afe (2017-2018)

Views: 1346 User Since: 03/13/18

Application Information

F - Fee Waiver A - Attending W - Withdrawn D - Deferred
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# Law School Status Type $$$ Sent Received Complete Interview Date Decision Updated
#4 University of Denver F Waitlisted W Type: RA Sent: 03/13/18 Rec: 03/14/18 Comp: 03/14/18 Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 7 years
#1 University of North Carolina Chapel Hill F Accepted A Type: RA $36,000 Sent: 03/13/18 Rec: 03/13/18 Comp: 03/13/18 Inter: -- Dec: 04/13/18 Upd: 7 years
#6 Brooklyn Law School F Accepted W Type: RA $75,000 Sent: 03/13/18 Rec: 03/14/18 Comp: 03/14/18 Inter: -- Dec: 04/06/18 Upd: 7 years
#5 Lewis and Clark College F Accepted W Type: RA $54,000 Sent: 03/13/18 Rec: 03/13/18 Comp: 03/13/18 Inter: -- Dec: 04/06/18 Upd: 7 years
#5 Stetson University F Accepted W Type: RA $57,000 Sent: 03/13/18 Rec: 03/14/18 Comp: 03/14/18 Inter: -- Dec: 03/27/18 Upd: 7 years
#1 Washington and Lee University F Rejected Type: RA Sent: 03/15/18 Rec: 03/15/18 Comp: 04/20/18 Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 7 years
#4 University of Florida F Waitlisted W Type: RA Sent: 03/13/18 Rec: 03/14/18 Comp: 03/14/18 Inter: -- Dec: 04/18/18 Upd: 7 years
#1 Wake Forest University F Rejected Type: RA Sent: 03/13/18 Rec: 03/13/18 Comp: 03/13/18 Inter: -- Dec: 04/09/18 Upd: 7 years
#3 Florida State University F Rejected Type: RA Sent: 03/13/18 Rec: 03/14/18 Comp: 03/14/18 Inter: -- Dec: 04/06/18 Upd: 7 years
#2 University of Colorado Boulder F Waitlisted W Type: RA Sent: 03/13/18 Rec: 03/13/18 Comp: 03/13/18 Inter: -- Dec: 04/04/18 Upd: 7 years
#5 University of Miami F Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 03/13/18 Rec: 03/14/18 Comp: 03/14/18 Inter: -- Dec: 03/14/18 Upd: 7 years

Applicant Information

  • LSAT: 156
  • LSAT 2: -
  • LSAT 3: -
  • GRE : -
  • LSAC GPA: 3.56
  • Degree GPA: 3.48
  • School Type: Big Public
  • Major: Political Science/Literature

Demographic Information

  • City: -
  • State: Florida
  • Race: Hispanic
  • Gender: Woman
  • Non-Traditional Applicant: Yes
  • Years out of Undergrad: In Undergrad

Extra Curricular Information

- About eight internships
-Membership in around 5 local/university organizations
- 500 hours of community service
- GPA was much higher until I had a disastrous semester in which I struggled with medical issues, I included a GPA addendum but idk if that has any impact. It should go up to 3.62 after the Spring, and end in 3.67 when I graduate in the Summer.
- Minority/Immigrant & low-income applicant
- Graduating with a dual degree (two majors & two minors) and an undergraduate certificate after 3 years in college.

Additional info & updates

Applying late because after LSAT (score was substantially lower than my prep tests) I decided to work for a few years before applying. Decided to try this cycle though, so we'll see what happens. Applying to quite a few safety schools with the intent to transfer after 1L. Wish me luck!

Scholarships for all 3 years.

- UM
- Visited application checker to see if I was
missing any documents, was surprised with a
"Congratulations!". Excited that at the very
least I know I'm going to law school now!
Waiting to see if there are any scholarships
coming. Deposit required by 04/13 if I want to
save the seat.

- Stetson via status checker and got the email a few hours later.

- Colorado Priority WL

- On hold at UF (04/17)

- Ecstatic with my UNC acceptance and $, I'm definitely open to staying in the region long term and the visit was very successful. No longer planning to transfer, looking forward to in state tuition!

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Friday, March 09 2018 at 11:19 AM

Congrats on your speedy acceptance to UM!! Fingers crossed for the rest of the applications and scholarship offers! Looks like we're on the same boat with scores and schools we want to get into! Rooting for you!! - fellow nole to nole! :)