swmontgomery (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
Cardozo-Yeshiva University F | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 11/14/08 | Rec: 11/25/08 | Comp: 12/09/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/13/09 | Upd: 16 years | |||
Northwestern University | WL, Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 11/02/08 | Rec: 11/05/08 | Comp: 11/12/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/24/09 | Upd: 16 years | |||
Loyola Law School | Accepted A | Type: RA | Sent: 11/14/08 | Rec: 11/21/08 | Comp: 11/26/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/02/09 | Upd: 16 years | |||
Chicago-Kent College of Law (IIT) F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $30,000 | Sent: 11/14/08 | Rec: 12/01/08 | Comp: 12/04/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/01/09 | Upd: 16 years | ||
University of Miami F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $60,000 | Sent: 10/28/08 | Rec: 11/03/08 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 11/15/08 | Upd: 16 years | ||
DePaul University F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $60,000 | Sent: 11/14/08 | Rec: -- | Comp: 12/03/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/12/08 | Upd: 16 years | ||
Southwestern University School of Law | Accepted W | Type: RA | $31,500 | Sent: 10/28/08 | Rec: 10/31/08 | Comp: 11/11/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/29/09 | Upd: 16 years | ||
University of Southern California | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 11/14/08 | Rec: 11/20/08 | Comp: 12/02/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/26/09 | Upd: 16 years | |||
University of California Los Angeles | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 11/22/08 | Rec: -- | Comp: 12/04/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/24/09 | Upd: 16 years | |||
Chapman University | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 10/28/08 | Rec: 10/29/08 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/07/09 | Upd: 16 years | |||
University of Minnesota Twin Cities | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 11/14/08 | Rec: 11/17/08 | Comp: 11/24/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/29/08 | Upd: 16 years |
Visitor Comments
Oh yeah, you almost might want to look into Tulane as I believe they have a sports law certificate (although marquette has more sports law classes/internship connections) and their degree is portable and you would probably be able to get a job in LA if sports law fails.
Good Luck with your apps! If i end up at either, i will keep you posted on how they are in regards to sports law.
Usually you will get them depending on how well you did on your LSAT. you can also ask them for one or can qualify for them based on need. All of mine were based on merit on LSAT.
Thanks for the well wishes, good luck!
seems we are in somewhat similar situations...i have a recommendation. i know someone who is currently at tulane studying sports law. tulane and new orleans are awesome and a degree from tulane is VERY portable from what i hear. good luck in the cycle!!!
Thank you for the information.
Thanks! Good luck with your cycle too!
thanks good luck on your application process! let me know where you end up!
That's the area I'm looking to get into as well! You're on the ball by doing an internship previously with an entertainment lawyer. I'd say that could translate well into another, more sports-focused internship. Sports Law is all about the hustle...who ya know as opposed to what ya know :)
Right now, I want to work in contracts/wills etc. but I plan on going into law school being very open minded about I want to do, just incase that changes! My top choice is U of I, and I'm planning on practicing somewhere in Chicago, so I would like to go to school somewhere in the midwest. What is your top choice school?
Hey! I'm originally from Jamaica!!
Yay for sports law!! That's definitely my intention :)))
I'm definitely not limiting myself to these schools. I just didnt get a chance to update my profile to all the schools I intend on applying to. :)
yess.. we do! thanks and good luck to you as well.. since we are both applying to gw.. have you noticed their app is still not up on the LSAC site?? oh and are you going to request and interview for Northwestern.. (it takes 3 weeks for them to give you a date).. way too long..
My top choice right now is Howard or one of the top NY schools. I have always wanted to go to Howard but have been skeptical about the ranking. Even though its a tier 3, I actually saw in a law review book that Howard graduates have the 10th highest starting salary and the least debt. My friend also told me that despite the ranking it is still "Howard"...so IDK??? But as of now I am not 100% certain of my top choice as this cycle can truly surprise me. :)
Youre welcomed!.. Honestly, if i can get into the Early Decision program...then GW.. if not then UPenn, cornell.. they are so many amazing ones..i just cant make up my mind. I really want to practice international law with a focus on human rights..but am open to other types of law as well. But wait, I just got a fee waiver from Cardozo too..no harm in applying especially if they want to pay for the app fee.. do it! (im going to).
