nate3869redux (2018-2019)

Views: 3368 User Since: 06/07/16

Application Information

F - Fee Waiver A - Attending W - Withdrawn D - Deferred
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# Law School Status Type $$$ Sent Received Complete Interview Date Decision Updated
Harvard University WL, Rejected Type: RA Sent: 09/15/18 Rec: 09/17/18 Comp: 09/27/18 Inter: -- Dec: 03/25/19 Upd: 5 years
Duke University F Waitlisted W Type: SP Sent: 09/12/18 Rec: 09/13/18 Comp: 09/13/18 Inter: -- Dec: 09/23/18 Upd: 6 years
Columbia University Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 09/13/18 Rec: 09/14/18 Comp: 09/21/18 Inter: -- Dec: 02/11/19 Upd: 6 years
University of Texas Austin Accepted W Type: RA $53,468 Sent: 09/13/18 Rec: 09/14/18 Comp: 09/25/18 Inter: -- Dec: 01/14/19 Upd: 6 years
Northwestern University Accepted W Type: RA $75,000 Sent: 09/11/18 Rec: 09/12/18 Comp: 09/19/18 Inter: -- Dec: 12/18/18 Upd: 6 years
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill F Accepted A Type: RA $72,516 Sent: 10/07/18 Rec: 10/12/18 Comp: 10/31/18 Inter: -- Dec: 12/21/18 Upd: 6 years
University of Georgia F Accepted W Type: RA $85,314 Sent: 09/14/18 Rec: 09/14/18 Comp: 09/14/18 Inter: -- Dec: 09/20/18 Upd: 6 years
Georgetown University Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 09/19/18 Rec: 09/20/18 Comp: 09/20/18 Inter: -- Dec: 10/19/18 Upd: 6 years
Emory University F Waitlisted W Type: RA Sent: 08/29/18 Rec: 08/30/18 Comp: 09/13/18 Inter: -- Dec: 03/18/19 Upd: 6 years
University of Chicago Rejected Type: RA Sent: 09/12/18 Rec: 09/13/18 Comp: 09/14/18 Inter: -- Dec: 02/15/19 Upd: 6 years
George Washington University F Waitlisted W Type: RA Sent: 09/09/18 Rec: 09/10/18 Comp: 09/10/18 Inter: -- Dec: 11/27/18 Upd: 6 years
University of California Los Angeles F Waitlisted W Type: RA Sent: 09/13/18 Rec: 09/14/18 Comp: 09/18/18 Inter: -- Dec: 01/14/19 Upd: 6 years

Applicant Information

  • LSAT: 175
  • LSAT 2: 175
  • LSAT 3: -
  • GRE : -
  • LSAC GPA: 3.6
  • Degree GPA: -
  • School Type: University of Georgia
  • Major: Political Science

Demographic Information

  • City: Chapel Hill
  • State: North Carolina
  • Race: White
  • Gender: Man
  • Non-Traditional Applicant: Yes
  • Years out of Undergrad: 3-4 Years

Extra Curricular Information

Average softs (M.A. in Political Science 2019; 1 year of full-time work at a nonprofit; 3 years of part-time work as LSAT Instructor)

Submitted GRE (in addition to LSAT) to all schools which accept it: 170/167/5.5 -> Verbal/Quant/Writing

Other Information
Reapplicant from 2015/2016 cycle (

Additional info & updates

9/13 Transmitted application
9/14 Received email that application has been received with status check login
9/21 Status checker showed Complete
9/21 Email that my application is complete
2/11 Received email that I had been admitted
3/28 - Withdrew via email

