Hannah (2022-2023)

Views: 4848 User Since: 10/06/08

Application Information

F - Fee Waiver A - Attending W - Withdrawn D - Deferred
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# Law School Status Type $$$ Sent Received Complete Interview Date Decision Updated
Cornell University Waitlisted Type: RA Sent: 01/02/09 Rec: 01/08/09 Comp: 02/19/09 Inter: -- Dec: 05/05/09 Upd: 16 years
George Washington University Accepted A Type: RA $104,000 Sent: 01/02/09 Rec: 01/02/09 Comp: 01/16/09 Inter: -- Dec: 02/18/09 Upd: 16 years
University of Pennsylvania Rejected Type: RA Sent: 01/02/09 Rec: 01/02/09 Comp: 01/08/09 Inter: -- Dec: 04/12/09 Upd: 16 years
Vanderbilt University F Waitlisted Type: RA Sent: 01/02/09 Rec: 01/02/09 Comp: 01/20/09 Inter: -- Dec: 04/13/09 Upd: 16 years
Fordham University Accepted Type: RA Sent: 01/02/09 Rec: 01/05/09 Comp: 01/05/09 Inter: -- Dec: 03/30/09 Upd: 16 years
Georgetown University Rejected Type: RA Sent: 01/02/09 Rec: 01/05/09 Comp: 01/13/09 Inter: -- Dec: 03/17/09 Upd: 16 years
New York University Rejected Type: RA Sent: 01/02/09 Rec: 01/06/09 Comp: 02/13/09 Inter: -- Dec: 03/20/09 Upd: 16 years
Duke University Waitlisted W Type: RA Sent: 01/02/09 Rec: 01/06/09 Comp: 01/22/09 Inter: -- Dec: 03/17/09 Upd: 16 years
University of Southern California Accepted Type: RA Sent: 01/02/09 Rec: 01/05/09 Comp: 01/21/09 Inter: -- Dec: 03/15/09 Upd: 16 years
Boston College Accepted Type: RA Sent: 01/02/09 Rec: 01/09/09 Comp: 01/20/09 Inter: -- Dec: 03/15/09 Upd: 16 years
Boston University Accepted Type: RA Sent: 01/02/09 Rec: 01/06/09 Comp: 01/20/09 Inter: -- Dec: 03/13/09 Upd: 16 years
University of California Los Angeles Waitlisted Type: RA Sent: 01/02/09 Rec: 01/02/09 Comp: 01/06/09 Inter: -- Dec: 03/02/09 Upd: 16 years
Northwestern University F Rejected Type: RA Sent: 01/21/09 Rec: 01/21/09 Comp: 02/02/09 Inter: -- Dec: 02/20/09 Upd: 16 years
University of California Berkeley Rejected Type: RA Sent: 01/02/09 Rec: 01/05/09 Comp: 01/14/09 Inter: -- Dec: 02/11/09 Upd: 16 years
Washington University in St Louis F Accepted Type: RA Sent: 01/02/09 Rec: 01/02/09 Comp: 01/21/09 Inter: -- Dec: 02/12/09 Upd: 16 years

Applicant Information

  • LSAT: 167
  • LSAT 2: 167
  • LSAT 3: -
  • GRE : -
  • LSAC GPA: 3.76
  • Degree GPA: 3.93
  • School Type: Top 20 Public
  • Major: English and Political Science

Demographic Information

  • City: Gainesville
  • State: Florida
  • Race: W
  • Gender: Woman
  • Non-Traditional Applicant: Yes
  • Years out of Undergrad: In Undergrad

Extra Curricular Information

-Leadership position with NPO for fund raiser planning.
-Volunteer with 3 other NPOs on a more casual basis.
-Part-time work through UG.
-Early grad (2 majors 1 minor in 3 years).

Additional info & updates

*Scholarships are for all 3 years combined.

05/11/09 - On reserve at Cornell.. ALL DONE! :D

04/15/09 - I've been in Dublin and London but apparently (according to my roomie) I was waitlisted at Vandy at some point. I've already put my first deposit down at GW and the only schools that can shake my plans up are Penn or Cornell.. so, thanks but no thanks Vandy. Withdrawing when I get home.

03/30/09 - Fordham in. They're soooooo late. And they're known to be stingy. Still, good to have another answer in the pile! - Also, finally under committee review at Penn. Let's make this short and sweet, please.