As of right now, I'd really like to move to Chicago, so I'm looking at all of the area schools. But on my trip I only toured Kent and Loyola. To be honest...there wasn't a glaring difference between the two. Both buildings were very nice, but Loyola's is under a fair amount of construction (could be a good thing or a bad thing). Loyola is right near Michigan Ave, while Kent is close to the train station in more of the financial district. Kent's tour focused a lot on their legal clinic program and their legal writing program, which both seem like good programs. Loyola's tour focused a little more on career prospects. I'm trying to think of something better than that to tell you...but neither one of them had something that really jumped out and grabbed me as significantly better than the other. They both have a fair amount of info on their websites, so I would look at that stuff, I think I learned more from the site than from the tours (although I went over the summer, so I didn't get to see a class or talk to more than one student).
haha you are silly! hey, we have to help each other out.. thats what its about.. keep me posted... sd
You should definitely choose Chicago. I'm originally from Chicago, and am applying to Kent also. I will also apply to U of I, once I get my LSAT up in Dec! Are you originally from LA? Will you be retaking, and are you considering Howard at all?
sir.. are you working on those apps? Well I had my interview with Northwestern.. that I think i might of mentioned.. it went well.. hoping youre thinking of doing that soon.. no pressure.. and NO I did not get that Cardozo package.. but since it was only the app.. Im not too sad about it.
thanks.. will keep you posted.
Yup, that's the plan. I got into Marquette my last go-around in 2002 but chose to get my M.S. first. Best idea I ever had. Marquette would be nice, but I'm not going to stress it. Those certificates and classes guarantee you of nothing. Just going to take labor, taxation and business law classes and work my network. Good luck and let me know where you end-up!
So what are you trying to do within sports law? Since you are a Californian, you might want to look at McGeorge as well. That's where Boras went.
That's exactly what I am going for.
i got this forwarded to me last night from one of my mentors.. check it out.. let me know if its helpful.. http://www.sfbar.org/for_students/index.aspx
It seems that, although our target schools are very different, we have some similarities- our priorities are, perhaps, focused on things other than money (although money doesn't hurt for sure... ;))
I am interested mainly in Real Estate Law and Corporate. I have my bachelor's in Business Administration, and hope to remain in the corporate world (despite the current instability of our economy). My cousin an admissions counselor at Cal State Northridge. Are you applying to Howard at all?
I'm sticking to Chicago, NY, Florida, and Indiana pretty much. I went to UG in FL so I wouldn't mind staying there. I gotta pull a 160 in Dec, so I can have more options!
Thanks for the well wishes! I'm starting my apps now, but will apply to other schools after I get my Dec scores. I was initially scheduled to retake in October, but I relocated and didn't have time to prep. I'm sure your cycle will be great also!
Yeay! you will do great.. for my interview she focused mainly on my resume.. and am sure yours is great.. let me know how it goes!
thanks dear.. already have. sd
I've been a Clevelander all my life. As far as sports law go we have a major sports agency IMG i think its called right in downtown own a whole building. I happen to love Cleveland, but I wouldn't go to a Cleveland law school if I didn't have to. If you end up here, not a bad place to be though after law school. Good luck.
Theyve received the law school report and have verified that they have all components of your application. It means that your application is ready to be revised by the admissions committee. sd
just that they have rec'd all pertinent info. They have all said within 8 weeks I'll have an answer.
Yes, I have had my interview and it was actually a really great experiance. It knocked Northwestern up a few places on my list because of how devout the alumni were to it. I did an off campus alumni interview, it lasted about an hour and a half and couldn't of been more plesent. Good luck this cycle, im sure you will end up some where great.
Im soo glad you had a great interview. An hour and a half and the laughing definitely sounds like a good sign. Im a little afraid.. mine went well and she did laugh but it definitely was not that long.. well have to wait and see.
