LuckyGirl (2022-2023)
Application Information

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Visitor Comments
Did you recieve anything from Catholic in the mail after the E-mail acceptance?
Do you think you'll attend Denver?
I'm SO frustrated! I've been dying to hear from George Mason. Did you get the email that said no responses would be likely before March 1? Am SO jealous that you've heard back. :) I've a VA resident, so GMU is completely the inexpensive option here in the DC metro area. Congrats on all of your success! Where will you go? AL
Where do you think you will head?
What are your thoughts on GM? I just got a call from them today, admitted to the PT evening program.
Thanks! I'm very much leaning towards George Mason, as they're inexpensive, I can afford to go full time and not going into $200k in debt, and they really are a rising star in the area. I hope to see you there! AL
Yup, I plan to attend the open house. Sending in my deposit to GMU this week. :) WOO for finally making a decision!
What do you think of George mason.? I put in a late application there and have my fingers crossed, but I don't really know much about it.
Hey, Congrats on GMU. I was recently accepted and plan on attending in the fall unless some better option is available, which I seriously doubt. But anyways, I will not be able to attend the open house, and was wondering if you can give me feedback if you do attend the event. Thanks.
Got my Waitlist at GMU! I hope it turns into an acceptance. You'll have to tell us all about the open house weekend!
on Catholic! We have similar numbers and I applied there, too. This is encouraging! Did they mention $$$ in the email? Good luck with the rest of your apps!