8/19 - Requested fee waiver via email
8/20 Reply via email that my request was being forwarded to the Director of Admissions
8/25 Opened application to see that the application fee had been waived
8/27 Received email inviting me to apply via Priority Track
8/27 Registered to apply via Priority Track
8/28 Received email from Director of Admissions to let me know that the most recent CRS search was done
9/12 Transmitted application
9/13 Received email that my application has been received with status check login
9/13 Received email that my application is complete
9/14 Status checker showed Under review
9/21 Status checker showed Under review (with new date)
9/23 Status checker showed Decision made; watch for email
9/23 Received email from Associate Dean Hoye that my application had been placed on Priority Reserve
9/23 Replied to ask when Priority Reserve applications begin to be reviewed as well as whether there is any specific information I could submit that would be helpful to evaluating my file (Never received a response)
10/20 Emailed ( to submit a reapplication addendum as well as ask when Priority Reserve applications begin to be reviewed
10/21 Email reply that addendum was received with explanation that there is no timeline for Priority Reserve review
12/3 Emailed Assistant Director Holman at to inquire as to status of Priority Reserve applications (had any begun to be rereviewed) and reiterate my interest in Duke
12/3 Email reply that the status of priority reserve applications are continually monitored.
1/14 Emailed to inform that I was planning to visit and inquired as to whether I could meet with an admissions officer
1/14 Email reply that admissions officers at Duke do not schedule meetings from January through April
1/24 Visited campus, went on student-led tour and sat in on a class
1/25 Submitted Letter of Continued Interest via email
2/16 Received letter in mail thanking me for my visit to Duke signed by Senior Director of Admissions, Mark Hill
2/19 Emailed Senior Director Hill to inquire as to whether those accepted from PR are disadvantaged in receiving financial aid relative to those accepted via RD
2/20 Received reply that scholarships depend on when the student is admitted, so it is possible those accepted off the PR would be disadvantaged
3/28 - Withdrew via email

8/19 - Requested fee waiver via email
8/25 Received individual fee waiver via email (at 12:40am)
8/29 Transmitted application (LOR had not yet been completed)
8/30 Application marked as complete on LSAC, but still no LOR
8/30 Received email that my application has been received
9/13 Received email that my application is complete
3/18 Received email invitation to be on Priority Waitlist
3/18 Emailed to withdraw

George Washington University:
9/9 Transmitted application
9/10 Email that application was complete (included status checker information)
9/19 Status checker showed In Review
11/27 Status checker showed Decision Made
11/27 Received email that application had been placed on the waitlist
2/8 Emailed to withdraw from waitlist

8/25 Requested fee waiver via email
8/25 Automatic reply that I should allow for a week for fee waiver response
8/27 Reply via email that they do not offer fee waivers to those who have gotten a fee waiver in a previous cycle
9/19 Transmitted application
9/20 Received email that application has been received with status check login
9/20 Status checker showed Application Completed
10/19 Received acceptance letter in mail
3/11 Emailed to withdraw my application

9/10 Filled out online form indicating my interest (
9/10 Received (automated) email response thanking me for filling out form
9/13 Received welcome email from assistant dean inviting me to take a closer look at Harvard Law School
9/15 Transmitted application
9/17 Received email inviting me to online information sessions
9/17 Received email that my application was received with status check login
9/27 Status checker showed that my application fee and CAS had been received
9/28 Email that my GRE scores were received
9/28 Email that my application was complete
10/6 Signed up for in-person information session at UNC
10/9 GRE score showed up as received on status checker
11/8 Attended in-person information session at UNC
3/25 Received email to check status checker
3/25 Status checker showed that I had been placed on the waitlist

8/23 Emailed to inquire why fee waiver application was giving me a 503 error
8/23 Response via email that I should wait until September 1 for waiver to become available
9/11 Transmitted Application
9/12 Received email that my application has been received with status check login
9/13 Received email with online interview instructions
9/18 Completed online interview
9/19 Status checker showed Application Complete
12/18 Status checker showed Decision Letter Available within 24 hrs
12/18 Received acceptance via Decision Letter Delivery System (email with link)
3/26 Received scholarship offer of $75,000 over three years
3/28 - Withdrew via email

University of California Los Angeles:
8/20 - Received unsolicited fee waiver via email
9/13 Transmitted application
9/14 Received email that my application has been received with status check login
9/18 Received email that my application was complete
1/14 Received email that my application had been placed on the waitlist
2/8 Emailed to withdraw from waitlist

University of Chicago:
9/1 Requested a fee waiver via email
9/5 Email reply that fee waiver options are explained on website (and I dont qualify)
9/12 Transmitted application
9/13 Received email that my application has been received with status check login
9/14 Status checker showed Application Complete
9/17 Received email that my application was complete
10/1 Status checker showed Application Under Review
11/13 Status checker showed Application Under Review with updated date
12/18 Status checker showed Application Under Review with updated date
12/19 Status checker showed Application Under Review with updated date
1/16 Status checker showed Application Under Review with updated date
1/17 Status checker showed Application Under Review with updated date
2/12 Status checker showed Application Under Review with updated date
2/15 Received email that my application was denied
2/15 Status checker showed Application Denied: Notified by Email