Hey man, I noticed you worked with an entertainment lawyer for a while. Is that what you want to end up practicing? Good luck with the cycle!
Most do. Of the 15 schools that I applied to 14 of them emailed me a form letter saying I was complete. Some of these took a long time, some of these took less then 24 hours. If it takes more than two weeks, I say shoot them a quick email. I did that for two schools, one (UCLA) even made the effort to call me to say I was complete.
Well, I don't know a whole lot about legal practice just yet, so I'm not sure what I want to do. I've been working in publishing for over a year now, though, and it occurred to me that the kind of law that publishing companies deal with might be up my alley. I spoke with some of the attorneys for my publishing firm in Korea, and the material and work environment seemed pretty interesting. But that's probably more copyright law oriented.
Sup man? I see that we are applying to alot of the same schools. Good Luck.
I will definitely keep in touch and let you know. Best of luck in your application process!
Thanks! Maybe we'll end up at the same school. Good luck on your cycle! Any reason you're not applying to Loyola in Chicago as well?
Thanks. I'm hoping the cycle works out for us. I'm sending out requests for fee waivers this week.
Ah, see I haven't really looked that much into those three schools. I just know that they are in Chicago (where I'm from) and that sounds good to me! haha
Hey, Did Chicago-Kent send you the fee waiver, or did you request it?
Congrats on Miami!
don't worry. your gpa will not impede your ability to get in to some great schools. breaking the top 40 with my stats proves anyone can do it.
Nah, definitely don't have the pick of the litter. I'm a bit of a splitter and being URM and non-trad kind of jumbles up the pot a bit. I know I'll have an unpredictable cycle, but I remain hopeful that it will all turn out well for me. I don't have any favorites thus far. In reality, I applied to schools where I think I could be happy and that have good programs. Money will play a big factor since I have UG loan debt.
I am enjoying marquette a lot. The professors are great and Milwaukee is not as bad as you probably think it is. I mean its way different than LA but that includes good things (people are really nice) and not so good things (weather sucks.) Sports law wise, it is a lot better than I expected. Even though 1ls dont get to take sports related courses, the Sports Law department and sports law society are constantly putting on career panels and lunches with people in the industry. In fact, last month we were able to attend their prestigious annual sports law conference which was awesome. Made a lot of contacts and learned a lot which has definitely motivated me. E-mail me if you have any questions. I dont check this site very often, but your cycle has interested me and I would like to know what you decide.
Yes...here's hoping! I would like to practice Commercial Real Estate Law. Hopefully the economy is better by the time I graduate. I'm looking into leasing, development/construction and land use. You?
Hadnt checked your profile in a min.. CONGRATSSSS on MIAMI.. what choice is that for you..is it amongst the top?? YEAYYYYYY
That's actually pretty interesting. Well we have about 3-4 schools in common so good luck to you! Maybe we'll run into each other. Also its about 11:20 pm so happy early birthday!! On a Friday no less, I'm sure it will be fun ;-)
Speaking of good options, congrats on Miami! Certainly a great school to attend if you're interested in Sports Law :) I know their business school has an undergrad major in Sports Marketing (or something like that, considering I almost chose the school for UG based upon that major), so maybe it would be possible to take some Sports Management classes while at the law school?
Thank you...I'm hoping I can bring my score up a bit
Thanks - I feel very lucky getting that scholarship. Not sure how I got it, but I'll take it! Good luck to you, and congrats on your 1st acceptance.
Since you're pretty much all in before Thanksgiving, I think the holidays are going to be VERY kind to you.
thank you and congrats also on you acceptance. So, whats your top choice?
Hey I saw you interviewed at NU. I interviewed there Oct 10th. Just wondered how your interview went. I'm hoping to go to school in Chicago. Maybe we'll see each other there:-)
Hey I applied to Depaul around the same time and also have pretty similar numbers to you. Have you heard anything back from them saying that they received any part of your application because they have not contacted me at all
Congrats on Miami!!!!
WOW, congratulations on DePaul!!
Congrats on your acceptance at DePaul! Which school is your top pick? Also I want to practice entertainment law as well, being that you worked with a ET lawyer could you offer any advice, insight, etc. regarding the field.
