7YK39 (2022-2023)
Application Information

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Visitor Comments
i saw we had a few schools in common. congrats on rutgers, i felt the exact same way with santa clara. good luck!
thanks and congrats on cardozo, its a great school. ive been in nyc for a few years now and i think i want to try the west coast. i also havent heard back from almost all of the schools out there yet, and i think its because most of them just started reviewing apps earlier this month. ive been out to cali a few times but i never had a chance to visit any of the law schools. if youve seen any of them, what do you think? any preferences?
Your my number twin and my field interest twin. Ent, soft IP, tech, and crim are what I'm interested in as well. =) Good luck applying!
from a fellow Korean, hello! I really hope u get into loyola because that's actually my top choice also! i'll definitely be watching ur page to see how ur cycle turns out. g'luck!
We have similar schools. Good luck on your cycle.