kp561 (2018-2019)

Views: 1092 User Since: 03/09/18

Application Information

F - Fee Waiver A - Attending W - Withdrawn D - Deferred
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# Law School Status Type $$$ Sent Received Complete Interview Date Decision Updated
Fordham University Waitlisted Type: RA Sent: 03/20/18 Rec: 03/21/18 Comp: 03/23/18 Inter: -- Dec: 05/10/18 Upd: 7 years
Florida State University F Accepted A Type: RA $15,483 Sent: 03/12/18 Rec: 03/13/18 Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 04/16/18 Upd: 7 years
Stetson University Accepted W Type: RA $63,000 Sent: 03/15/18 Rec: 03/15/18 Comp: 03/26/18 Inter: -- Dec: 04/04/18 Upd: 7 years
University of Florida Waitlisted Type: Sent: 03/12/18 Rec: 03/13/18 Comp: 03/13/18 Inter: -- Dec: 04/17/18 Upd: 7 years
University of Miami F Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 03/15/18 Rec: 03/15/18 Comp: 03/15/18 Inter: -- Dec: 03/16/18 Upd: 7 years

Applicant Information

  • LSAT: 155
  • LSAT 2: -
  • LSAT 3: -
  • GRE : -
  • LSAC GPA: 3.81
  • Degree GPA: 3.89
  • School Type: Florida State University
  • Major: Poli-Sci/International affairs

Demographic Information

  • City: -
  • State: Florida
  • Race: Hispanic
  • Gender: Woman
  • Under Represented Minority: Yes
  • Non-Traditional Applicant: Yes
  • Years out of Undergrad: -

Extra Curricular Information

-Graduated Magna Cum Laude at FSU December 2017 (three and a half years)
-Intern paralegal at personal injury law firm straight out of college
-T.A. for law professor in college
-Intern at Florida Democratic Party in college
-First generation college student
-First generation American
-Compelling Personal statement
-3 LOR: Attorney/Boss, Professor, Professor.
-Spanish speaker

I applied very late in the cycle because I was very insecure about my low LSAT score. Now I regret taking so long to apply because I never retook the test anyways. crossing my fingers and hoping my high GPA will be enough to get me in.

Additional info & updates

UF is my number one school of preference.

FSU is second school of preference since I have already lived in Tallahassee for undergrad & know the area.

Fordham is kind of a reach but I will hate myself for not at least applying.

Stetson is my favorite location of all schools -- only worth it if offered a decent scholarship.

University of Miami is my backup school since the cost of living in Miami is extremely expensive and I was not offered any scholarships

**I wish I knew I could've simply emailed the admissions council and asked for a fee waiver, I would've saved a ton of money. I asked for one from stetson and they gave it to me immediately. I recommend asking! It doesn't hurt to try***

UPDATE: Also I just learned that being Dominican might not classify me as an under represented minority??? If anyone knows anything about that leave a comment or message me because I'm so confused and different websites say different things. Both my parents are immigrants from the D.R. I assumed I'd be classified as underrepresented.


-3/16/17 received an email from UM with acceptance letter a day after applying!! Its official, I'm going to law school! fingers crossed the rest come back with the same good news
-update: Screw Miami. I got accepted and almost everyday since then they have sent me a warning to pay $500 or they will be revoking my seat. Not very appealing. Especially since I wasn't offered any scholarships despite being more than qualified for their school. I called asking if there were any options for me regarding scholarships and if I could be reconsidered, and they flat out told me no without even looking at my stats. Withdrawing and never looking back.

4/4/18 recieved an email from stetson with 63k scholarship for all 3 years total (21k a year) ! Really excited because I was nervous about not being able to afford UM because its private and I wasnt offered money. Now I can sleep easy knowing I WILL go to law school and wont drown in triple the amount of debt! still waiting on the rest!

-4/16/18 FSU ACCEPTED ME VIA VOICEMAIL WITH SCHOLARSHIP! God what a relief. They told me scholarship will be included in package sent through mail so I dont know how much I was offered yet, but I am SO happy! Being an FSU alumna, this decision was the one weighing the most on me. SO FAR, IM GOING BACK TO TALLAHASSEE! Crossing my fingers that UF is as nice to me despite my low LSAT and late application.
-4/19/18 scholarship came in the mail today! $15,483 for all three years. I was hoping for more but at this point I'm just happy I was accepted. Did anyone else see the recent FL Bar passage stats? FSU did amazing compared to UF! Definitely makes me feel better about being waitlisted. This could be for the best.
-4/24/18 Paid seat deposit. Going back to FSU!

4/17/18 - UF put my application on hold.
-4/18/18 officially wait-listed.

-5/10/18 Waitlisted at Fordham, but I was expecting a flat out rejection so this was not bad news at all! Committed to FSU anyways so I'm not complaining.

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Good luck from a fellow Nole!
Tuesday, March 13 2018 at 09:02 AM

I hope you have good luck this cycle! I too applied too late bc of my LSAT. I decided that if I dont get any $$ this cycle though Ill retake in September. I graduate in August so it might be better to wait a year anyway. Sending good vibes your way

RE: afe
Friday, March 09 2018 at 11:19 AM

Ahh thank you so much! I just graduated in December so there's no excuse as to why I applied so late. I'm just so afraid of failure, I wanted my applications to be perfect and I ended up hurting myself more by waiting. Best of luck to you!! From the other users I keep on my watchlist with similar scores we should have a good chance!! :) (fingers crossed)

Wednesday, September 06 2017 at 10:25 PM

1. I was put on hold at UF for over a month, its quite common that they do that actually but looking at your stats you should have a good chance of acceptance although I did hear they are limiting their class size down this year (take that for what its worth), I only say that because that's probably why you didn't get accepted right away. 2. It is unclear as far as the URM for Domincan people as I too heard that they are often times required to apply as Caucasian. Honestly, I would just apply as Hispanic because you definitely should be a URM. Or if anything I would ask the schools but I'm guessing its too late now. 3. Goodluck on you cycle as well ! Hopefully you end up at UF!