Some close numbers...when did you do your NU Interview? How did it go? When do you think we will hear?
I hear they sometimes ask ppl to take a year off and get some WE.
Way to go with DePaul! Maybe see you there?
Seems like we have some common interest in the sports and entertainment law field!! Good luck on being the next Irwin Mandel!! I want to be like the "Goodwin Twins!!" Scream back at me when you get a chance...
I'm going to join both of these! Thanks for the heads up! I really appreciate it!
What interests you about sports and entertainment law? What exactly are you looking to do??
Being a sports agent is so cut-throat!! That's what I want to do though. I work with a lot of high school athletes from around the country so I get a chance to build relationships with them while they are young. Being a ex division 1a ball player, it gives me a chance to give back. I'm really hoping to stay local and get into Seattle U. I've laid my foundation here and would like to stay here....Our city is booming with athletes right now. We have the number one high school junior and sophomore basketball players in the country!!!
It's very competitive. I'm hoping that these relationships I'm building now will help me! It's not even about which agent can provide the best results to a client. It's about who will spoil them with money and gifts nowadays. Lots of snakes in the industry... I'll try my best to keep the grass cut! lol
Thank you so much!! I wish you all the best of luck in all of your applications. Congrats on your acceptances thus far! Keep it up!
Thanks! Christmas definitely came early as I would be happy to attend a school like Illinois for free...of course I'm still holding out for my reaches lol. I'm sure yours are coming and will be much bigger!
I want to do commercial real estate. My apps are hidden, I applied to lots of schools. I haven't applied to Hastings, still considering it. My top choice is a T-14. I'll reveal it when the decision comes in.
I would love to do entertainment law, but I would only do that if I went to UCLA, USC, NYU, or Columbia. Everywhere else I'm going to probably focus on intellectual property law (and possibly international law). I see you're interested in sports law...so you may know how I feel regarding location. Sports law would be a lot of fun.
Yea I was aiming for a 154 or so but I can live with a 152. I'm gonna get all apps done by next week. Thanks for the support and have a great new year!! What are your thoughts about Depaul..? They sent me a fee waiver....
I'm gonna go ahead and apply to Depaul.....Also Northwestern. It's a big reach, but you never know what can happen....
Happy New Year! Good luck with law school decisions...January should be "the" month.
Keep the faith and good luck!
I hope all goes well with you this cycle. I noticed we have similar numbers, so hopefully I will have the same luck! Congrats!!!
sorry kind of a late response, but i changed up some of the schools I'm applying to, no more uiuc or northwestern! i think im being more realistic this way haha
I got the waitlist from Chapman to man kind of lame it is a school I am seriously considering to.
yea you're right haha but hey i can only apply to so many. anyway this waiting process really sucks!
Congrats on the waitlist!! I'm thinking about applying there..I had a football scholarship there out of high school. I have most of my apps done..Now the waiting game begins!
how did you find out about northwestern, via email or status checker?
This has all been much more than I expected. Best wishes the rest of your cycle.
congrats on depaul, 60k should be some nice help!
congrats on northwestern! did you do the interview?
First off congrats on NU.. i think you have a good plan on how to get a yes. I keep checking my status and it says it cant locate my desicion letter.. go figure. Congrats again!
Congrats on the Northwestern Waitlist! Not bad at all!
Congrats on the $$$! I hope I am as fortunate as you are!
Honestly, I was never really interested in attending BC. Plus it wasn't a traditional deferral to RD. They emailed me specifically about my "blemish". I would have had to jump through too many hoops to have my app considered. Plus I told myself that at the beginning of the cycle that I would withdraw from any school where I couldn't overcome my situation. I have lots of other good options though. So its not as big of deal as I thought it would be.
Good luck with NU bro.
I wholeheartedly agree. We don't have very many schools in common but maybe we'll be classmates! Left my email for you to keep in touch.
Looks like Northwestern saw something in you that warranted a closer look!! You should be excited! DePaul really should get with the program. A T-Shirt...really? Not a lot of lawyer logic in that one,lol. Anyway congrats so far. Good luck with second semester
WTF?!?! Classic case of YP.
