sbw5utah (2022-2023)

Views: 2668 User Since: 02/02/07

Application Information

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# Law School Status Type $$$ Sent Received Complete Interview Date Decision Updated
#3 University of Arizona Waitlisted W Type: RA Sent: 01/15/07 Rec: -- Comp: 02/07/07 Inter: -- Dec: 04/11/07 Upd: 17 years
#2 University of Colorado Boulder Waitlisted W Type: RA Sent: 12/22/06 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 03/28/07 Upd: 17 years
#1 University of Nevada Las Vegas WL, Accepted A Type: RA Sent: 12/22/06 Rec: -- Comp: 02/01/07 Inter: -- Dec: 05/12/07 Upd: 18 years
#4 University of Denver Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 12/25/06 Rec: -- Comp: 02/01/07 Inter: -- Dec: 02/12/07 Upd: 18 years
University of Utah Rejected Type: RA Sent: 12/21/06 Rec: -- Comp: 01/09/07 Inter: -- Dec: 04/13/07 Upd: 18 years
Brigham Young University Rejected Type: RA Sent: 12/25/06 Rec: -- Comp: 01/09/07 Inter: -- Dec: 03/17/07 Upd: 18 years
Arizona State University Rejected Type: RA Sent: 12/22/06 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 04/30/07 Upd: 18 years
#4 Ave Maria University School of Law F Accepted W Type: RA $87,000 Sent: 12/25/06 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 02/02/07 Upd: 18 years
University of Oregon Rejected Type: RA Sent: 12/26/06 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 03/23/07 Upd: 18 years

Applicant Information

  • LSAT: 160
  • LSAT 2: -
  • LSAT 3: -
  • GRE : -
  • LSAC GPA: 3.32
  • Degree GPA: 3.32
  • School Type: Public
  • Major: Finance

Demographic Information

  • City: Salt Lake City
  • State: Utah
  • Race: White
  • Gender: Man
  • Non-Traditional Applicant: Yes
  • Years out of Undergrad: -

Extra Curricular Information

Church mission to Ogden Utah, Treasury Officer in Sigma Gamma Chi Fraternity, various community service projects. Spent 3 years living overseas. Deans list.

Additional info & updates

2+ years working for a law office. Currently a Law Clerk primarily working on family and criminal law cases. Involved in UHC V. Levy before Federal Court in 2001.

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Tuesday, November 21 2006 at 07:00 PM

what time did the denver email come?

Ave Maria
Thursday, February 01 2007 at 07:00 PM

Ave Maria e-mailed acceptance, and then sent the offical letter a week later. Offered a repeating $29k annual scholarship provided I keep my grades 3.0+ during my 2nd and 3rd years. They've been sending me a letter and/or e-mail almost every other day since then. I'm interested in the school, particularly a practically full-ride scholarship, and impressed with their perfect bar passage rate. However, I'm concerned about the rumors the school will be relocating in 2009 to Flordia. For now, im reserving judgment on going here until I hear back from my other options and any financial aid offers they have.

Thursday, February 01 2007 at 07:00 PM

Denver sent an e-mail, followed by the offical acceptance letter a few days later. I'm interested in Denver as it seems like a very attractive campus, and I had a chance to visit their booth and speak with the Dean at a Law fair a few months ago. The tuition is rather steep, which is one thing they don't have going for them. I've been informed they will be sending out information on scholarships and financial aid in March after they receive my FASFA information, so I'm going to wait and see if they make a good offer I can refuse.

Re: Is that you
Monday, February 26 2007 at 07:00 PM

Sorry, you've got the wrong guy.

Adios Ave Maria
Thursday, February 01 2007 at 07:00 PM

Got a letter today from Ave Maria indicating they are planning to relocate the school to Flordia in 2009. Given talk that the faculty may not all be up for the transfer, and the school's accredidation may be at risk, I'm planning on telling the school that I'm not interested.

Thursday, February 01 2007 at 07:00 PM

BYU said no last saturday. Not really surprised since the Y was one of my "stretch" schools anyways. If not for the fact their tuition was so darn cheap I'd prefer the U over them.

Thursday, February 01 2007 at 07:00 PM

Now this rejection was a real surprise to me as I figured Oregon was a safe bet. Oh well, it was low on my priority list anyways :)

Denver Update
Thursday, February 01 2007 at 07:00 PM

Denver is sending financial aid and scholarship information to me next Monday. Right now they are my top choice if the financial aid package is right, otherwise that $30k pricetag is going to scare me off.

Thursday, February 01 2007 at 07:00 PM

Denver is not offering any $ beyond the usual Stafford loans ($20k), and given that tuition alone is $30k, I'm not impressed. Still waiting waiting waiting waiting and yet more waiting for a better offering from another school. :P

Thursday, December 21 2006 at 07:00 PM

Yeah really???? What have they been doing in their admissions office this year? I went complete almost 3 months ago... oh well.

Thursday, February 01 2007 at 07:00 PM

Received a letter from CU on 4/4/07 that I was being put on the waitlist. CU is one of my stretch schools, so I'll gladly take my chances with this one. Unfortunately the letter was sent to one of my neighbors, and after spending the last 2 months without word from most of my law schools I'm starting to get worried that the post office has been misdelivering other responses. :(

U of Arizona
Thursday, February 01 2007 at 07:00 PM

Another bloody waitlist! Oh well, beats the rejection option :) UofA isin't high on my list but I'd certaintly prefer it over my other options right now (Ave Maria and Denver).

