NeedGoodLuck (2022-2023)

Views: 8516 User Since: 09/26/09

Application Information

F - Fee Waiver A - Attending W - Withdrawn D - Deferred
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# Law School Status Type $$$ Sent Received Complete Interview Date Decision Updated
Vanderbilt University Waitlisted W Type: RA Sent: 11/11/09 Rec: 11/12/09 Comp: 11/19/09 Inter: -- Dec: 02/12/10 Upd: 14 years
Georgetown University F Waitlisted W Type: RA Sent: 11/11/09 Rec: 11/12/09 Comp: 11/13/09 Inter: -- Dec: 02/02/10 Upd: 14 years
New York University F Waitlisted W Type: RA Sent: 11/16/09 Rec: 11/25/09 Comp: 01/12/10 Inter: -- Dec: 04/20/10 Upd: 14 years
University of Notre Dame F Waitlisted W Type: RA Sent: 11/16/09 Rec: 11/23/09 Comp: 11/23/09 Inter: -- Dec: 01/29/10 Upd: 14 years
University of Virginia F Waitlisted W Type: RA Sent: 11/11/09 Rec: 11/11/09 Comp: 11/12/09 Inter: -- Dec: 03/11/10 Upd: 14 years
Duke University F Waitlisted W Type: SP Sent: 11/11/09 Rec: 11/12/09 Comp: 11/12/09 Inter: -- Dec: 11/22/09 Upd: 14 years
Stanford University Waitlisted Type: RA Sent: 11/24/09 Rec: 11/25/09 Comp: 01/22/10 Inter: -- Dec: 04/19/10 Upd: 14 years
University of Alabama F Accepted W Type: RA $83,280 Sent: 11/13/09 Rec: 11/20/09 Comp: 12/04/09 Inter: -- Dec: 12/12/09 Upd: 15 years
University of Georgia F Accepted W Type: RA $30,000 Sent: 11/10/09 Rec: 11/18/09 Comp: 11/18/09 Inter: -- Dec: 11/18/09 Upd: 15 years
University of Texas Austin F Accepted W Type: RA $77,000 Sent: 11/11/09 Rec: 11/13/09 Comp: 11/25/09 Inter: -- Dec: 02/23/10 Upd: 15 years
Boston University F Accepted W Type: RA $90,000 Sent: 11/17/09 Rec: 11/18/09 Comp: 12/03/09 Inter: -- Dec: 02/05/10 Upd: 15 years
University of Wisconsin Madison Accepted W Type: RA $95,000 Sent: 11/12/09 Rec: 11/16/09 Comp: 11/20/09 Inter: -- Dec: 12/15/09 Upd: 15 years
Cornell University F Waitlisted W Type: RA Sent: 11/16/09 Rec: 11/20/09 Comp: 01/21/10 Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 15 years
Washington and Lee University F Waitlisted W Type: RA Sent: 11/12/09 Rec: 11/18/09 Comp: 11/18/09 Inter: -- Dec: 01/13/10 Upd: 15 years
University of Michigan Ann Arbor F Accepted A Type: RA $36,000 Sent: 11/12/09 Rec: 11/18/09 Comp: 12/18/09 Inter: -- Dec: 01/15/10 Upd: 15 years
University of Miami F Accepted W Type: RA $69,000 Sent: 11/14/09 Rec: 11/17/09 Comp: 11/30/09 Inter: -- Dec: 12/07/09 Upd: 15 years
Washington University in St Louis F Pending W Type: RA Sent: 11/14/09 Rec: 11/16/09 Comp: 12/04/09 Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 15 years
Wake Forest University F Accepted W Type: RA $36,520 Sent: 11/12/09 Rec: 11/13/09 Comp: 11/25/09 Inter: -- Dec: 12/16/09 Upd: 15 years
Emory University Pending W Type: RA Sent: 11/11/09 Rec: 11/20/09 Comp: 11/20/09 Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 15 years
College of William and Mary F Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 11/16/09 Rec: 11/17/09 Comp: 11/20/09 Inter: -- Dec: 12/07/09 Upd: 15 years
Columbia University Rejected Type: RA Sent: 11/19/09 Rec: 12/14/09 Comp: 12/14/09 Inter: -- Dec: 03/15/10 Upd: 15 years
University of Chicago F Rejected Type: RA Sent: 11/16/09 Rec: 11/20/09 Comp: 12/07/09 Inter: -- Dec: 03/10/10 Upd: 15 years
Harvard University Rejected Type: RA Sent: 11/16/09 Rec: 11/17/09 Comp: 12/03/09 Inter: -- Dec: 02/05/10 Upd: 15 years
University of Pennsylvania F Rejected Type: RA Sent: 11/11/09 Rec: 11/12/09 Comp: 11/22/09 Inter: -- Dec: 01/12/10 Upd: 15 years