03/21/09 - GULC ding. My feet hurt too badly from my double at work to really care at the moment, but I'm sure it'll sting tomorrow.

03/20/09 - NYU said no thanks. Not surprised in the least.

03/19/09 - Edited the withdrawn acceptances out of this profile just for the sake of space.. Also, went to decision at GULC yesterday along with everyone else. Hoping for a WL or accept, but we shall see :P

03/18/09 - Went to decision at Duke on the 16th... was WL'd (as they are doing to almost anyone with a sub-169) and do not really care to ride that out.. so, I've withdrawn. :) Good luck to everyone who's holding out!

03/16/09 - I was in Belize for a week (check out bfreebz.org) and checked my voicemail on Friday to find that .. IN @ BU! If they offer me some serious dough, they might uproot my plans to go to GW..

OK! My roomie just checked the mail for me -- In at USC and BC! Yay!

03/02/09 - WL at UCLA via snail mail. Can't say I care too much. :P Will be withdrawing.

02/24/09 - Got scholarship info for GWU. Wow. They may have put themselves in the running. Let's see if I like their campus.

02/23/09 - Haven't gotten to check the mail yet.. but did just schedule a tour at GWU for Weds :DD -- very very convenient timing of getting in and ending up in D.C. at a hotel a mile away from the school. It'd be nice if I got a decision from GULC before then so I could know whether or not to spend some time on that campus too.

02/20/09 - Rejected at NULS... low numbers for them no WE = not a chance. Wasn't THAT excited about Chicago anyway.

02/19/09 - Finally complete at Cornell... *fingers crossed* here's to a positive, quick decision, eh?

02/18/09 - In @ GW (email) :) --- Going to D.C. next week so I will have to take a looksie!

Oh, and Pitt apparently? A 3L just called me. I didn't get anything in the mail. :/

02/13/09 - Complete at NYU... how long will this rejection take? And "complete, no dean's cert" (says the nice lady on the phone) at Cornell.. sent the dean's cert on Monday according to UF so.... *crosses fingers*

02/12/09 - In @ UF via snail mail.. after FOREVER! What took so long, guys?
AH! In at Wash U via email! Best ranked school I've been accepted to so far! YAY!!!

02/11/09 - Ding @ Berkeley.. my first one.
Allow me to say:

..Ok. Done now.

02/09/09 - In @ Lewis and Clark today... with NO MONEYS! WTF. They say I'm a good candidate for a scholarship but that they're broke.. Uh.. no thanks?

Really hope to hear from SOMEONE new this week....

02/02/09 - Decision at Santa Clara and L&C.. waiting for mail. Pretty sure I'm in at both. Also, complete at NUSL now. I applied two weeks ago because I had a fee waiver and my grandma wanted me to. :P

Also, I was under review at Berkeley as of 1/29. I really REALLY REALLY want to get in there. Like everyone else, I'm sure. But I'd even choose Berkeley over NYU most likely. Arggh. I hope I don't get flat out rejected. But whatever happens, I hope it's fast.

Come on! This week needs some NEW news, other than SC and L&C.

Oh, and duh, I'm not complete at Cornell cause I haven't sent them my Dean's Cert. Oops. And who knows what's up with NYU? They probably glanced at my numbers and threw my application in a dusty pile, never to be seen again.

01/26/09 - In at W&M (snail mail) and VLS (email) today.. yay :) I should probably start withdrawing apps from places like Cincinnati and FSU to let some other folks get a slot. That's happening this week.

01/22/09 - In at OSU via snail mail. Small envelope, one paper inside, no phone call or email -- (status checker went to 'decision'). Also, complete at Duke. ... Busy week!

01/21/09 - In at Cincinnati by email :)

Also: got email responses from BC and UCLA today about whether my apps were complete..

UCLA says "both your electronic application and LSDAS report were received on January 6th, and your file is being prepared for review. All seems to be in order, but we will be sure to advise if further action is required of you. Otherwise, you can expect to revceive an admission decision from us sometime between January and April."

Uh... does that mean I'm complete? "All seems to be in order" -- how vague. -- I'm counting that as complete. And did she just copy and paste that "January and April" crap or is there an honest chance that UCLA could give me a decision in the next 10 days? lol. January to April is a HUGE range of time.. oh well.

