Stage (2022-2023)

Views: 2245 User Since: 04/12/06

Application Information

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# Law School Status Type $$$ Sent Received Complete Interview Date Decision Updated
#1 University of Nevada Las Vegas PT Rejected Type: RA Sent: 03/01/07 Rec: 03/01/07 Comp: 03/22/07 Inter: -- Dec: 05/01/07 Upd: 18 years

Applicant Information

  • LSAT: 148
  • LSAT 2: -
  • LSAT 3: -
  • GRE : -
  • LSAC GPA: 3.05
  • Degree GPA: 3.77
  • School Type: -
  • Major: Business Management

Demographic Information

  • City: Las Vegas!
  • State: Nevada
  • Race: -
  • Gender: Man
  • Non-Traditional Applicant: Yes
  • Years out of Undergrad: -

Extra Curricular Information

Longtime Shop Steward @ work
Youth Adult / Sports Coach
Extensive charity work with many different organizations
Active in church

Additional info & updates

Only applying to one school.

I underperformed badly on the LSAT. I walked out thinking I did much better than I ended up doing.

Hopefully my LoRs and PS pull me through, but I'm not feeling too good after seeing the people who were accepted versus those who were rejected.

This is the week.

UNLV is sending out all the remaining letters. So far, no one receiving letters this week has been accepted. Rejected or Waitlisted only.

I'm hoping for the best, but I believe I'll be starting the MBA program in the fall and retaking the LSAT. It's still amazing how good I felt walking out of the test room versus the actual result.


And that's that. Good luck to everyone on the waitlist and those still pending.


I'm back! I didn't retake the LSAT. Hopefully getting my app in on time will make the difference. It turns out that they didn't receive my transcripts until after the deadline. Most likely I didn't receive "full consideration". That won't be a problem this time. Printing out my resume and gathering the letters of recommendation this week.

03/12/07 - LSDAS sent my information to UNLV on 03/08/07. I received the letter that my application was complete except for the LSDAS. Yay for no missing items.

03/21/07 - Good News / Bad News. The good news is that UNLV seems to be sending out acceptance letters earlier this year. The (potentially) bad news is that they're going out according to LSAT scores. Lots of people with 160s and high 150s are getting some good news. Hopefully there's some room left when they get down to my score. :)

03/26/07 - A standard sized white envelope showed up. I was a little shocked to get the rejection letter so early. However, it was a letter telling me that my application was complete and that I should receive notification sometime in April. I'm a little worried because my application was in before the deadline. Hopefully there was just a delay getting the letters out and my application will still receive "full consideration".

[reality check] That said, I signed up a free practice LSAT through Kaplan. I'll take it the first week of April. I'm planning on retaking the LSAT in June and reapplying this fall. I'm mulling over a prep class.[/reality check]

I'm still thinking positive.

04/17/07 - The letters are starting to arrive. Folks with scores close to my own are getting rejection letters. Not too many residents. The rejections mostly out of state applicants.

04/27/07 - Just like last year, the letters should start to arrive in bunches. Good luck!

05/01/07 - All done. I'll retake the LSAT and work on improving my score and we'll see how 2008 goes. Third time is the charm ... right?

Congrats to everyone who made it in this year. Good luck to those who didn't, we'll be back.

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Tuesday, April 18 2006 at 08:00 PM

Thanks man. I just look good on paper, don't know a damned thing about the law. If you don't get in to the law school you want, consider commissioning in the army. They are starving for 2nd leutenants, METRO is hiring heavily as well.

I'm told ..
Tuesday, April 11 2006 at 08:00 PM

... that UNLV is sending out the last batch of letters this week. Thanks Sinister. I'll definitely assess my options. I quite a few people at Metro and I have considered it as a career option.

Wednesday, March 29 2006 at 07:00 PM

Why are you applying to just one school? It's not too late you might be able to get another couple apps out if you wanted to. I applied to a couple schools last week and am complete already at one of them! Just an idea.

Saturday, December 31 2005 at 07:00 PM

i hope it works out at unlv with you

Saturday, September 17 2005 at 08:00 PM

Good luck to you.

