bllind (2022-2023)
Application Information

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Visitor Comments
thanks, good luck to you as well. i heard they are sending out a huge batch of letters today and on Tuesday, so keep me posted. I'm pulling for ya!
Hey, I am sorry to bother you, but I just wanted to ask you a question. I noticed you had been wait listed at U of W. Did you receive an e-mail from U of W asking you to fill out a scholarship application form? Thanks and best of luck to you, I hope you get accepted at your top pick!
I did too, but I guess not everyone who got wait listed did. Best of luck to you!
Hi, I hope you will be able to help me to get into law school. I am next in line on a waitlist and I noticed you were accepted to the University of St. Thomas, if this isnt your first choice or you are not planning on attending and have indicated in the past that you were planning on attending, could you just send a quick email, indicating your intentions not to go to Law School at the University Of St. Thomas to and c.c. (thats me) This good deed to help a stranger will Im sure be returned to you at some point. Thanks so much.
Yeah, i received an email a few weeks ago that explained that they are behind schedule (I had emailed them requesting my status)...hopefully we will hear back soon. I am jealous of you about depaul- congrats! What are your top choices so far??