Applicant Information

  • LSAT: 169
  • LSAT 2: -
  • LSAT 3: -
  • GRE : -
  • LSAC GPA: 3.71
  • Degree GPA: 3.8
  • School Type: -
  • Major: -

Demographic Information

  • City: -
  • State: -
  • Race: Daytona 500
  • Gender: Man
  • Non-Traditional Applicant: Yes
  • Years out of Undergrad: 1-2 Years

Extra Curricular Information

Will disclose after the cycle is over. But PM for specifics. Trust me, its nothing out of the ordinary.

Scholarship information is the total amount over three years.

Additional info & updates

Barring a miracle Stanford waitlist acceptance, it's University of Michigan class of 2013 for me!!

04/12/10 - Although I still have not heard from NYU and Stanford, I think it's fair to say that I'm probably not getting into either school. I withdrew from all other schools to give other people a chance. I sent in my deposit to Michigan, it looks like I'll be a Wolverine next fall!

03/10/10 - Rejected from Chicago. Taking 4 months to render a rejection or any decision for that matter, certainly makes it seem like U Chicago suffers from some kind of severe inefficiency.

03/02/10 - Now that it's March, It seems odd that I'd still be waiting on Schools that I applied to in early November.

It seems that law schools are swamped. Cornell has reported an application increase of over 50% from last year. Emory has reported similar numbers. Emory claims there will be a substantial WL this year, they also don't seem to be giving out as much money as they did last year (perhaps they are hurting from the economy??) This seems to be a trend across the board for all law schools. If you get into your top choice with $$, then you should consider yourself very lucky this year.

Talk about bad timing.

02/25/10 - WL from Vandy.

Looks like I got an acceptance out of the list of tough schools still pending. In at Texas. I think I might get one more... Emory?

02/15/10 - Waiting for my decision from Vandy. It took a long time to hear back from them, which leads me to believe this could be a WL.

My review status at Chicago updated its date.

02/09/10 - 90K scholarship from BU! Very exciting. I was not expecting that much money from them.

02/08/10 - Under review at Chicago. I hear the wait is typically 2-4 weeks.

02/05/10 - Admitted to BU via phone call. I missed the call because I'm at work...

Rejected from Harvard. Quick, someone alert the media!

02/04/10 - Another WL from Georgetown. I have a feeling this cycle may be over, probably WLs and rejects from here on out. Schools could probably change my mind with LOTS of money... hint hint.

01/30/10 - Big scholarship from UGA considering in-state tuition. I was not aware that they gave in-staters significant scholarship money.

WL at Notre Dame. I had a "why ND essay" that I thought was pretty good. It seems that due to the MASSIVE increase in applicants reported by most law schools this year, the law school application process has become outrageously selective. IMO the wait list is essentially what law schools consider their "plan B" incase all those 170 test-takers that they accepted don't matriculate.

The remainder of my cycle seems to be mostly WLs and Rejections. Perhaps my cycle is over...

01/20/10 - Washington & Lee must be joking... Whats up with them this year?

01/19/10 - Decision mailed for Washington & Lee on 01/14/10. Still waiting for my letter. Apparently there have been a lot of waitlists in this batch. This should be interesting...

Been under review at Harvard for over a month and a half. I fully expect that rejection to come soon.

I was supposed to be under review at BU, but this is taking quite a while. Same with UVA.

Under review at Georgetown, and I just interviewed there. I hope it made some sort of difference.

Still really excited about Michigan :)

01/15/10 - Got my first rejection from Penn. Not too worried, since Penn wasn't really a top choice anyway.

I received a large envelope from Michigan Ann Arbor. It contained my acceptance letter, a USB drive and a viewbook. Personal note written at the bottom. Soooo happy I got in!!!

