers.
Rejected by my own home state. Thats gotta be yield protection - to be rejected by the #117 school and accepted with almost a full ride from the #61 within 24 hours. Im betting they just didnt have enough scholarship money to reasonably believe I would take any offer they gave.
Accepted via email /w scholarship of less than half tuition Will negotiate.
Penn State Dickinson offered a full scholarship and "Dean's Fellowship" (extra $5K in 1L year) via email. I sent this over to Penn State @ State college to see if they would up me from $5k a year to full tuition. Will try to negotiate up to a Full tuition + fees and books at Dickinson, 44% of their class is on a "more than full tuition" scholarship. I withdrew my app at Nebraska after this offer, hopefully someone else can get that scholarship money.
Had a pleasant mostly non business "negotiation" with Penn State @ State College and they upped me to full tuition. So now i have full tuition at both Dickinson, and State College.
Tried to renegotiate scholarships with ASU (They have a web form you fill out). I could not get an increase, so i withdrew. Their offer was $80k if accepted by march 1st. I expected this outcome, but it was completely free to apply (No LSAC fee, no School fee), so why not.
I see you added a few schools! I was WL at Richmond and Reject at W&L, you should get it!
How are you approaching negotiating for scholarships? Have you used any methods that were more effective than others?
On Waitlist at U AZ and Washington and Lee. I was clear with both these schools that it had to be either full tuition or very close for me to even consider it, so i suspect that has something to do with being waitlisted. Bonus of already having a full tuition scholarship in my pocket is im happy playing take it or leave it with anyone else. Penn State is a great school.
Great School, great offer. Hoping to beat the rush and find good quiet housing somewhere near-ish to campus.
I'd like to extend a sincere thank you for suggesting I apply to UVA. I was waitlisted today and it is my first T14 non-rejection. Going to ride it out! :)
Nebraska Called me to make offer with scholarship offer at the same time, told this would leave me paying $10k a year. Nebraska really is a hidden gem, some of you folks should take a look at, i think they are so low on the rankings simply because no one wants to move to Nebraska, they have some great teachers.