Finally have the ball rolling everywhere.. I've got status checkers or emails for the remaining non-complete schools.

01/20/09 - Temple's package came.. full tuition offer there. Wowzer. Not really that into going to Philadelphia though..

Waiting on OSU's decision in the mail & lots of schools to go into review.


Also, I'm sort of curious as to why I haven't even gotten a confirmation email from GWU, Georgetown, BC, or UCLA.

And BC is one of my top choices. Annoying!

-- double-checked LSAC... GWU and UCLA requested my LSDAS report on 01/02, Georgetown requested on 01/05, and BC requested on 01/09.. so clearly they've received my applications. They should shoot me an email; it's the merciful thing to do.

01/16/09 - Complete at GWU.. their email said not to expect an answer until late February. THANK YOU school for telling me when I can expect it. I'm sick of checking everything every day like a maniac. ALSO: Just changed to "decision" at OSU -- should get that in the mail any day now I suppose. I have a feeling I got in. On a side note, they emailed me when I missed some information on the application and were super nice about it.

..... GULC did not send me ANY emails about receiving my application or going complete.. but I stumbled upon an online status checker, submitted my email address, got a username and password emailed to me a SECOND later and, hey, I'm complete as of 1/13.. That's good, I guess, but it's weird that they didn't email me at all.

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Sunday, October 05 2008 at 08:00 PM

Hi, which are your first choices? Looking at GW myself.

Sunday, October 05 2008 at 08:00 PM

Hey thanks. GW is my first choice, but it really depends on Scholarship $$. That's what I am really focused on now. Best of luck at with Berkeley, you will definately have nicer weather there than wherever I end up!!

I just read
Thursday, February 22 2007 at 07:00 PM

on IBS's wall that you think you're only realistic goal is BC, but I disagree and think you're in for some real surprises. Your EC's seem genuinely awesome which will be a big plus. And, for what it's worth, our numbers are very, very close, and I've had a few surprises myself. A tip would be to start thinking about additional things to send in to schools in a letter of continued interest (and maybe even an additional LOR if you find yourself on a waitlist or two) only because you applied a little late and may be waiting a while. I sent an e-mail to a couple schools after having been complete for a while and so far it has helped a lot at one of them. Sorry for the unsolicited advice, I just hate to see people with your qualifications get down about this process. I'm rooting for you, so keep your head up!

Wednesday, June 20 2007 at 08:00 PM

Thanks for the compliment. I like your username too- short and sweet.

Thursday, February 22 2007 at 07:00 PM

Howdy. I'm not holding my breath for Berkeley, I applied a little later than I would have liked, only because my apps were ready in September, haha. Anyway, thanks for the good luck! Right now, my top choices are GULC, Northwestern, and Cornell. If I'm lucky enough to get the nod at Michigan, they'd enter the mix as well. Then, it'll come down to money and how I feel about the schools when I visit. Still waiting on six schools, so we shall see. I'm glad to be getting decisions, though, even if they are rejections (just got three in one day, haha). Good luck to you! I'm still rooting for you!

Good luck!
Saturday, December 13 2008 at 07:00 PM

We have similar numbers and both applied relatively late in the cycle. I am keeping an eye out on your results. I'm sure you will have many solid choices!

Sunday, June 08 2008 at 08:00 PM

on william n mary

Thursday, February 22 2007 at 07:00 PM

Sorry I didn't respond to your post sooner. Looks like you already went complete at all the places you asked about, though! Good luck with everything, and don't sweat it too much...waiting is part of the game.

Thursday, October 30 2008 at 08:00 PM

What's up with UF? I applied in November like you and I haven't heard a thing except prospective student updates. My status has been "All Docs Received" for nearly two months while some applicants on LSN heard back within a month of applying!! I should just walk over and pester them in person :)

Thursday, October 30 2008 at 08:00 PM

I'm going to go over to the law school in person and ask them what each status really means. Some schools go straight from "Complete" to "Decision Mailed" without ever going through the "pending" part. If I find out something important (I doubt it) I'll let you know. BTW, thanks for the congrats. Your index score is good, you should get into BU. Watch your phone and voicemail for Laura from admissions.

