tmk (2022-2023)
Application Information

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Visitor Comments
Hi! Thank you! I currently work for a national animal rights org. and once I get my law degree I plan to serve as legal council for such an organizaion, or I may also work for a government agency such as the state veterinary board, prosecuting veterinary malpractice cases. I used to be veterinary technician, and trust me, there is A LOT of malpractice going on!! I think animal law is a great field to work in. I feel like I will never have to compromise myself to defend a client. As the Animal Legal Defense Fund says, "We are probably the only lawyers on earth whose clients are all innocent." Congrats on your many acceptances!!
Congrats! You pushing hard at Madison or Case? I'm sure you'd get in if you leverage where you've been in!
Congrats! You'll likely get in WFU and Madison too.
It amazes me that other people are sooooo upset about my lsat score. Especially in your case. I viewed your account and your score was nothing to jump up and down about. Accept it.
I never said I was upset by your score nor did I say mone was anything to jump up and down about. What I did imply is that a fair system would take the most highly qualified applicants regardless of how much money you have or what color your skin is. You got into BC with a 149, I have zero chance with a 154. Explain that.
You do seem to be a little uptight and overly concerned with my acceptance to BC. I don't know you and I don't feel the need to explain anything to you about my life, accomplishments, etc. I do not feel bad or regret the factb that I will be attending BC, and I will not apologize to an angry internet lurker for it. If you don't get into the school of your choice, that's not my fault. You should not judge me by one test score, especially since we have never met and you know absolutely NOTHING about me besides what you see listed on a website. Get over it and get a life!
You act as if I created this system. I refuse to keep an ongoing conversation with someone who is clearly upset over someone he/she doesn't know and a situation he/she has no control over. I don't have time for this. I am preparing for law school. Have a happy life.
Holla at me if your going to Howard