beaverfuzz (2022-2023)

Views: 5096 User Since: 09/08/06

Application Information

F - Fee Waiver A - Attending W - Withdrawn D - Deferred
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# Law School Status Type $$$ Sent Received Complete Interview Date Decision Updated
Arizona State University Rejected Type: RA Sent: 11/11/07 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 02/18/08 Upd: 16 years
DePaul University Accepted W Type: RA $36,000 Sent: 11/20/07 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 12/17/07 Upd: 16 years
University of the Pacific WL, Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 11/07/07 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 16 years
Golden Gate University Accepted W Type: RA $45,000 Sent: 11/05/07 Rec: -- Comp: 11/20/07 Inter: -- Dec: 12/21/07 Upd: 16 years
University of Idaho Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 11/07/07 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 16 years
Willamette University Accepted Type: RA $10,000 Sent: 11/14/07 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 01/29/08 Upd: 16 years
Lewis and Clark College WL, Rejected Type: RA Sent: 11/11/07 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 16 years
Seattle University Rejected Type: RA Sent: 11/11/07 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 02/03/08 Upd: 16 years
Santa Clara University WL, Accepted Type: RA Sent: 11/05/07 Rec: -- Comp: 11/27/07 Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 16 years
Southwestern University School of Law Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 11/25/07 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 02/04/08 Upd: 17 years
University of San Francisco WL, Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 11/08/07 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 01/28/08 Upd: 17 years
University of La Verne College of Law Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 12/23/07 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 03/25/08 Upd: 17 years
University of Nevada Las Vegas Waitlisted Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 17 years
University of San Diego Waitlisted Type: RA Sent: 11/07/08 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 04/10/08 Upd: 17 years
Phoenix School of Law Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 12/12/07 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 01/15/08 Upd: 17 years
Drexel University Accepted W Type: RA $90,000 Sent: 11/24/07 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 12/13/07 Upd: 17 years
University of Oregon Rejected Type: RA Sent: 11/11/07 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 02/26/08 Upd: 17 years
St. Louis University Waitlisted W Type: RA Sent: 11/05/07 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 01/28/08 Upd: 17 years
American University Rejected Type: RA Sent: 11/11/07 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 01/28/08 Upd: 17 years
Gonzaga University Rejected Type: RA Sent: 11/07/07 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 01/26/08 Upd: 17 years

Applicant Information

  • LSAT: 162
  • LSAT 2: -
  • LSAT 3: -
  • GRE : -
  • LSAC GPA: 2.7
  • Degree GPA: -
  • School Type: -
  • Major: -

Demographic Information

  • City: -
  • State: Washington
  • Race: -
  • Gender: Woman
  • Non-Traditional Applicant: Yes
  • Years out of Undergrad: -

Extra Curricular Information


Additional info & updates

I will unhide applications upon decision.

Visitor Comments

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Saturday, September 15 2007 at 08:00 PM

I plan on taking a year off and working too. I hope that allows me to get into better schools.

Good Luck!
Saturday, June 30 2007 at 08:00 PM

It looks like we have pretty similar stats - good luck when you apply to your schools!

PNW schools
Saturday, June 30 2007 at 08:00 PM

I think I applied early enough to take a little bit of the edge off of the weak GPA and I have some strong LORs and a decent PS. LC would be a dream come true, I hope I make the cut! I'll keep you posted

lovin' Oregon
Tuesday, November 27 2007 at 07:00 PM

I'm really not sure which is my 'top' since each school has something different to offer. I'm an Oregon resident, so going to UO might be the best financial decision... What's your #1?

Re: Zag
Sunday, August 05 2007 at 08:00 PM

I know, it's got me second guessing everything too. Are there any other schools we're both applying to?

Sunday, August 05 2007 at 08:00 PM

Bad news from Seattle... I'm sure you'll have better luck though.

Maybe tomorrow...?
Sunday, August 05 2007 at 08:00 PM

Seattle sent a regular USPS letter. I get the feeling a lot of us received American rejects recently. I still haven't heard from USF, but based on your waitlist status I'm not too hopeful. Better luck tomorrow, right? P.S. may I ask why your SN is beaverfuzz?

Tuesday, November 20 2007 at 07:00 PM

The 30k was over 3 years (so, 10k/year).

Sunday, August 05 2007 at 08:00 PM

Haha maybe...I'd say defense just became easier after our star quarterback and running back were injured. I certainly hope you're right about law school though :)

Sunday, August 05 2007 at 08:00 PM

So far I haven't received any more rejects, but I think you're right about that.

Sunday, August 05 2007 at 08:00 PM

Are you any closer to making a decision about where to deposit, if not attend?

Which other?
Sunday, August 05 2007 at 08:00 PM

With the amount of money they've offered you, I can see why you're thinking Willamette. What's the other school you're waiting to hear from? At this point it looks like I'm headed to Pacific. I'm still on the Boulder waitlist, and if that comes through I'll be going there.