Congrats on UM...I recently sent my app there!! But that means I would be staying home :((( Hey by the way lol!! I know I'm late on the response. Hope the rest of your cycle is going well! =)
...I hear you on the waiting thing. Hopefully you will receive the other responses soon.
Thanks dear.. trying to just keep the hope alive..
Congrats on Southwestern! I'm thinking about applying...I was waitlisted last year but with improved scores and all, I think I could get in...What are your thoughts on Southwestern??
Thank you! Good luck with the rest of your cycle.
We really may be classmates. I was accepted by DePaul also. I'm very impressed by their correspondence! I also received the $60,000 scholly. It definitely keeps them at the forefront!
Thanks!! I'm sure you'll receive good news as well in April. We just maybe classmates!
Thanks! It feels good to finally hear something and even better that my 1st was an acceptance! Good Luck with the rest of your cycle too.
How did you hear about Chapman waitlist?
Yes it is. I am still waiting to hear from them though. What are your top choices?
Hey.. are you concerned about the fact that NW starts looking at their waitinglist in April but our deposit for law school has to be in around the same time? ugh
I loved it actually. The weather= amazing. The campus = awesome. It was nice because it was like the law campus was its own mini campus within the larger campus community. I also liked brooklyn alot. I really didnt like Hofstra at all.
My fiance lives there and I am getting tired of living on different coasts.
I have a bunch of friends that have went to both Kent and Depaul and both get highly positive reviews. Good luck on Northwestern.
I didnt even know that was an option. Are you thinking of doing that? sounds like a good idea though.. it really does! I sent in an additional LOR and im praying..hahah
I am not quite sure at the moment, but I am seriously considering entertainment law or criminal law. My background is in entertainment and I feel that it would be a great use of my skills and training. You will love Chicago! It is a great city. Let me know if you have any ?s about the city I would be happy to help.
You are soo good.. they need to let you in.. at the least for all the effort youre putting in. I know youre going to kill it.. so hurry back and give me good news! Ill have my cardozo interview the day after.. so ill keep you posted.
Hopefully you get into Northwestern though. Best of luck with the rest of your cycle
Glad you went to the interview.. I think just having a second interview shows tremendous interest. Now its all up to the gods of admissions.. My interview at Cardozo went great.. It really is a great school..hope im in. Will keep you updated.
Yea heavily leaning toward Wash U will see W&M is still in contention.
What rubbed you the wrong way at DePaul? I must know! I visit in April. I am REALLY hoping to get off the waiting list at UW-Madison though.
thanks ...much!
I vote Miami... "in the back drop of sunny" Florida! =)
that, my friend is the question.. im still waiting to hear if and how much money American is offering. I think ill have a better idea then.
Ok, so not taking the pending schools into consideration (if you get accepted to any of them, go to USC first, then Loyola), I think Miami is the best option thus far. However, with these schools I think it's crucial to really consider where you want to practice afterward (if not state, at least region). If you are looking at regional hiring (and are interested in working for a large firm) about 10% of Miami grads get hired at the top 250 firms that have branches in Florida (NLJ's list). Similarly, about 4% of Depaul grads work for the same that are in Chicago, and only about 2% of SW grads work for the top 250 firms that are in LA. If you don't mind working in Florida and particularly Miami (where you will def. have opportunities in sports law--however, you will in Chicago and LA too), I would choose Miami. Try to be in that 10%, work for a well-known firm, do a great job, and then no one will care where you went to law school. I also think Miami (with it's great undergrad school) has more prestige/recognition nationwide. Also, and more related to my own personal taste, given how stressed we are all going to be once the workload begins, I'd rather be on the beaches of Miami than in the 20 below winters of Chicago. But as I said, I think the decision should come down to where you might want to practice afterward. I think if it's anywhere near Florida (GA, SC, AL, etc.), I say Miami all the way. IL, WI, IN, WI, etc. go for Depaul. If you want to work in CA, AZ, NV, etc. go for SW...but I do think that it is your weakest option overall. And given the money Miami and DePaul is offering, this point should be bolded. Once again, just my two cents =) I say put your deposit down at either, plan on attending, and wait to see if NW takes you off the W/L =) All the best.
