BeccaLee (2022-2023)
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Visitor Comments
Hey! you're applying to a lot of the same schools as me. have you taken the LSAT yet? or are you taking the sept. exam?
Hey, just wanted a wish a few ppl here some good luck!
Great news are on the way. Good luck and happy holiday
Hi, I got a similar envelope from TJSL today with no scholy info...I'm also wondering if any will be awarded. But, good luck with the rest of the cycle. It's definitely a nail-biting experience waiting for good news. -rg
I originally applied to Indy Full Time but I also checked the box stating that I would also consider part time enrolment. However, I am speaking with the admissions dept in regards to changing my enrolment status to full time. The scholarship is full tuition for the summer only, still that is like 2,500 bucks for me!
Congrats on your acceptances. I will attend IndyLaw also, and will start in the summer class. Let me know if you plan on attending.
I'm a 2L at the school. I really like the school a lot. I also was in the summer start up class. It was a great class and you will learn a lot. I also studied abroad in Latin America last year. This year the school is giving some problems for 1L evening students and not allowing them to study abroad after their first summer. Although it is still up for debate and I hear the dean may allow them to do it again next year. I was able to waive out of my summer crim law class, but for some reason the school isn't allowing the new 1L's to do it. Maybe if you ask that will show how not allowing them may affect the schools prospective students. The school is on its up and up and have great facilities. Although it is harder for out of staters b/c this is in midwestern Indiana. And employers favor hometowners. I was still able to network and find employment back east where i'm from though, i just had to work harder. They should really lower the out of state tuition b/c it is killing me!! Any other questions don't hesitate to ask or email me. Good luck with your decision. Ciao
Where did you see the jump in rankings? Do you have a link for that? Congrats on Indy.
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Im really thinking about going too. I got into the summer start program as well. Congrats on your acceptance and maybe we'll be classsmates!
when is indy's summer start-up class?
Im excited for you for deciding to go to Indy Law. I'll see you in the fall! I would have started in the summer too but im doing ICLEO instead...... congrats on making a solid choice. Best of luck!
Hey! you're applying to a lot of the same schools as me. have you taken the LSAT yet? or are you taking the sept. exam?