12/21/09 - $15,000 per year from Bama. I was informed by Miami that a scholarship letter was on the way. Come on more acceptances.

12/14/09 - Double checked and it looks like I received no scholarship or merit aid for William and Mary. Its a great school near the top of my list, but out of state tuition is far too much money. Decisions... decisions.

12/4/09 - Under review at Georgetown, my understanding is that it will still be another month or more before I hear back.

Under "Administrative Review" at Wake, but I've talked to people who have had that status since Halloween.

Under Review at Harvard, but I did not receive a request for a phone interview, so I'm betting this will be a pretty quick rejection.

Received my status checker for Wisconsin. Apparently I've been under review since 11/24.

11/23/09 - Got an e-mail from Emory stating that all completed applications will not be reviewed until the 4th of January... I Finally received my status checker for UGA, lol a few days after I was admitted.

11/22/09 - Wait listed at Duke. I actually wanted to go to Duke too... Time to get started on a LOCI.

11/20/09 - I applied to UGA on 11/10/09, I never received an "application received" e-mail, and I never received a status checker. I called today to see what was going on and they told me I was admitted :) I

11/16/09 - The last of the apps were sent out today. I think this list is final but I may research a few more schools and send out 1 or 2 more. Lots of reaches here, not sure if that was such a good idea.

11/13/09 - My application is already under review at Duke and UVA. They're fast.

11/11/09 - 7 applications out today I hope I will be just as productive tomorrow.

10/26/09 - Viewbook and a fee waiver from Penn via snail mail. A few more notable fee waivers as well.

10/20/09 - UVA fee waiver & University of Texas fee waiver.

10/19/09 - Got a priority track invite and fee waiver from Dean Hoye at Duke. I'm very surprised by this!

10/16/09 - Scores came out! I got a 169 which is one or two points below my PT average but hey I'll take it. I'm actually pretty happy with it. Whew... glad thats over with!

10/12/09 - Indiana University Bloomington fee waiver, I'm very surprised I got this one.

9/26/09 - Last crack at the LSAT. Unfortunately, I did not feel good about it...

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Sunday, September 06 2009 at 08:00 PM

Hey, good luck on your cycle! we have similar numbers/schools!!

Sunday, September 06 2009 at 08:00 PM

I am sure you will get into a lot of them. And shhh don't tell anyone but I think the LSAT is stupid anyways. The two point difference in our score means I got two more questions right than you or something like that...should that actually even matter? Oh well, at least it is over. What is your top choice?

Sunday, September 06 2009 at 08:00 PM

Haha I kind of feel the same way. I am just going to apply to a bunch of places and sort it all out once decisions start being made.

Friday, August 14 2009 at 08:00 PM

after looking at your list of fee waivers, you REALLY needgoodluck, hehe.

Friday, August 14 2009 at 08:00 PM

just now noticed your response. very funny mister. (and very true.) i have you on my watch list for a reason, friend. so change your "intend to apply"s to "pending" soon enough!! your inactivity is boring me. :-)

Friday, August 14 2009 at 08:00 PM

Called both yesterday. Both letters are in transit and they both won't tell me over the phone, lol. Check my mail obsessively every day- nothing so far. This waiting game is the worst game I have ever played! I need good luck :)

Thursday, June 25 2009 at 08:00 PM

Hey, Good luck with your cycle and if you're referring to the Notre Dame, i did not submit the why nd essay

Friday, September 25 2009 at 08:00 PM

I called today and I was told a decision had already been made. My status checker still says administrative review.

Friday, August 14 2009 at 08:00 PM

I really have absolutely NO idea where you're going with this. ;)

Friday, August 14 2009 at 08:00 PM

OK, I think I figured it out. You know... you can just admit that you'd like to deal with me for the next three years :)

Sunday, September 06 2009 at 08:00 PM

I got my letter at my apartment when I came back from home on like the 31st of Dec. I don't remember when it was postmarked. I was surprised too considering my LSAT seems a bit lower than the rest of those they admitted first, but I had a personal note from the dean about my PS, so maybe that helped. Good luck!

Friday, October 16 2009 at 08:00 PM

Yeah, I had an interview in November

Friday, August 14 2009 at 08:00 PM

90k at BU?! You must be smart! Can i get your number? ;) teehee