University of Georgia:
8/23 Requested fee waiver via email
8/23 Reply via email that they dont currently have fee waivers available, but would be sent one as soon as they do
8/24 Received individual fee waiver via email
9/14 Transmitted application
9/14 Received email that application has been received with status check login
9/17 Status checker showed Your file is being reviewed.
9/20 Received email that I had been accepted. Status checker updated simultaneously
9/21 Received email inviting me to admitted students page
9/24 Short phone call with Executive Director of Admissions
9/25 Received email with tuition equalization scholarship for first year
10/1 Received admission letter in mail
10/5 Received letter detailing tuition equalization scholarship
10/22 Received letter from professor at law school congratulating me on my admittance
12/12 Received email with $10,000 per year scholarship over three years in addition to tuition equalization
3/28 Withdrew via online form

University of North Carolina:
8/25 Requested fee waiver via email
8/27 Received individual fee waiver via email
10/7 Transmitted application
10/12 Received email that application was received with status check login
10/18 Status checker indicated that supplemental information was needed
10/22 Received email with information regarding supplemental application
10/22 Completed supplemental application
10/31 Email that application was complete
12/21 Status checker showed Congratulations, youve been admitted!
12/21 Received email with $17,500 per year scholarship over three years
2/1 Phone call from Kelly Smith, Associate Dean of Student Affairs, inviting me to a weekend for potential Chancellors Scholars
2/22 Attended Chancellors Weekend
2/23 Interviewed for Chancellors Scholarship
3/6 Received Chancellors Scholarship (full tuition and fees, professional development fund and faculty mentor)
3/25 - Officially accepted scholarship and put down my first deposit. I'm going to law school!

University of Texas:
8/23 Requested fee waiver via email
8/23 Response via email that they do not provide merit-based fee waivers, except through CRS
9/13 Transmitted application
9/14 Received email that my application was received
9/25 Received email that application was complete with status check login
11/6 Received invitation to do a Kira interview
11/8 Completed online interview
1/14 Status checker showed Congratulations! Admission granted on January 14, 2019.
1/14 Received call from Dean (~20 minutes later) informing me of my admittance
1/23 Received acceptance folder in mail
2/13 Received financial aid offer of $53,468 over three years
3/28 - Withdrew via email

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Monday, February 06 2017 at 03:11 PM

Did you write a Why Duke?

Tuesday, June 07 2016 at 12:19 PM

Yes, I did. But I was reapplying (from 3 years ago) so that may have something to do with it.

Wednesday, December 27 2017 at 04:22 PM

Thank you for the amazing details on acceptances! Any info to share on that UGA scholarship? Good luck to you!

Tuesday, June 07 2016 at 12:19 PM

Not particularly much information to share. I got an email as well as a letter that they were giving me a $10,000 per year stipend, and then a later email regarding tuition equalization. As I'm currently out-of-state, it wasn't enough to sway me. I've had a friend who was able to negotiate the scholarship amount up quite a bit, though.

Thursday, April 04 2019 at 01:35 PM

Hi! How much does work experience matter when applying to law school? Please help me out!

Tuesday, June 07 2016 at 12:19 PM

The question on work experience is kind of a difficult one to answer, as it depends on the school quite a bit. A lot of top schools are increasingly seeing more of their students come in with work experience, which could either be a preference on the part of those schools or the fact that having work experience can help make you a stronger applicant (not just because it's on your resume, but because it can ground you a little bit more and help you know yourself a little bit more). Obviously, work experience isn't more important than either GPA or LSAT, but it might be able to help make up for a lower GPA or LSAT if you're more of a nontraditional applicant. It might also be helpful in distinguishing between two similar candidates, with the advantage probably going to the candidate with more work experience. Finally, I would think that it can also be useful if you are able to interview for any kind of scholarship, because it might be able to set you apart there as well. I think having previous work experience gave me an edge in getting the Chancellor's Scholarship at UNC because it came up repeatedly during my interview process. However, it also just made me a stronger candidate overall because experiences I had while working were central to my personal statement and gave me a better perspective on why I wanted to go to law school. TLDR: Work experience is less important than GPA and LSAT, but for the vast majority of people having work experience will make you a stronger applicant.