datbruva (2022-2023)

Views: 5508 User Since: 11/10/08

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# Law School Status Type $$$ Sent Received Complete Interview Date Decision Updated
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Applicant Information

  • LSAT: 140
  • LSAT 2: -
  • LSAT 3: -
  • GRE : -
  • LSAC GPA: 4.0
  • Degree GPA: 4.0
  • School Type: Technical trade/University
  • Major: Telecommunications

Demographic Information

  • City: Fort Worth
  • State: Texas
  • Race: African-American
  • Gender: Man
  • Under Represented Minority: Yes
  • Non-Traditional Applicant: Yes
  • Years out of Undergrad: 10+ Years

Extra Curricular Information

10 Years of experience in the Information Technology /Telecommunications Management.
Managed I.T. business intelligence and contractual compliance for 4 Technology leading corporations.
Provides low to no cost computer & tech services for elderly and economically disadvantaged (low cost systems for job & skills enhancement)
Currently completed Graduate School with a Master of Arts in Procurement & Acquisitions.

Additional info & updates

Just looking to see where I sit among the "competition" but I wish everyone well and prosper as we get though the application/selection process. I'm open for any questions & comments. I'm 30 years old, attempting to obtain my JD from a good quality institution.

-During October -November, polished up my personal statement & sent a applications to law schools one per week (depending on Tier level) Berkeley & Georgetown... I call these my shot in the dark schools.
Aiming to gain acceptance in to George Washington, it would be nice to finally leave Texas.Denver, Seattle & Univ. of Pacific are hopefully my "sure fire" schools... well at least I hope.

-Took the Dec 6th, 2008 LSAT... Now I'm waiting on pins & needles for my score. Hoping for a least a 165 or better. The test wasn't as bad as I thought.
I've never been through a process that can be so grueling and nerve-wrecking like this one has been, but I must admit, it's been interesting and hopefully rewarding.

Update: 12/18/ 2008
Found out there's a new law school opening up this fall U.C. Irvine. It's a shot in the dark , but it should hail in comparison to U.C. Berkeley & Georgetown's caliber.

Update: 12/29/2008
I was hoping that LSAC would have presented LSAT scores by now.... So I'm still waiting.

Update: 12/31/2008:
Didn't do as well on the LSAT.. In fact I bombed it...
Now I'm currently trying to figure out what's next.. Hopefully, I will be able to find some way to prepare for the LSAT better, but my applications are already out and I was so sure of myself. I couldn't afford to go to LSAT prep course due to the economic downturn. I still want to be a "lawyer" just, not quite sure how to go about it. I'm not going to give up I will try other avenues.

Update: 01/09/2009
First--- Happy New Year !
To all who commented... Thanks... and good luck on all of your cycles... I hope to see Fall 2009 1L Class soon. Well at least I'm keeping my spirits up I have registered for the Feb 2009 LSAT hoping to improve on this score... By the way .."Yes, I'm studying."
So hopefully "all" isn't lost.

Update: 01/14/2009
Applications are still being reviewed, there's no denial or wait list correspondence as of yet. Maybe my business experiences is whats keeping me in the running...This wait game is tough though.Spent a lot of my time looking up admissions information regarding "High GPA & Low LSAT" so I could gauge my likelihood of admittance to law school. I Hope everyone's cycle goes well, I will still be here waiting on that admissions letter from a special institution.

Update: 01/28/2009
Sent letters to all law schools that I applied to delay reviewing my law school application until Feb. 7th LSAT, I do not know if this will work but it's work a shot... I've only been denied by one school this cycle, but it seems like I'm still in the running for 1L spot everywhere else I have applied.

Update: 02/07/2009
Well, I took a 2nd attempt at the LSAT and this time I feel that this score will have substantial variation from the last. ( Well I Hope...) Testing went so smooth I forgot it was the LSAT. Finally, the pressure is off and now I'm waiting for some positive feedback... For everyone else to took the Feb LSAT good luck....

Update: 02/19/2009
Just found out that Feb LSAT scores will be released on March 2nd, and I will still be waiting in anticipation for my score until then. Since, the economy is in really in bad shape, it's been hard to maintain my confidence throughout this law school admission cycle. Still hoping to better my law school chances.

Update:: 05/26/2009 Well for all of those out there who supported me in this forum, your support and advice was greatly appreciated. Well, I Have been rejected by all schools due to my poor LSAT scores from Dec '08 & Feb'08. I figured that my professional and academic experiences & accomplishments throughout my career would help me gain admission somewhere... but that was not the case here. To all of those who obtained admission to law school, I wish all of you good luck and I hope your law school experience is rewarding...

Jan 22nd 2011

Thinking about trying the law school admissions process again... This time, I'm thinking new plan huh?
Any comments are greatly appreciated.

July 25th 2011

So now I have finally made up my mind. I really, really still wanna go to law school. I'm too late for 2011, but I will be definitely be in the running in 2012.. Hey, that sounds like a political slogan. :) Anyone have any suggestions on a decent prep course?? Because I surely do need it. Anyway, again I appreciate all of your comments while I'm going through this rigorous process again. At least this time I have learned to start earlier and to prepare better. I have narrow down my scope a little bit better as well.. My focus is all about public interest law and how certain things need to change. This is what I'm going to use to be my driving force.

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Good luck
Friday, December 19 2008 at 07:00 PM

Not sure if you are listing all the schools to which you've applied (I didn't), but I would broaden the base, as in apply to more t-14's, unless you have a serious geographic preference. Good luck bro!

Best Wishes
Monday, November 10 2008 at 07:00 PM

Don't worry 'bout your LSAT. I was able to afford the Kaplan course and still wasn't too happy with my score. I think the LSAT is the American version of the Chinese water torture. I only have 1 school I can apply to and that's Baltimore. Let me know what happens with them. I'm still waiting for verification that they've received my app. I wish you all the best.

Monday, December 01 2008 at 07:00 PM

Good luck on this cycle. I admire your ambition and your determination. What is your first choice? In terms of Syracuse, did you apply full time or part time?

Monday, November 10 2008 at 07:00 PM

Thanks for your thoughts, I very much appreciate it. Best wishes to you as well. I finally got my user ID and PW and confirmation that my app is complete. Hopefully, it won't be too long now. Good luck to you.

Friday, December 19 2008 at 07:00 PM

Are you retaking the LSAT? With your GPA, it would be a shame not to. Check out when the schools you applied to begin the fall semester, as alot I have come across start in August, which might be a conflict for you finishing your MBA in September??

Wednesday, August 13 2008 at 08:00 PM

Fellow GWU fan here too. I applied for ED and didnt get in but now am on hold for regular decision.. so im crossing my fingers for both of us!

hey there.
Monday, December 01 2008 at 07:00 PM

How did the Feb LSAT go? How are you doing?

Thursday, June 25 2009 at 08:00 PM

The LSAT is really really important my friend. Do well on the LSAT and you'll get in to all the schools you applied to. Did you go to a trade school or did you complete your Bachelors? Good luck to you friend.