panero26 (2022-2023)
Views: 985
User Since: 01/19/08
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Visitor Comments
What's with the attitude??
Thursday, July 05 2007 at 08:00 PM
Your last comment on my page sounded a bit hostile, and I don't really know why because the above post IS a response to the post you put on my page.
Thank u
Thursday, July 05 2007 at 08:00 PM
Thanks for the congrats and good luck to you too. Sorry for all the tension, I'm a sweet person I swear. :)
Thanks for the congrats! I didn't write anything about my LSAT score, because I really couldn't think of anything to write really lol. I was advised that unless you're deathly ill on test day or something extreme happens to affect your score then don't write one, so I didn't. I believe that I have great soft factors, and I believe that may have helped some committees excuse my score.