North (2022-2023)

Views: 12066 User Since: 06/05/12

Application Information

F - Fee Waiver A - Attending W - Withdrawn D - Deferred
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# Law School Status Type $$$ Sent Received Complete Interview Date Decision Updated
#16 University of Texas Austin F Accepted W Type: RA $60,000 Sent: 11/28/12 Rec: 11/30/12 Comp: 12/13/12 Inter: -- Dec: 01/17/13 Upd: 12 years
#20 George Washington University Accepted W Type: RA $45,000 Sent: 11/12/12 Rec: 11/13/12 Comp: 11/15/12 Inter: -- Dec: 12/13/12 Upd: 12 years
#48 University of Florida Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 11/14/12 Rec: 11/15/12 Comp: 01/03/13 Inter: -- Dec: 01/19/13 Upd: 12 years
#22 University of Notre Dame F Accepted W Type: RA $60,000 Sent: 11/12/12 Rec: 11/14/12 Comp: 01/03/13 Inter: -- Dec: 01/18/13 Upd: 12 years
#13 Georgetown University Waitlisted W Type: RA Sent: 12/08/12 Rec: 12/12/12 Comp: 12/12/12 Inter: -- Dec: 01/18/13 Upd: 12 years
#23 Washington University in St Louis F Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 11/13/12 Rec: 11/14/12 Comp: 11/29/12 Inter: -- Dec: 12/10/12 Upd: 12 years
#19 University of Minnesota Twin Cities F Waitlisted W Type: RA Sent: 11/12/12 Rec: 11/13/12 Comp: 11/13/12 Inter: -- Dec: 12/20/12 Upd: 12 years
#16 Vanderbilt University Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 11/12/12 Rec: 11/13/12 Comp: 11/14/12 Inter: -- Dec: 01/14/13 Upd: 12 years
#26 Boston University F Accepted W Type: RA $45,000 Sent: 11/12/12 Rec: 11/13/12 Comp: 11/15/12 Inter: -- Dec: 01/03/13 Upd: 12 years
#51 Florida State University F Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 11/14/12 Rec: 11/14/12 Comp: 11/14/12 Inter: -- Dec: 12/06/12 Upd: 12 years
#7 University of Virginia F Accepted A Type: ED Sent: 01/09/13 Rec: 01/09/13 Comp: 01/10/13 Inter: -- Dec: 01/11/13 Upd: 12 years

Applicant Information

  • LSAT: 173
  • LSAT 2: 173
  • LSAT 3: -
  • GRE : -
  • LSAC GPA: 3.35
  • Degree GPA: 4.0
  • School Type: State University
  • Major: Social Sciences Dual Degree

Demographic Information

  • City: Tallahassee
  • State: Florida
  • Race: Caucasian
  • Gender: Man
  • Non-Traditional Applicant: Yes
  • Years out of Undergrad: 1-2 Years

Extra Curricular Information

Extracurricular stuff:
Mock Trial Team
Couple leadership roles in a Service Fraternity
Cabinet position in Student Government
Student Senator in Student Government
Other unimportant things

Work Experience:
Cumulative 1 or 2 years of FT WE (nothing impressive)
Cumulative 3 or 4 years of PT WE (nothing impressive)
Senate Internship
Democratic Party stuff

Transferred from a CC to a State U.
Terrible GPA at CC, 4.0 at State U. Unsurprisingly, upward grade trend.

Additional info & updates


Got a 168 on my first LSAT. The FSU, BU, GW, WUSTL (all Admits), and UMinn (Waitlist) decisions were all based on that score.
Got a 173 on my retake. The late-cycle UVA ED, Texas, Vanderbilt, Notre Dame, UF (all Admits), and GULC (Waitlist) decisions were all based on that score.
All scholarships are three-year totals. Note that I had to withdraw my applications before many schools came out with merit aid packages.
All numbers are 100% accurate.
The "choice" numbers next to each school reflect its USNWR ranking during my cycle.
I applied to Cornell, UCLA, BC, and Emory, but they received my snail-mail application withdrawal before a decision was rendered, so I removed them from the profile.


Update #1 (9/18/2012):

My current selection of schools is a hopeful one: I take the LSAT in October and plan (no matter my score) to retake in December. Right now, I'm practicing at a 167. That's not good enough for about half the schools listed. Working on improving that. It's rough business being a splitter.

Here's what I was thinking in selecting my current set of schools:
Splitters have to apply widely because our cycles are generally unpredictable.
I would take a T-14 at sticker over any other school. Dat preftige. So, if I pull out a 170 , I'm targeting splitter-friendly and lower T-14 schools (MVP, NU, C, & G).
If I end up not snagging at least one T-14 or not hitting 170 in December, my other applications are targeted towards either strong regional schools in the regions I'd like to work (BC, BU, Vandy, GW, & WF.), schools in Florida that I can attend for In-State Tuition (UF & FSU), or solid regional schools in areas of the country in which I would be open to living but am not particularly excited about (UT, USC, & UCLA).
If I do hit 170 , a couple Hail Mary applications (Chicago & Columbia) and a splitter-hating school (Duke) are included.
For bargaining purposes: Miami.

Check out other TLSer's LSN profiles through this thread:


Update #2 (11/1/2012):

Just got the results from October back -- 168. I'll be retaking in December, but plan to send out early applications to UF, FSU, Notre Dame, Emory, BU, BC immediately because the 168 is competitive at those schools. I'll also throw an application to Cornell, one of my dream schools, to see if I can't take advantage of their anticipated LSAT median drop to 167. Now to crank out a personal statement.


