kimbowmanjr (2022-2023)
Application Information

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Willamette, Seattle, Oregon, Pacific, American and San Francisco. I have thought about applying to Denver too. It is an addiction. I added you to my watchlist since it looks like we have a lot of schools in common and our indices are similar at them. Good luck! Keep me informed when you hear of the others...
Sorry to hear about your rejection to Seattle U. That is my number one choice and I am praying that I can slip in through the special admissions program. Good luck with the rest of your options!!
I'm sorry to hear about Seattle. It was a similarly crappy day for me checking the mailbox: dinged at American and waitlisted at San Francisco. How did Seattle let you know (mail or e-mail)? Hopefully tomorrow will bring some good news for both of us.
Haha, my username is a reference to my undergraduate school, nothing else. I have a feeling we will be waiting on some of the others for a long time. What is your top choice?
If you don't mind the midwest, I'd suggest Washburn or Creighton. Also, the Oklahoma schools. We have similar numbers, and I'm doing well so far. Good luck, brother.
You know your northwest schools pretty well. And that game was not a mistake, you guys were just not prepared for the tenaciousness that is our defense. Keep plugging a long. You will get into Willamette I think and probably at least 2 or 3 other schools as well.
Hey, congrats on Willamette! The first acceptance always makes any subsequent denials sting a little less.
I just have to comment - I too got rejected by Gonzaga. I live in Spokane and know a guy going there right now. He says their new dean is really pushing for higher numbers, so that might explain some of the shock. Weird though - I was depressed for a few days thinking I was worthless!
grad degree is in pol phil @ University of Dallas. I served a LDS mission in NJ - coming from SLC, you obviously know what that is. I noticed you got in at Willamette. I'm really leaning that way even though I got into Marquette. I love Oregon and I had a chance to visit the school. Their library is 24 hrs and there is a great 24hr Mexican food place right down the street. Also - their admissions director came to Spokane to interview me. Nice school If you have any questions about the campus etc. I might be able to help. I've done quite a bit of looking at them and Will most likely be going there.
Willamette is a top choice for me largely for non-academic factors. Basically, I'm 33, LDS, single, and can't get into BYU or the U. After spending 2 years in grad school in dallas TX, I have come to value being around those I relate to well, and Willamette has about 40 LDS students at the law school, along with a large LDS population in the Salem area. Furthermore, although not highly ranked, the school does offer a good program and has an excellent reputation in the Pacific Northwest. According to, UT has about 30 Willamette grads, and the school places some people in Idaho as well. I'm not sure where you are looking for geographically, but Willamette has good connections in the Northwest, especially Portland. It's quite the decision for me - I really am impressed with Marquette, but I'm not too savy on Milwaukee. To some, I would be a fool to give up the 97th ranked school to attend a T4, but I have to weigh all things in balance.
Hey, thanks for the message. I am deciding between one other school I haven't yet heard from and Willamette. If the other one comes through, I will go there. If not, Willamette. You?
Congrats on UOP - that's really cool! They have a great program, especially with the money they are offering you. I have been watching your profile on and off and I'm really glad you got in - congrats! Good luck with CU!
Yeah - I'm still thinking Willamette. I went out there last week and really liked it. Pacific is cool, but it just doesn't feel like the right place for me. I lived in the bay area during high school, and I don't think I want to go back to that area. Oregon looks good. Then again, it has been over 3 months and still no ding from Pepperdine. I really hope I hear it soon so I can stop entertaining this long shot hope of maybe getting in. Pacific is a great school. They will REALLY teach you the law well there. It's tough I hear, but you will totally know your stuff when you are done. Congrats again!
Dude, you've been getting beat up. We have similar numbers, and I'm way late this cycle. Good job on UOP.
Congrats on Pacific. I'll see you there in the fall!
Hey, I hear you re: Gonzaga. I was a bit surprised myself and now am freaking out about the other applications I have out. Good luck the rest of the cycle.