ipsadixit (2022-2023)

Views: 21755 User Since: 11/28/06

Application Information

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# Law School Status Type $$$ Sent Received Complete Interview Date Decision Updated
#1 University of the Pacific F Accepted A Type: RA $18,000 Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 18 years

Applicant Information

  • LSAT: 162
  • LSAT 2: -
  • LSAT 3: -
  • GRE : -
  • LSAC GPA: 3.66
  • Degree GPA: 3.71
  • School Type: Public University
  • Major: Classics & Communication

Demographic Information

  • City: Davis
  • State: California
  • Race: -
  • Gender: Woman
  • Non-Traditional Applicant: Yes
  • Years out of Undergrad: -

Extra Curricular Information

Got my BA in 2002. Took the LSAT that same year. Participated in student organizations and internships while in school. Worked part time while in school. Have been working since graduating. Did a graduate fellowship in 2004-2005.

Additional info & updates

Only applied to one school. Previously applied to graduate schools, but withdrew when I decided (1) I would rather have a law degree, (2) I would rather stay in Sacramento.

I have public service aspirations.

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UC Davis
Sunday, February 11 2007 at 07:00 PM

No offense but I think you would have been better off at UC Davis. If I had your numbers then I would have definitely had a fighting chance. Why did you choose not to apply? Congrats on the McGeorge scholarship though.

UC Davis
Monday, November 27 2006 at 07:00 PM

I am not sure why you think I would have been better off at UCD. Pacific is very well regarded in Sacramento and has more graduates go into government (my interest) than UCD. I have no desire to work in the Bay Area or LA (having lived in both places in the past) so I am not looking to move outside the region.

McGeorge; ucsdtriton
Sunday, February 11 2007 at 07:00 PM

I just think that it would have been best to have applied to all of the schools in the area since you knew that you wanted to stay there. It's nice to have options. I also believe that more McGeorge graduates go into government because they couldn't get into firms. In any event, a UC Davis grad can easily get a government job. Davis just offers more flexibility if you change your mind. For example, if I wanted to stay in LA I wouldn't choose Southwestern/Loyola over USC/UCLA no matter what they offered. That's just me though, either way you are going to become a lawyer and success is based on your abilities and efforts. It's just nice to get a little boost from the name recognition offered by the school. I liked McGeorge though, it seemed very pleasant. Although wouldn't UC Davis have cost you the same as McGeorge with the scholarship? Tuition at Davis is a little over 20K so it wouldn't have been very expensive. In regards to ucsdtriton, he or she just trolls my page and makes sure to let me know that I'm wrong. The first comment that I received from this person was that I was foolish for choosing USD over McGeorge because of the higher ranking. It's not all about rankings though, I wanted to be close to my family and I prefer San Diego as well. Nevertheless, this individual inspired me to post similar comments on your page so you can thank him or her for that. I hope mine weren't as rude though. I'm also not a rankings whore because I will be passing up Case Western Reserve to attend USD. I also withdrew from the waitlists of much higher ranked schools such as the University of Iowa and American. I'm clearly not a rankings whore because I'm not going to attend the highest ranked school that I got into. I am happy that I got into USD with a scholarship because it was my #3 choice and the first two rejected me. My first choice was UC Davis (UC Hastings was second) and that's why I posted these comments. I wish I could have gone there but it's still nice to get money from a school that I never thought would accept me. Plus I couldn't stand the possibility of losing my scholarship at McGeorge. I don't want strings attached to my offer. You should know that McGeorge gives scholarships to almost 50% of the incoming class but you have to be in the top third to keep them. Even if you do keep it, the cost of going to Davis would have been only several thousand dollars more. Maybe 15K over 3 years so it would have been worth it. If you are choosing McGeorge because you want to save money and go into public interest, it still doesn't make sense because you won't save that much money and UC Davis would have offered you better public interest opportunities. I'm not talking out of my ass on this, my stepfather is an attorney in Los Angeles and he informs me of the reality of being a lawyer.

I apologize
Sunday, February 11 2007 at 07:00 PM

I'm sorry about second guessing your decsion. I just got irritated when ucsdtriton did it to me and so I decided to do the same thing since Davis was my #1 choice. Looking back on it I can see that my actions were as wrong as ucsdtriton's. I'm just jealous of your numbers, that's all. I hope you enjoy McGeorge, I know I would have as well.