TobyTheRobot (2022-2023)
Application Information

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Visitor Comments
I suppose I do have some good soft factors (WE and some advanced classes not related to my major), but nothing amazing.
I'm surprised by your GMU rejection. Thoughts?
And I would withdraw, ... except... I'm thinking about taking it! Maybe I'll see you there? You'd go to Cornell if you were me? Why?
I take it you want biglaw?
Sweet, dude! Congrats! Thanks for the update. Yeah, maybe I'll see you there! :)
Congrats on all you acceptances. Am I right to assume you are leaning towards WashU?
Thanks for responding. I'll be rooting for you to pull out the admit from Duke! I am pretty up in the air. My head says to go GW, my heart says to go to WUSTL, and my ego says to go to Georgetown. We'll see soon which one wins out!
Thanks for your congrats(?) i hope when you decide on what school to attend you consider other qualities rather then just a number/ranking. Goodluck
@ DrunkenStepFather: Thanks buddy! :D I like Wake Forest, and I was really hoping to get in there at the beginning of my cycle. But then WUSTL came through, armed with fat stacks of cash money. They're more or less the front runner, with Duke waiting in the wings as a possible uber-upset. We shall see.
@ DrunkenStepFather: Thanks buddy! :D I like Wake Forest, and I was really hoping to get in there at the beginning of my cycle. But then WUSTL came through, armed with fat stacks of cash money. They're more or less the front runner, with Duke waiting in the wings as a possible uber-upset. We shall see.
Hey Toby. Choosing WashU over BU was easy, but not so much for USC and Cornell. I went to USC for undergrad (and loved it) but they offered me no money. I REALLY love Cornell, but I have been in Ithaca for the last 3 years. I really needed a change. As for BU, I was unimpressed during my visit and thought the law school was a dump. IMO, WUSTL has so much potential. At the undergrad level is already near the top 10. I think the law school is just as ambitious. It's not hard to see that I'm excited about my choice!
Thanks man, I decided on Wash U. Maybe I'll see ya there next year. Good luck
Congrats on all your acceptances! You really have a great list of schools to choose from this year. What are your thoughts on UNM?? Throw me a bone and withdraw if you're not loving New Mexico, I want your spot! hahaha. Kidding, but I figure the only way I'm getting in is if the smart ones like you decide to go to other fabulous schools. :) good luck with your decision.
No way, don't let me pressure you into withdrawing from anywhere. I know exactly how you feel. If I had the money...I would send deposits into everyone "just in case" because I'm a weirdo like that. My current obsession is wondering whether the mailman has put letters in someone else's box and I'm missing out on some great scholarship that I haven't been able to respond to. Ok, yeah right but still...hopefully, this is the last time any of us will have to go through this kind of mental anguish. Good luck at WUSL!!
Yo yo yo.... Yeah, I dunno, man. Picking a law school (when the decision isn't clear cut) SUCKS! I'm not like sold sold sold, ... but Cornell is looking like it'll be the place. You would've done the same thing if you were in my position (at least so I gather from one of your posts on my wall). A bunch of factors have been influencing my decision - let's talk about it away from this forum. I'll leave you my email address (email me, bitch).
We need to record and make a YouTube video of a group of us doing the WUSTL.
Good Luck and thanks!