mpb85 (2022-2023)
Application Information

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Visitor Comments
oh my gosh you better go to uiuc!
CONGRATS ON NOTRE DAME!!! We have the same numbers, and I am hoping for a similar outcome! Any thoughts on what you think may have helped you get in?
I'm very excited to hear you say you decided on Loyola. Right now, that is definitely where I think I'll end up. I am from MN and know that MN is ranked very well, but I absolutely love Chicago and can't imagine leaving my sister and friends that also live there now. Also, I work at a law firm in Chicago now, and tons of the attorneys graduated from Loyola and speak very highly of it. Hope to see you there in the fall!
Congrats on your decision! Any idea what you want to specialize in, if at all? See you in August!
see you in the fall! I really liked Loyola's feel - very small classes, students were sharp, and faculty seemed to be very accessible. And its an ego boost for me to see you passed up ND and U of I, lol. Good for you...
I'm thinking about the JD/MBA route and emphasizing corp. fin and/or capital mkts. I'm not 100% sure (nor do I have to be until January) but both law partners I've spoken to (one in M&A at a Top 100 Firm) said to pursue it so it's something to consider earnestly. August cannot come soon enough!
oh my goodness. you're going to be the world's bestest lawyer. you better be going to law school with your neurotic best friend :)