dl1227 (2022-2023)
Application Information

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Visitor Comments
Congrats on Cal Western. I am still holding out for USD but who knows where I will end up at this point. I would really like more money from Cal Western but oh well. As far as places to live don't live south of the 94 or East of the 15 freeways (I would say 805 too). If you can afford housing downtown I would say do that as I think Cal Western has a parking issue. Not 100% on that though. I live in Pacific Beach/Crown Point and can walk to the beach and the bay. Well worth the extra money. Cal Western places really well down here so congrats!
If I do decide to go to Cal Western I will definitely be doing the Summer Start program. Maybe I will see you there!
Thank you so much for your comment! I wish I got some mula from Cal Western.... but again I'm really happy that I got accepted too. I dont know where I'm going to go just yet bc I'm waiting for a couple more schools to respond... they are so slow! Congrats on your acceptance as well!!
Hey, It's good to see I am not the only inpatient person out there! The unknown is about to drive me crazy. I called a few days after my application went complete and the lady said it would be about three weeks and I am enter the third week, so I have my fingers crossed that this is the week! Did you indicate on your application that you were taking the Feb LSAT? I ask because all of the schools waited for my Dec. retake before they made a decision and may be the reason for the slow response. I am really excited about the prospect of going to Cal Western. I think it will come down to finances and whether I get a scholarship or not. San Diego would be amazing and is probably my most "realistic" option out of state, but the school is expensive! Yeah same here maybe we can keep each other updated on Cal Western info haha! Have you been to SD before? Good Luck to you as well!