HLS2012 (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
University of Pennsylvania | WL, Accepted | Type: RA | Sent: 11/10/09 | Rec: 11/11/09 | Comp: 11/25/09 | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/26/10 | Upd: 15 years | |||
New York University | Waitlisted | Type: RA | Sent: 11/05/09 | Rec: 11/10/09 | Comp: 11/25/09 | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 15 years | |||
Harvard University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 11/04/09 | Rec: 11/04/09 | Comp: 11/12/09 | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 15 years | |||
Stanford University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 11/05/09 | Rec: 11/06/09 | Comp: 11/11/09 | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 15 years | |||
Columbia University | Waitlisted | Type: RA | Sent: 11/04/09 | Rec: 11/04/09 | Comp: 11/19/09 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/05/10 | Upd: 15 years | |||
Yale University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 11/07/09 | Rec: 11/09/09 | Comp: 11/16/09 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/02/10 | Upd: 15 years | |||
University of California Berkeley | Accepted | Type: RA | Sent: 11/06/09 | Rec: 11/06/09 | Comp: 11/09/09 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/09/09 | Upd: 15 years |
Visitor Comments
The only ones I used were the ones given to me (that is, I didn't apply for any.) For all of those, the fee is just waived when you submit the application. I can't really make a case for need-based waivers and I attempted to get merit-based waivers at a few schools but they were not having that (and they responded within a day or two), so for me it was all pretty straightforward. Hope that helps..
We're mostly applying to the same schools -- good luck!
We're not only numbers twins, but also twins in most other respects! I went to a T10 school with a 3.8x GPA, too. No safeties? Wow, good luck! I'll keep an eye on your acceptances. :-)
I dunno if someone's answered this already, but JR1 is the first phone interview you get from Josh Rubenstein who is the Dean of Admissions at Harvard. It pretty much singles out the group of students who stand a chance of getting in - from what I can tell, if you don't get one you shouldn't hold your breath.
From what I can tell, you're a bit of a reverse splitter. Although your GPA from a top school is great, your LSAT might raise some issues. If you are committed to going somewhere in 2010, I would suggest a GPA-friendly safety such as Georgetown or UCLA.
This interview is essential to applicant's chances. If you don't get one, there is absolutely no chance of an acceptance. On the other hand, about 70% of those who did receive interviews last year .were eventually accepted. So the interview request is close to an acceptance itself
This interview is essential to an applicant's chances. If you don't get one, there is absolutely no chance of an acceptance. On the other hand, about 70% of those who did receive interviews last year .were eventually accepted. So the interview request is close to an acceptance itself.
Good luck.
My original score was an impressive 157 and I took it in Oct 2008. Looks like you should start hearing back from some places in a couple weeks--Good luck with your cycle!
Thanks! I'm pretty much set on Harvard, but I have to admit if I somehow got into Yale I would consider it as well. What about you? Hope you get your JR1 soon :)
Thanks! If only other schools moved as quickly...
Haha I'm glad to know we're in the same boat :) The anxiety is definitely getting to me... I keep vacillating between giving up all hope and thinking that I really do have a shot, it's really very bad for my psyche.. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you too, let me know if you get a call!
Hi, thanks for your comment. I had all my apps in by the first week of November. Good luck to you!
I'd be happy to send you a copy of my PS, if you'd like to check it out. I'm a little reticent to talk about it on the boards, yet, but it deals with a pretty recent case of antigay discrimination against me and my work with a youth gay rights group to fight homophobia. Good luck with the cycle, and let me know if I can be of any help!
wow congrats on Boalt!!
Wow, Berkeley is some way to start off your cycle! Congrats!
HUGE congratulations on your Berkeley acceptance!!! What a way to start your cycle! I also spend a ridiculous amount of time lurking in TLS, which has me convinced that I may not get in anywhere, let alone Boalt. Ugh! I feel the exact same way you felt per your update yesterday, which leaves me glad to see that at least a few people received some very good news today... and hopeful that maybe tomorrow, it will be me. =)
Congrats again!! Just thought I'd repeat myself since I almost posted a comment to someone else... Now all we need is JR to come through!
Thanks! My top choice (among my acceptances) is probably Harvard, though I am not ready to rule Stanford out yet. However, if I get into Yale...
They should know how anxious we are and limit our correspondences to acceptances (and rejections if absolutely necessary, but these are less preferred) and anything else specifically related to our application..
Nah, I didn't bother retaking the LSAT. Too much work for not enough payoff. I felt the weakest part of my app was my academic section, so I decided I'd get an MA, and if things didn't work out with LS I'd have a backup plan.
Hopefully you (and I) get good news today :)
good luck with harvard and I totally understand about the "not sending emails unless it relates to admission decisions" lol
Hey thanks and congrats to you on Berkeley! I'm happy to share my softs, just PM me on TLS (I have the same user name there).
Thanks for the congrats :) Maybe we'll end up at the same school next year! And JR is really letting me down, I have to say.
Finally heard from JR! Unfortunately it was neither pleasant nor a surprise. Maybe late though.
Well, whenever you do hear, I hope it's better news than what I got :) Good luck! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that one of my TLS/LSN friends gets in...
That's crazy! I don't know what your LSAT is but I'm sure they're just pretty confident you'll want to go somewhere higher ranked. You're just too good for them! If only I could say the same for Harvard. Anyway, I agree - we got the bad news out of the way, good news must be on the way!
We don't need them. Sorry to hear about Harvard :( Just saw that, but life goes on, right?
Hey there! As much as I like engineering (and I really do like it), I couldn't see myself working as an engineer. Law seems to have the same analytical, problem-solving type of work that I enjoy, and it also allows me to read and write (two traits that are all-too-often neglected by engineers). And yes, I'm a proud golden bear =)
my first was a 160. Then a cancel. And you know the third. While many will say it was my URM status that put me over the top, I can only partially agree as there are many URMs with better numbers who haven't gotten in to SLS. I can't say why they liked my application enough to admit me, but I've had significant volunteer experiences. I spent a couple years in south america as leadership in a group of about 200+ volunteers and focused my PS and DS around what I learned from that experience. Perhaps that was it?
I'm surprised you haven't heard anything in a while! I hope you hear some news soon too :)
You still haven't heard?? Wow they are really making you wait. And it's looking like Columbia for me.. if my family weren't in NY i might consider Berkeley more, but that's how it goes. Let me know what your plans are, once you figure them out!
Didn't retake, just don't want Asha to see my real numbers, not that she hasn't already figured out who I am.
I'll go to Stanford for sure unless I get into Yale, in which case I have a tough choice to make. Harvard is not really in the picture for me.
i wasn't signed in but that last post was from me.
Berkeley or Penn? Congrats on getting off the Penn WL btw.
Haha yea I'm planning on going to Penn, too! You will. I'm on a couple wait lists but I don't see any of those panning out.
The only one I haven't submitted yet is Stanford... Good luck!