If you can get more money from SW...and you want to practice in CA, I think that would be your best bet. I would also advise this if you want to go into entertainment law--film, television, or music in particular. But, sports law, at least in my opinion, is a little different because you have sports teams everywhere... whereas the film/tv/music industries are really only in 2-3 cities (LA, NYC, and possibly Nashville). If possible, visit Miami. You might be amazed at how much you like it. And we go through hurricanes all the time where I'm from and 99% of the time they are nothing more than a regular thunderstorm. Anyway, thanks for the good luck at Berkeley. I'm definitely excited! I wish you all the best and look forward to seeing where you do choose to attend.
Haha...No I don't live in Fla., but I think Miami would be an amazing place to be. I actually live near the Outer Banks, and we get hurricanes almost every year. But I def. agree that if entertainment law is even remotely in your future, CA/NY are the places to be. Have a great trip if you do end up flying to Miami; 80 degree, sunny weather sounds amazing right about now!
ah long time no see! my status checker for loyola also changed to decision on 3/30! So i'm guessing we'll be hearing tomorrow!!! If it's a no, then i'm hoping pepperdine comes through. but if that doesn't work either, helllloooo southwestern. lol. i'll just work harder to transfer right? good luck!
I have definitely been leaning towards W&L, just that cost difference is making me hesitant. Actually, I would like to eventually get into sports as well. Working as general counsel or something for a sports team would be my dream. You have some great choices as well! I kinda want to work in Chicago, so that is why I am interested in Wisconsin. You got into Chicago-Kent, so I am jealous lol. Hopefully, you get off of the Northwestern waitlist! I know you would like that. What school are you leaning towards?
I see your another sports law guy as well.. case really intrigued me due to cleveland being a top 10 legal market & being literally blocks from IMG's corporate HQ's..plus I'm from Pittsburgh originally and with Cleveland being only 1.5 hours away I'm fairly familiar with the city...congrats on the Loyola LA/ Miami acceptances, those are actually my two top choices and am hoping to get into both...lots of connections can be made in those cities... looks like your cycle is over other than the dreadful waitlists, good luck with those... stay in contact, all the sports law people need to stick together and use all of our connections-being an athlete at carolina has certainly opened up some doors for me already
HUUUUGUEEE congrats!!!! my package or small letter still has not gotten here. tomorrow? i do live a little further away in pasadena though, maybe thats why it took longer? omg im so scared! was it a big envelope? ru doing pt or ft? ru going to accept loyola? =]
I'm excited for you! Congrats! You deserve it!
summer institute? whats that? and hey you're in, and even if you don't go you can say you got in and turned it down! haha. but i hope you get some scholarship money out of them! when is their ASD? ru going to go?
Glad to see you got into Loyola too!
oh boy im wishing you the best with northwestern! my boyfriend is going to get his PHD at northwestern so i actually originally really wanted to go there too. i didn't end up applying since my numbers were sub-par, and i want to practice in cali. GOOD LUCK! hope you get off that waitlist =]
Yeah, barring any miracles from some of the schools that are still out, its looking like Hastings.
rejected =[ oh well. helllloo southwestern. they gave me money anyway. at this point im likely to try and transfer out after one year. *sigh* its been pretty disappointing lately. should i send in a letter to loyola and say i'm actually native american? lol
Congratulations on Loyola! Go there! There are so many LA entertainment lawyers that come from Loyola. Have you decided that's where you'll attend or are you thinking of holding out for NW?
Hoot ! Hoot!
Thanks for the support fam! Everything will work out sooner or later. The meeting will positive...I'll get him on my side eventually!
