pumpkincrepes (2022-2023)
Application Information

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Visitor Comments
CONGRATS! Did your status change to decision before you received your packet?
congrats!!!! :-) will i be meeting you this summer/fall?
on michigan!
here's the summer start web page http://www.law.umich.edu/prospectivestudents/admissions/studyingmichigan/Pages/SummerStarters.aspx it certainly sold me!
Congrats on Michigan! Were you Early Decision?
I have a significant other situation going on, so my top choice is muddied by where he can get a job, but given my 25th percentile numbers, I'd truly be happy getting in anywhere I applied! What about you? Is it going to come down to Michigan v. Virginia?
congrats on umich! and you were asking me about duke pffgh it's one of my top choices. an acceptance this early indicates good things. will you be applying higher?
funny you posted in my comments section because you are currently my most envied person on here (GULC and Michigan, in addition to Vandy) already. good luck with everything else, i'm rooting for you due to your delicious name.
is an assault on the English language, sorry, but i think it still makes sense, haha.
Yeah it's definitely a tough situation to be in...but to hear back so early can't be a bad sign and I'm sure you have a great shot at Columbia and NYU if you applied. :-) I'm rooting for you, and not just because we are almost numbers twins!
Congrats on UCLA :)
When I leave for school, he will be finishing his 2 yr contract in IB so he's not 100% where he's going either. That's why I'm kind of keeping my options open - but def. with a slight preference for big financial markets. What about you...NYU and Columbia would be fantastic, but did you consider Penn - I think it's a 1.5 train ride from NYC. And you will definitely get into Cornell...would you choose that over Mich?
Hey, congrats on Michigan! Looks like we have similar numbers and similar cycles so far! Good luck!
On all your acceptances! Hopefully you'll be joining us at UMich!
Thanks! I'm not in state and my heart almost stopped when I had a voicemail from a 510 number. You've had a great cycle so far (I keep looking at your profile jealously) so I am sure you will hear form them very soon!
I think all those other schools you've gotten into saw a certain "it" factor in you... I am sure you'll get good news soon! Maybe I'm crazy, but I think we are both having better cycles than our numbers would suggest, so there's definitely something special about your application package!
Congratulations to you as well! On Michigan, UCLA, etc.! :-)
Great job on the acceptances!! Your numbers are so similar to mine :)
I'm rooting for you to hit 10-for-10 by 2009. My Cornell status says the same thing, here's to hoping you're right.
is it too early to call 10-for-10? how will you decide where to go?
Congrats on Cornell!!!!
Me too...oh well...
Berkeley and Michigan are my top so far, but I'm trying to keep an open mind (and of course, still waiting to hear from NYC and Chicago schools). You?
I didn't mean to give a false impression. I meant to select Columbia, not Cornell. Good luck on your apps!
for the GULC congrats, and congrats yourself on WashU! I can't believe you're only waiting on two schools now...must be nice. Good luck!
What's your first choice thus far? Cornell?
well, prestige-wise, i don't think there's any advantage to going to michigan over cornell, ... especially since i don't want to work in the midwest (but even then, i'm not sure it'd be a done deal). I visited Penn last year (cause I originally anticipated liking it), ... and really just didn't. The UG campus is pretty, but the law schools is downright ugly. A personal preference, obviously. As far as NYU goes, I just think I'd have a better law school experience in Ithaca rather than NYC. I guess I have many reasons for this, ... but again, that's a personal preference too.
Great cycle, which way are you leaning?
Congrats an GULC, almost-numbers-twin! :-)