tj888 (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
#3 | Santa Clara University | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 01/14/07 | Rec: -- | Comp: 01/22/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 05/25/07 | Upd: 17 years | ||
#1 | Catholic University of America | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 01/14/07 | Rec: -- | Comp: 01/16/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/01/07 | Upd: 18 years | ||
#2 | Loyola Law School | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 01/14/07 | Rec: -- | Comp: 01/22/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/20/07 | Upd: 18 years | ||
#2 | Chapman University | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 01/14/07 | Rec: -- | Comp: 01/25/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/13/07 | Upd: 18 years | ||
#4 | Golden Gate University | Accepted W | Type: RA | $20,000 | Sent: 01/14/07 | Rec: -- | Comp: 01/23/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/11/07 | Upd: 18 years | |
#2 | Southwestern University School of Law | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 01/14/07 | Rec: -- | Comp: 01/20/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/11/07 | Upd: 18 years | ||
#2 | University of the Pacific | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: 01/14/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 05/02/07 | Upd: 18 years | ||
#1 | Rutgers State University Camden | Accepted A | Type: RA | Sent: 02/26/07 | Rec: -- | Comp: 03/08/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 05/08/07 | Upd: 18 years | ||
#3 | University of San Diego | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 01/14/07 | Rec: -- | Comp: 01/22/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/28/07 | Upd: 18 years | ||
#4 | Western State University | Accepted W | Type: RA | $18,000 | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: 01/14/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/24/07 | Upd: 18 years | |
#1 | George Mason University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 02/24/07 | Rec: -- | Comp: 03/02/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/26/07 | Upd: 18 years | ||
#3 | Arizona State University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: 01/14/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/26/07 | Upd: 18 years | ||
#3 | University of San Francisco | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: 01/14/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/22/07 | Upd: 18 years | ||
#1 | American University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: 01/14/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/10/07 | Upd: 18 years |
Visitor Comments
I'm still waiting on most of my CA schools, and I applied about the same time you did. Oy. The waiting is driving me crazy!!!
all i know about golden gate is that they are on probation by the ABA and they might lose their accreditation. Which is scary. If I get accepted there, I wouldnt go b/c ABA accreditation is very important obviously.
Well, thats kinda true. If they lose accreditation while your a student, you'll be considered an ABA graduate, BUT when I contacted them they told me that some state bars require that you attend a school that has full accreditation, meaning not provisional or probation. So you wouldn't be able to practice in certain states. After they told me that I got pretty freaked out b/c who knows where life takes you and I want all my option opens after investing 3 yrs of my life into law school.
I visitied GGU yesterday and was extremely impressed. They were put on probation for a low bar pass rate and have now done MANY things to make sure that their rate goes up - which it did. They will be re-evauluted in Dec, Realistically, they are not going to lose their ABA status. They have gone above and beyond, in my view, and made themselves a much better school for it.
The campus wasn't as new and shiny as McGeorge, but for me it was a big step up from Cal Western's Campus. I attended a class and spoke to two (students randomly selected by me) and both gave RAVE reviews to the school. Students I talked to at other schools seemed to really "like" their schools, the two GGU students "loved" their school. Its making me think because before I was pretty set on TJ (provided I'm not accepted at McGeorge and neither of my waitlists come through - U. of Miami nor Penn State). I feel like you will get into McGeorge's day program. I'm hoping I get into the day. If they only accept me for their night program, my decision is going to be more complicated. Please keep me in to loop when you hear from UOP.
I still haven't hear. I called and they still haven't made a decision on my application. Before I was told that I would be notified by May 1st, this time I was told that a decision would be made by May 1st and mailed out after. Its weird to me that they don't have a better sense of their numbers.
Haven't heard a peep from UOP. Was visiting Penn State's two campus' today, kissing ass to try to get off the waitlist. I fly back to LA tomorrow, then drive right to San Diego for a Cal Western event. URRG. I keep trying to just be thankful that I have options though. Please let me know when you hear. I expect my UOP letter when I get back to my apt on May 6th. I will post my results asap.
I finally heard from UOP. At this point in time is was the response I was hoping for; a rejection. Yes, I am a happy reject! I went to a Scholar's Program at Cal Western last Friday and fell in love (but $48,000 also helped my fall). I'm relieved and feel I can make a decision without thinking about the ranking of UOP; just based on the best fit factors. With your LSAT score, I think McGeorge is dumb not to accept you. Best of luck to you whatever you do and where ever you go!
I did. They sent me a packet with information in it the following week.