Hey, the only reason I didn't apply to Case was the fact that it's in Ohio. I've lived here for 12 years now, and I would like to move to a bigger market (LA, Miami, etc) where there are more opportunities (and nicer weather, haha). Otherwise, I would've definately considered it. Thanks for the congrats, and same to you as well. I'm leaning towards Miami right now unless I get into Tulane, Oregon, or Chapman who I'm waiting to hear back from. What are you thinking about Miami? Thanks again.
Thanks for your message! I received it, but haven't logged on here frequently as I was finishing up my last days of work. Seat deposits are due, and it's stressful isn't it?? I'm still waiting on a couple important decisions :-( Doesn't it hurt to withdraw from places who have offered money for those who haven't? I guess I will start withdrawing over the next few days...
Please tell me what you did to get waitlisted at NW with a 154. That's amazing! They're my first choice and I don't even know if I'll be considered with a 166 & no full time work experience...good luck with that!
Congrats to you my friend! Let's get this sports law thing poppin!!!
congrats on your decision. i'm jealous you get to stay in cali and i gotta go to the cold! lol.
wow, your story inspires me! i don't really comment on people's pages until i saw yours. CONGRATS from a fellow URM! Kick ass at Loyola!
wow, your story definitely inspires me! i dont really comment on people's walls until i saw yours. Congrats from a fellow URM. Kick ass at Loyola!
Yes, number twins we (almost) are indeed! My top choices are Hastings and Fordham. Waitlisted at Hastings so I'm keep my fingers crossed. Other than that, I dont really mind going to any of the schools I've gotten in to. I'll keep u posted on Loyola tho... that one should be interesting. p.s. I didnt realize how much hating goes on here. So sad... If this sh*t was UCLA, we'd just get all the ASU and Mecha folks out here and handle these ignorant people! lol
Thanks so much for the kind words. I am not too sure if I am going to put my deposit down at IU-Indy, for I'm not too excited about the school. I am going to try and see if they will give me an extension on my deposit deadline so I can go up and visit and see if I either end up loving it or it solidifies my decision not to attend. I'm still holding out hope that Santa Clara might come through for me, for I would go there over IU-Indy in a heartbeat. However, I'm REALLY, REALLY hoping I can get off of Loyola's waitlist, now that my #1 choice, Tulane, rejected me. I actually really hope to go into sports law as well. I know half the battle is making connections, which is why I think Loyola would be a great school for me. I'm also hoping that since I am a female, that might help me out as well, since sports law is such a male-dominated business. Football is my passion in life, and I would love to be able to be the general counsel for one of the NFL franchises (as you mentioned in your profile as well). But I guess only time will tell. Good luck at Loyola this fall! I'm majorly jealous!
I'm glad you enjoyed the preview day. It really is the best choice of all your options for what you want to do. Best of luck :)
AWESOME! im glad you had fun at Loyola's ASD! now if they'd only get back to me, then i can join u in ur celebration. lol as for hastings vs. davis, ive visited both schools and thought both had great things to offer their students. im trying my best to get off either (or both) waitlists, but if i had to chose right now, i think id pick davis. smaller class sizes and overall better campus. it also doesnt hurt that they're now ranked higher than hastings. its a win win so pls corss your fingers for me.
hey! i just wrote a comment addressing anonymous too lol. anyways, i sent a deposit to w&l. wisconsin doesn't have a deposit so i'm happy about that. i'm still unsure where i want to go. i keep going back and forth. i hope i get into wash u with some money, that will make it a lot easier :) i was actually kinda mad i didn't get into loyala. i have some friends who go there and i love cali, so i woulda def considered it. hope all is well with you tho
Hey Congrats on Loyola, I'm glad to see another member of the class of 2012 here. I went to the preview day and I just loved the school. I was already pretty sure that I was going to go to Loyola based on an earlier campus visit I did but I just love friendly atmosphere that Loyola has. I visited a few law schools in the last year and Loyola just feels right. I'm on a few waitlists and should I get into BU I might maybe change my mind, but I'm not sure. I'm just so happy to be going to Loyola, much happier than I thought I'd be. I also agree with everything you said about the USN rankings, they do have some impact but I feel like a lot of schools (like Loyola) will give you a better quality education than the rankings would suggest.
yea i mean i would love to transfer but i'm def not counting on it happening. my dream is to grad from stanford (or berk, columbia, northwestern, chicago). so i guess i will try to keep that dream alive until it is no longer possible. i know i need to actually study and work hard in law school. to be honest, i never studied or read in undergrad. i'm gonna put in the effort and see what happens. i will be happy going to and graduating from w&l, wustl or wisc.