Monday, August 29 2005 at 08:00 PM

Hi - It mostly came down to a quality of life issue. It's going to be a brutal few years and I was not convinced that commuting everyday back and forth to the city was for me. I live on Long Island so my commute would be an hour and a half round trip. That's an hour and half I could be studying EACH day. Plus, the cost of the school is up there. I can't really fault them because that's the going rate for a law school education in NYC. COL is out of control there. Always has been, always will be. Anyway, enough about me. I wish you the best of luck in the future with UNLV.

Monday, August 29 2005 at 08:00 PM

Hi - It mostly came down to a quality of life issue. It's going to be a brutal few years and I was not convinced that commuting everyday back and forth to the city was for me. I live on Long Island so my commute would be an hour and a half round trip. That's an hour and half I could be studying EACH day. Plus, the cost of the school is up there. I can't really fault them because that's the going rate for a law school education in NYC. COL is out of control there. Always has been, always will be. Anyway, enough about me. I wish you the best of luck in the future with UNLV.

Wednesday, February 07 2007 at 07:00 PM

I think you might have a chance to get in this year. Every year, the pool of applicants changes. Secondly, UNLV favors residents. Thirdly, you applied for part-time, so hopefully for you that will make a difference. I wish you luck. My first LSAT score was a 148. I did retake it and got a 151, but still. I think you have a chance. And the MBA program at UNLV is a good option for you, if you didn't start there already. I took a joint Management Undergraduate and Graduate Pooled Course and it was great. I also know a couple of professors in the MBA program. So if for some reason you don't get in this semester, the MBA program is a great alternative option. I am a very verbal and open-minded person, which is why I have shared what I did. Honesty is always the best policy anyway. The people who refuse to realize that I was simply expressing an opinion and offering insight are probably people hiding other information or lying about certain things in their profile. That being said, good luck with UNLV. We probably won't hear until April, but who knows. I love Vegas, and it would be great to go back there and have a fresh start. Yes, UNLV has a curve, too. But it's nowhere near as bad as the on at Kent and they have a wonderful community service program.

Wednesday, February 07 2007 at 07:00 PM

Yeah, I still haven't

Wednesday, February 07 2007 at 07:00 PM

Boy, don't you just love when computers do their own thing? LOL!!! Anyway, I still haven't received any letter from UNLV. Perhaps I'll get one today, but I was going to call them today. I guess I won't bother now. I have larger issues. So who knows what's really going on with that. My health has been so poor, I have had other things I've had to worry about. But..let's just keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best.

Wednesday, February 07 2007 at 07:00 PM

Boy, don't you just love when computers do their own thing? LOL!!! Anyway, I still haven't received any letter from UNLV. Perhaps I'll get one today, but I was going to call them today. I guess I won't bother now. I have larger issues. So who knows what's really going on with that. My health has been so poor, I have had other things I've had to worry about. But..let's just keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best.

Waitlisted at UNLV
Saturday, January 27 2007 at 07:00 PM

Yeah, I was waitlisted. Not exactly thrilled with that. Good luck in your mailbox!

Wednesday, February 07 2007 at 07:00 PM

Stage, Sorry you didn't get in for PT this year. Since you didn't even get in for PT, I'm a sure rejection for FT. My first score was the same as yours and even if they used my second score, I don't think it matters. I doubt a 151 is good enough for the FT program. I think I'm going to be like you and just attempt to re-take the test in the Fall. Spend the money on some stupid a$$ prep course and see if it does anything for me. It's been over 2 years since I took that stupid test for the second time, so perhaps three times will be a charm on the test, since 3 times does not seem to be a charm on the cycle. Speaking of Kaplan, I took their free practice tests twice. They are pretty good. My scores pretty much mirrored my LSAT score. 149 and 151 were my practice exams and my regular scores were 148 and 151. So I'm not in the least bit surprised about that. But they are so damn expensive. Oh well. If I don't get in this year, I'm not going to have a choice. I'll take another year or two off and re-apply next cycle after a prep course of some kind. Are you only going to apply to UNLV next year as well? Or will you try for somewhere else?