MQuentin (2022-2023)

Views: 2876 User Since: 08/12/07

Application Information

F - Fee Waiver A - Attending W - Withdrawn D - Deferred
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# Law School Status Type $$$ Sent Received Complete Interview Date Decision Updated
University of Arizona Accepted A Type: ED $25,000 Sent: 11/14/07 Rec: -- Comp: 12/10/07 Inter: -- Dec: 12/27/07 Upd: 17 years
University of Utah Waitlisted W Type: RA Sent: 12/06/07 Rec: 12/06/07 Comp: 12/18/07 Inter: -- Dec: 03/17/08 Upd: 17 years
St. Mary's University Accepted W Type: RA $6,000 Sent: 12/08/07 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 02/11/08 Upd: 17 years
Gonzaga University Waitlisted W Type: RA Sent: 12/12/07 Rec: 12/18/07 Comp: 01/04/08 Inter: -- Dec: 04/11/08 Upd: 17 years
University of Denver Waitlisted W Type: RA Sent: 12/14/07 Rec: 12/14/07 Comp: 01/11/08 Inter: -- Dec: 04/01/08 Upd: 17 years
Arizona State University Pending D W Type: ED Sent: 11/01/07 Rec: 11/07/07 Comp: 12/01/07 Inter: -- Dec: 02/11/08 Upd: 17 years
University of New Mexico Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 12/08/07 Rec: 12/19/07 Comp: 01/03/08 Inter: -- Dec: 01/19/08 Upd: 17 years
University of Nevada Las Vegas Pending W Type: RA Sent: 12/08/07 Rec: 12/10/07 Comp: 12/20/07 Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 17 years

Applicant Information

  • LSAT: 153
  • LSAT 2: -
  • LSAT 3: -
  • GRE : -
  • LSAC GPA: -
  • Degree GPA: -
  • School Type: -
  • Major: Psychology

Demographic Information

  • City: -
  • State: California
  • Race: -
  • Gender: Woman
  • Under Represented Minority: Yes
  • Non-Traditional Applicant: Yes
  • Years out of Undergrad: -

Extra Curricular Information

Upward Trend in GPA (3.85 in the last 3 semesters), bad GPA from community college (who knew!)

Strong LORs, great Personal Statement (11th draft was the charm).

Additional info & updates

12-28-07 Received thick envelope from U of A. Hooray! I got a 25k scholarship (over 3 years)...sweet!

1-15-08 Withdrew from UNLV

1-19-08 Received thick envelope from UNM. WoW! And to think they only accept 10% from out of state!

1-26-08 Withdrew from UNM

02-11-08 Received EMAIL from ASU; deferred. Ugh! Apparently, they denied most of the early applicants..what's the point?

02-11-08 Withdrew from ASU

02-11-08 Received thin envelope from St. Mary's. Accepted. Nice!

02-12-08 Received letter from U of A, making sure I still loved them (I do!)

02-19-08 Received another envelope from St. Mary's (and did I mention? I've already been assigned a 2L mentor!) with a scholarship offer of 6k.

03-17-08 Received letter from University of Utah. Shucks, Waitlisted!! I really like this school.

04-01-08 Email from University of Denver. Waitlisted! Uh..maybe they should have waited until April 2 to send an email, heh!

04-01-08 Withdrew from U of Denver waitlist.

04-11-08 Waitlisted!! at Gonzaga... Wow!! at this point, I'm just glad I got my acceptance from UA.

+++Final Words++++

This cycle was a little insane! It feels great to know I'm going to a great law school and am thankful for this experience. :-)

Visitor Comments

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Good luck to you
Tuesday, December 26 2006 at 07:00 PM

Hey MQuentin, We have similar numbers and are applying to four of the same schools. Good luck to you and I hope you receive your first acceptance very soon!

Thursday, December 06 2007 at 07:00 PM

Im excited to see you that you are doing awesome so far (and it still early too). U of A sounds like a great place to study! I wish you the best. I don't think I would be able to turn down 25K from ANYWHERE! So congrats to you. Good luck and I wish you the best!

Sunday, November 18 2007 at 07:00 PM

for your comments, and congratulations on the Arizona acceptance and scholarship. I can see why you withdrew from ASU now.

thank you
Friday, October 19 2007 at 08:00 PM

for your comment. i see you have been accepted to quite a few nice schools already. hope you get into the rest of your choices.