Congrats on making that final decision, Cardozo pending.. It has been quite the ride. Im sure youre going to hustle at Loyola and shine!
from a fellow loyolan, congrats on finishing your cycle! i will most definitely be seeing you come this fall (though i won't know exactly who u are, haha).
Thanks for the well wishes. I got my Cornell rejection yesterday, I wasn't too sad or surprised about it. Really I have no idea what type of law I want to do at Loyola, I really want to give everything a try and see what I like. I'd really love to do international law and live abroad, but I know how competitive that field is. On my 1st student visit I talked to a professor who does business law and I really liked it and I want to give that a try. I would have never even thought that I'd want to do a JD/MBA program but talking with him I did want to try a class at least so you never know what you may like. I also really liked that torts and contract classes I had so who knows.
Yeah I'm ready to get my Loyola merchandise too. I mean I'm on a few waitlists but BU is the only one that I might choose of Loyola now. William and Mary is nice but I'm happy with Loyola. I'm also waiting on Cardozo but I applied super late to them and I would only go there if they gave me money and I don't think that they will.
not really sure yet.. I'm gonna go visit both after graduation at Carolina and hopefully make a decision in june.. only applications left that could enter the mix would be a pepperdine or usd acceptance congrats again on loyola man.. couldn't be happier for you bro
Wassup fam?? I haven't spoken to the dean yet and I don't think I will make the effort to. After thinking long and hard about it, they could have admitted me if they really wanted to. Kind of left a sour taste in my mouth. They are a wonderful school but things just didnt work out. I fell in love with USF on my visit. So diverse and so many opportunites. Not to mention it wouldn't hurt making some major connections in the sports field within the bay area. I have the raiders, 49ers, Cal, Stanford, Kings, Warriors etc. I am trying to get some scholarship money out of them. Any advice..? Let's stay connected, I am sure we can use each other. I am alright working on some internships for 1L summer with some major sports agencies. I also might be interning with draftdaddy.com....
what are you doing regarding sports law?
Hi Sean, Thanks for posting on my wall. I totally agree with your reply about the LSAT. It is hard work and a multitude of other things that really make you a success. Thank you for your words--you really are an inspiration. Keep up the great work! Andrew
You turned down a full ride at Southwestern??!
thank you very much sir. it's not a full ride but it's close. i am excited about our future, as you should be too. i know we will accomplish our goals and dreams. best of luck to you in the future. we need to make sure we keep in contact.
I did. Michigan it is!! Good luck at Loyola!
Looks like I'll be joining you at Loyola Law School, my friend! Just got the letter today... I couldn't be happier!
The reason I would choose loyola over marquette is for security. even though they offer sports law certificate which I\\\\\\\'m definitely going to try to achieve, Professor Anderson who runs the sports program spoke to us at Open House and painted a good picture of the program but he admitted most people who receive the certificate dont go to work in professional sports as it is very competitive. They have a lot of connections in the local markets for sports in internships ways but most people use their certificate/classes in other law areas such as contract, labor and Title IX law. I would choose Loyola if given the opportunity because of the fact that if I can\\\\\\\'t get a job in professional sports (Which is very competitive), I want to be able to practice in LA which Loyola is better for than marquette. Dont want to be stuck in Milwaukee! Loyola also has a pretty good Sports and Entertainment Law society that has connections for internships in sports so that kills 2 birds with one stone. Getting into sports is based on connections so usually the best school u get into is where you want to go to so u should strive for UCLA or USC. Let me know if you have any questions. If I end up at marquette Im going to be pursuing sports law to the best of my ability and hopefully all things work out for a reason. I did see one of their alumnists from last yrs class got a job with the rockies and one got a job with the packers so at least I know it can happen from there.