Update #3 (11/6/2012):

I submitted my first application of the cycle to Cornell last night, but missed the EA deadline by a few seconds. I'm hoping it will make its way into the EA pile, anyway. I'll update when I get confirmation one way or the other.

ETA: Nope, not in the EA pile.


Update #4 (11/13/2012):

Just submitted my first round of 168-based apps to Vandy, GW, BU, ND, UMinn, and Emory. I'll submit to BC, UF, FSU, and WUSTL as soon as I hear back about fee waivers. Here's how my chances look with my current stats: . I REALLY need to get to work on my retake now.

ETA: BC, FSU, & WUSTL are in. UF wants a professional essay instead of a regular personal statement, so throwing that together is the only thing holding me up.


Update #5 (11/15/2012):

Round one is in. This includes Cornell, Vandy, GW, BU, BC, ND, UMinn, WUSTL, Emory, UF, and FSU.


Update #6 (11/28/2012):

Got a Fee Waiver from Texas so I threw them an app today. Looking forward to the Out of State Ding.


Update #7 (12/1/2012):

Just retook the LSAT. Here's hoping for that 170 .


Update #8 (12/5/2012):

In at Florida State via phone-call.


Update #9 (12/8/2012):

Sent in the Georgetown application to make sure I'm on top of the pile when December scores come out. The thought of submitting in January was a little too scary.


Update #10 (12/10/2012):

In at WUSTL via phone interview.


Update #11 (12/13/2012):

In at George Washington via e-mail. Also sent a random app to UCLA because I got a fee waiver. Note that my UF, ND, Emory, UCLA, and Cornell apps aren't marked as complete because they won't review my application until they have my December score.


Update #12 (12/19/2012):

Invited to an interview with Georgetown. No alumni live in my area, so I think I'll travel to a big city and meet in-person with someone.


Update #13 (12/20/2012):

Waitlisted at Minnesota. Pretty confused by that... Wasn't looking forward to being the only yellow point on the 168 line of the LSN graph. Don't know what I did wrong with that one.


Update #14 (1/2/2013):

Good day today! In at BU with $45,000 via phonecall and got a 173 on the December LSAT. Now to rethink my entire application strategy... Thank you, TLS!


Update #15 (1/3/2013):

I think I'll blanket the T14, RD. It's late in a down cycle. Risky business. Here's hoping that this won't be a giant waste of money and opportunity when I could ED UVA or Penn.


Update #16 (1/7/2013):

Had my Georgetown interview today. Went alright. Might have turned me off to the school a little, honestly.


Update #17 (1/8/2013):

So, I changed my mind. It's not worth the risk of getting locked out of the T10 to not ED to Penn or UVA. If I had had the 173 in October, maybe I'd have let it ride. It's too late for comfort now, IMO. If I were to strike out at UVA and Penn, I'd be stuck with Georgetown or Cornell (which I love). But, thanks to TLS, I'm trying to focus on placement. Cornell places pretty much everyone into New York. I don't want to work in New York. So, as much as I love the school, it would be stupid to go there. Georgetown doesn't place enough of its grads into jobs to make me feel comfortable paying something close to sticker there. The same drawbacks Cornell has are applicable to Penn. I want to work in the south and Penn would have a hard time getting me back here, even though I really like Penn. So, the conclusion here is that I think I should ED to UVA. I'm very uncomfortable with paying sticker, but... well, I'm a splitter. Don't be a splitter if you can avoid it. Hope UVA doesn't reject me.


Update #18 (1/9/2013):

Wow. I just ED'd to UVA. I hope they take their time so I can get a few more decisions to make this profile more useful (assuming they don't lolReject me, of course).


Update #19 (1/11/2013):

Wow. Well, that's that. In at UVA via phonecall. Looks like I'll be in Charlottesville next year. I'm going to wait until I have a piece of paper with my name on it that says I'm actually in before withdrawing my other apps.



Update #20 (1/14/2013):

In at Vandy via Black Box. REALLY weird feeling, considering how desperately I wanted to get in there with my 168.


Update #21 (1/17/2013):

Just sent out my application withdrawal notifications. I did it via e-mail at the places I had already heard back from (to quickly free up spots for TLSers) and via snail mail at the places I hadn't (to give me more time to get a decision and make this profile more useful).

ETA: In at Texas via phone call, just as I was sealing up my withdrawal letter.


Update #22 (1/18/2013):

Preferred Waitlist at GULC via e-mail. Lol, no thanks. Withdrawn.

ETA: In at Notre Dame with $60,000 via snail mail. Really nice admissions packet from a beautiful school.


Update #23 (1/19/2013):

In at UF via snail mail. Spent a couple years in Gainesville, it's a great town.


Update #24 (1/23/2013):

So far, Cornell and BC have processed my snail-mail withdrawal before rendering a decision. Oh well.


Update #25 (2/11/2013):

Just deposited at the University of Virginia. My cycle is over.

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Tuesday, June 05 2012 at 08:00 PM

Just dropping a line to say hey and that I'll be watching your progress this cycle. I'm also from Florida and have a similar strategy, including a lot of the same schools. Not doing an ED, though, because I may have to go to school in Florida no matter what for personal reasons My GPA as of now is slightly lower, but I'm in the middle of disputing two grades. If successful, it should be very similar to yours. I'm currently practicing at around 162 and also plan on testing again in December. Best of luck to you!!

Thursday, November 01 2012 at 08:00 PM

Congrats on your acceptance to WUSTL. I'm sure you rocked the LSAT & will get that 180 Noodley wishes he had. Good luck on the rest of your cycle!

Oh, good ol' Noodles...
Monday, June 04 2012 at 08:00 PM

Hahaha! Thanks Wishbear, I hope so! Congrats on Vandy, my 168 and I are jealous.