Thursday, February 01 2007 at 07:00 PM

Well this one sucked. Utah keeps me on the hook forever and then sends the little no letter. I'm completely disappointed by this.

You made the right decision
Wednesday, February 07 2007 at 07:00 PM

DU is NOT a good school. In fact, the students that come out of there are quite stuck up and if DU teaches Ethics at all, the students certainly don't practice them! Having been a previous CO Resident and dealing with several attorneys who are graduates of DU, I can tell you you're wasting your time if you would have gone to DU and the $30K price tag is far from worth it. Not only that, the area outright SUCKS! That is one of the worst parts of town (Next to Colfax and MLK), so it's not even pleasant. Boulder is much better. Good luck to you in getting off the waitlist there. Only thing is if you're a conservative and you go to Boulder, watch out! But if you're a liberal, you're fine and the crowd will welcome you. I can give you more information about Boulder if you want any. Secondly, I have no idea why UNLV put you on the waitlist. I mean, that is outright RIDICULOUS. You and the other fellow whose LSAT was 165. Mine outright SUCKS! And to think I have a chance there now that you two were waitlisted! Yeah, RIGHT! I mean, I know I'm a URM and have two Bachelor's and a graduate degree, but...I just don't understand what's going on with UNLV at this point in time. I need a decision from them NOW. I can't believe they took this long to tell people this. What a joke. But wherever you go, I wish you the best of luck. If you need anymore information about Boulder or UNLV, I'll be more than happy to give it to you. Take care.

Thats all folks.
Thursday, February 01 2007 at 07:00 PM

Well this admissions cycle completely sucked for me. Unless one of my wait-listed choices comes through it looks like I'm stuck with Ave Maria.

Ave Maria
Thursday, February 01 2007 at 07:00 PM

Oh I'm painfully aware of the drama going on in Ann Arbor, however unless I get super lucky (UNLV, CU, AU), or Denver decides to slice their tuition in half, I'm stuck with them for better or for worse. Although I confess I'm already getting ready for the transfer applications (in hindsight I simply got greedy this admissions cycle and should have applied to less stretch schools, but too late for that now). If get a good ranking after 1L I should hopefully have a chance to get out of dodge before high noon so to speak. :)

Friday, January 19 2007 at 07:00 PM

Ave Maria = Political nightmare, ABA investigations, relocation as a 3L, oh my. Denver = Great school with a not-so-great pricetag. I'm considering the idea of "biting the bullet" of a year of their tuition and trying to my luck to transfer just about anywhere else.

Wednesday, February 07 2007 at 07:00 PM

Lucky you! Other people have said that UNLV rarely accepts waitlisted candidates. I still haven't heard one word from them and I can't really understand why. I'm going to Vegas in a couple of weeks and I think I'm going to go to the admissions office in person to find out what in the world their problem is. But it's a great school, you will do wonderfully there. And truthfully, it's a heck of a lot better than Colorado. DU is not that great of a school; it's quite overrated actually. I lived in Colorado for over 8 years and am familiar with DU. It's not what it's cracked up to be. You deifnitely made the right choice. Good luck.

Withdrawal of other apps
Thursday, February 01 2007 at 07:00 PM

Over the past week I have withdrawn from Ave Maria and Denver, and asked to have my name taken off the waitlist at Colorado and Arizona.

Congrats and Welcome
Wednesday, January 18 2006 at 07:00 PM

Congratulations on your decision to attend the William S. Boyd School of Law at UNLV. My name is Mark Smith and I am the President of the Law Schools Chapter of the Nevada Trial Lawyers Association. On behalf of our organization, I would like to welcome you to the school. It has been my personal experience that BSL offers an excellent academic program. Additionally, the school maintains a close relationship with many members of the Las Vegas legal community. As President of the NTLA (law student division), I have secured 20 NTLA student membership scholarships from a very prominent and well-respected Las Vegas attorney. Student membership in the NTLA is regularly $25 per academic year, but thanks to the generosity of this area attorney, I am able to offer you membership at no charge for the upcoming 2007/08 school year. The following passage has been excerpted the Law Schools Student Organizations webpage: The Nevada Trial Lawyers Association (NTLA) is an organization of independent lawyers who represent consumers and share the common goal of improving the civil justice system. The NTLA Student Chapter helps prepare law students to engage in the fulfillment of this goal upon entering practice by teaching students how to become powerful courtroom advocates for their clients. The Nevada Trial Lawyers Association provides an excellent opportunity for you to get to know many members of the Las Vegas legal community. Our parent organization is eager to continue its positive relationship with Boyd School of Law and it student body. Involvement in the schools chapter can provide student members with excellent networking opportunities; admittedly, it helped me to secure my first (and current) employment opportunity in the legal field. As the newly elected president of this student organization, I have some big ideas for the upcoming school year and attorney members of NTLA Las Vegas are eager to help make this one of the best student orgs at the law school. If you would like more information, or are interested in joining this potentially powerful student organization, please initiate contact by emailing me (my email should be visible to you). Congratulations, once again, on your decision to attend this fine law school and I hope to hear from you very soon. Very Truly Yours, Mark R. Smith NTLA Law Student President