notme (2022-2023)
Application Information

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Visitor Comments
notme, Hi there! It's great to hear from a fellow Ute and someone I hope to be a classmate of soon. Congratulations on your Penn acceptance in the 2005-2006 cycle! In answer to your question about why UPenn is my top choice, there are many reasons. I have listed ten of the reasons UPenn is my top choice below (in no particular order): 1. Sense of community for all types of minorities (racial, gender, LGBTQ, religious, etc.); 2. Friendly people at the school (e.g. Paul, the representative I met at the LS Fair) and in Philly; 3. The diverse environment of UPenn and Philly on the whole; 4. Of course, the world-class legal education; 5. The public interest scholarships; 6. Location of school compared to location of major law firm cities; 7. Beautiful campus; 8. On-campus student housing and what I hear will soon be a shopping district; 9. Acceptance of alternative viewpoints, ideologies and lifestyles; and 10. The reputed collegiality of the students attending UPenn. Please let me know if you have any other questions. I appreciate your confidence in my likelihood of admission to UPenn. I hope to see you there next Fall as your classmate; but in any case, please take care and GO UTES!!! :)
I really like Penn (I'm finishing my PhD at Penn this summer) but at this point it looks like I'll be attending either NYU or Columbia. My wife is sold on Columbia's dental school and we haven't heard from Penn's. I'm not a big fan of living in NYC but such is life.
Wow. Awesome extra info. Well-deserved acceptance... good job.
On Penn!
I was in the Army, 2001-2004, but no deployments. I was OPFOR over at the NTC. 4 tours in 4 years, huhh? Where were you stationed?