flt981 (2018-2019)

Views: 548 User Since: 11/07/18

Application Information

F - Fee Waiver A - Attending W - Withdrawn D - Deferred
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# Law School Status Type $$$ Sent Received Complete Interview Date Decision Updated
University of Oklahoma F Accepted W Type: $48,000 Sent: 11/07/18 Rec: 11/07/18 Comp: 11/14/18 Inter: -- Dec: 11/15/18 Upd: 6 years
Oklahoma City University F Accepted W Type: $106,020 Sent: 11/07/18 Rec: 11/08/18 Comp: 11/09/18 Inter: -- Dec: 11/28/18 Upd: 6 years
Texas A&M University School of Law F Accepted W Type: $93,000 Sent: 11/07/18 Rec: 11/08/18 Comp: 11/15/18 Inter: -- Dec: 12/20/18 Upd: 6 years
University of Houston F Accepted W Type: ED $64,500 Sent: 11/07/18 Rec: 11/16/18 Comp: 11/16/18 Inter: -- Dec: 01/04/19 Upd: 6 years
University of Maryland F Accepted W Type: RA $114,000 Sent: 12/13/18 Rec: 12/17/18 Comp: 12/17/18 Inter: -- Dec: 01/03/19 Upd: 6 years
St. Mary's University F Accepted A Type: $66,000 Sent: 11/06/18 Rec: 11/07/18 Comp: 11/08/18 Inter: -- Dec: 11/08/18 Upd: 6 years

Applicant Information

  • LSAT: 161
  • LSAT 2: -
  • LSAT 3: -
  • GRE : -
  • LSAC GPA: 3.67
  • Degree GPA: 3.83
  • School Type: University of Texas at San Ant
  • Major: Marketing

Demographic Information

  • City: San Antonio
  • State: Texas
  • Race: -
  • Gender: Woman
  • Non-Traditional Applicant: Yes
  • Years out of Undergrad: In Undergrad

Extra Curricular Information

Distinguished Business Student- top 1.5% of the College of Business
Summer Law Program

Additional info & updates

-11/06 Sent application to St. Mary's
-11/07 Sent applications to OU, OKC, U of H, and TAMU
-11/08 Meet with the Dean of Admissions at St Mary's. Offered Admission on the spot.
-11/15 Phone interview with OU. Called a few hours afterwards with acceptance.
-11/26 Phone call acceptance to OKC with full ride Dean's Scholarship.
-11/28 Acceptance letter from OU came in the mail with $48,000 scholarship offer
-12/03 St. Mary's acceptance email. Official Letter to come in mail with scholarship information.
-12/04 Acceptance Letter from OKC came in the mail with full ride Dean's Scholarship.
-12/13 Sent application to Maryland
-12/20 Got accepted by TAMU over the phone and offered a full ride. Also got email acceptance with official scholarship offer.
-12/24 Official letter came in the mail from TAMU
-01/03 Email acceptance from Maryland. Official letter to be mailed on 01/07
-01/04 Email acceptance from U of H.
-01/11 Official acceptance letter from U of H came in the mail. No scholarship info yet.
-01/12 Official acceptance letter from St. Mary's came in the mail. Initial scholarship offer of $54,000.
-01/22 Scholarship offer of $64,500 from U of H came via email.
-01/31 Scholarship offer of $114,000 from Maryland came via email.
-02/19 Received email from St. Mary's with a Fellowship offer and an increased scholarship of $60,000
-4/11 Email from St. Mary's with a scholarship increase. Total Scholarship is now $66,000

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Wednesday, December 05 2018 at 03:10 PM

How did you find out about OU and your scholarship? Did you get an email/call? We have similar credentials and I'd love a scholarship like yours!

OU Acceptance/Scholarship
Monday, May 14 2018 at 06:06 PM

I reached out a few days after they received my application and asked a question about setting up an interview. I was contacted within a few days about setting up a phone interview. I did the interview as soon as I could and about two hours after the interview they called to let me know I was accepted. The scholarship information came about two weeks later in the mail with my official acceptance letter. Hope that's helpful!

Wednesday, December 05 2018 at 03:10 PM

I did an in-person interview back when I first submitted my application, but haven't heard yet. They said sometime mid-December (which is like, NOW). Congrats to you!! I'm excited for both of us!