Tuesday, February 12 2008 at 07:00 PM

Well it looks like you attend their rival football school. They could very easily be holding that against you with their admission decision. :)

Thursday, August 28 2008 at 08:00 PM

You have some of the same good choices that I do...what will be your determining factor?

Thursday, August 28 2008 at 08:00 PM

SO is a concern for me. Right now I am just waiting to hear back on Fin Aid/Scholly. UF is a possible compromise option, as it is close enough for SO to visit regularly, but higher ranked than Stetson, where I have a full ride and stipend. I really like GW, BU and BC, but may not be able to afford them, and SO may be unable to move. So I am basically as up in the air as you are. I will be attending UF Admitted Students Day on Friday, so hopefully that gives me some more to work with. Then Stetson scholar retreat next weekend. So many things to consider...

Thursday, August 28 2008 at 08:00 PM

Cornell was my goal, but I am currently on reserve. The letter said that they will determine a waitlist in May, which I may or may not be on. Exciting. I have been with my SO for over 6 years, so also find that it isn't the same thing as making life decisions based on a casual fling or something. My SO is a non-traditional student, so she is still in UG in this area and would likely have to attend a JC if we moved, since she was not in a position to apply directly to any 4-year schools out-of-state. It does make things very complicated. I am actually considering attending Stetson with the scholarship and stipend. If I love the school, I can stay for all 3 years and come out relatively debt-free. If I do well enough, I could try to transfer up to another school after 1L. If I end up hating law school or something, I have the option of leaving at any point without incurring any real debt. I wish you the best with your decisions...your SO sounds like a definite keeper, so I hope it all works out to satisfaction for both of you!

Thursday, February 22 2007 at 07:00 PM

for the nice words about Cal and stuff. It's all good, I kinda applied there on a whim. Duke would be nice but not a big deal...Michigan is the school that can break my heart, haha. Good luck to you with the rest your apps! You definitely have some good news coming.

Sunday, February 01 2009 at 07:00 PM

Thanks for the encouragement. Good luck to you on the rest of your cycle

Sunday, June 08 2008 at 08:00 PM

on GWU! that's impressive!

Sunday, June 08 2008 at 08:00 PM

wait-list crazy! i did better on my second lsat. We should talk about it.

Thursday, October 30 2008 at 08:00 PM

That's amazing for GWU! I would love to get that? May I ask if you did a special scholarship application, or was that normal merit/need-based? Thanks and congrats again!

Sunday, October 05 2008 at 08:00 PM

I can't blame you with a $105,000 offer from them! I'm still hoping to get some $$, still working with the Dean's office on it, so we'll see. Money will decide whether I go to GW or UMd.

G dubs
Thursday, February 22 2007 at 07:00 PM

I am strongly considering it. I need to see how $$ pans out at other schools based on need and merit, but it will be tough to turn down six figures. Also, I'm glad that I was right about your cycle (see my 1/10 post on your LSN wall)! I told you there would be surprises, and this GW thing is definitely one of them. I'm doing a big tour in March and April, and visiting a bunch of places, so I'll probably decide officially sometime shortly thereafter...before seat deposits come crashing down on me. Good luck with the rest!

Sunday, February 01 2009 at 07:00 PM

Well, I just got the Levy Scholarship from Penn so now I feel like its between Harvard and Penn, maybe Chicago if they give me money...i don't know! I'm still waiting on Columbia and Stanford. But right now, Penn and Harvard. At Penn I could basically go for free, but Harvard is Harvard, you know?

Congrats on GW scholly
Thursday, August 28 2008 at 08:00 PM

$104,000 from GW...NOT BAD! Wish I got that news in my mailbox :-) Stetson Scholar Retreat was fantastic. I may end up going there after all. Things just seem to be pointing in that direction. Good luck with the rest of your outstanding apps!

Thursday, February 22 2007 at 07:00 PM

The WashU offer came via e-mail almost exactly three months to the day that I received my acceptance via e-mail, haha. Hope this helps, good luck!

Sunday, October 05 2008 at 08:00 PM

Hey, I just got the $104,000 GW scholarship too!!! So happy!!!!

Thursday, February 22 2007 at 07:00 PM

just got my $750! Feels so weird.

Sunday, October 05 2008 at 08:00 PM

Congrats on the GW decision! See you there.

Thursday, February 22 2007 at 07:00 PM

Look at how pretty that "A" looks, no? Congrats!