CrimLawHispanic (2022-2023)
Application Information

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I applied regular admissions and was waitlisted. My advice is spend alot of time of the other parts of ur app, from the PS to the resume, to the way EC's are listed (i typed them out in a seperate document).... Numbers are everything, but unfortunetely they play a large role in this process (as much as I hate it), but if you make yourself really presentable in all the other parts of your application then it gives them reasons to look at you twice..... wish u luck my friend!
for the kind words bro. That's cool that you're living in San Jose... what part of san jose?
Good Luck to you too!!! As for Akron, I applied Full Time but was Accepted for a Part-Time spot. And if I get rejected everywhere, I am definitely choosing Akron PT over Nova's Summer Conditional program. Best Wishes!
U applied lots schools.. I hope u get into the law school, where you want to study at.. Good luck and I will keep watch'in you for the rest of cycle.. And... Congrats on Coooley...
Hey man keep your head up and keep fighting!! I love IU-INDY and correction i'm a 2L. haha and yes i'm still playing around on these boards. I'm happy to see that you applied to IU-INDY. Let me know if your in the area. I work the the addmissions a lot, try to show how much you are interested in the school. Let them know that you would do the summer program and would be in either day or evening program. I started out at the evening program only taking 10 credits per semester, it was a great way to get my feet wet in the law. Now i'm taking 18 and it isn't as hard as i though. I enjoy it b/c i'm enjoying learning about the law. I have a friend from California who came here this year, i met him via internet also. He went to U of Southern Cal, he is a great dude and lives 13 floors down from me in my apt complex. He got into the summer program and is doing the evening program also. He loves it here. Anyway keep me posted and good luck this cycle!! Ciao amigo
thanks for stopping by my page... Well, as for right now, I didn't study much for the LSAT but I will keep work'in on it till Jun.. I will update if anything's been changed...^^
I was shocked too!
I applied to Pacific early, and two months later they sent me a letter saying the application was completed. I am really disappointed, especially since here in this website it seems like they send decisions in like a month.
It was a small envelope, nothing extravagant. Good luck :)
Thanks for the message. Good luck to you!
I hope that waitlisting leads to something further. Congrats on Cooley. I'll be looking out. Hopefully there is more good news on the way!
Heyyyy, thank you. Congrats to you on your acceptance to Cooley, and keep faith! Yes I'm really considering NCCU because it's the best of the 3 I've been accepted to. The tuition is great,new facilities and I appreciate them for accepting me so early, considering my lsat score. I'm waiting on the others...but I know for certain I'm not going to Nova or TSU.
For the advice! I know they do have a summer conditional program (but i think its not guaranteed that they offer you admission once you complete the program). Summer conditional programs are great for those who haven't been accepted yet cause it gives an opportunity (at the very least) but I think anyone who has been offered admission anywhere else (unconditionally) should take that instead. As far as NO does, I am going to send them an 'Im still very interested letter" of some sort but im cautious about those b/c I don't wanna bombarded them with anymore paperwork that they might view as redundant, since alot of students send schools alot of "garbage paperwork" they have to run through... i even had someone go as far and tell me don't send us anything that they don't specifically ask you for, especially "continued letters of interest" b/c they going to assume
... and process your app as if you were still interested (unless you tell then otherwise), which would then be a good letter to send them. lol. Its funny how this thing works.... but thanks for the advice kid! p.s. Sorry, i hit the enter tab mid way though the last post. lol.
Thanks for adding to the advice. You guys are definitely correct, and I greatly take it in consideration. I am certain that more great news will come for you beside cooley. Good luck with the cycle
Yes, I checkmarked that option and wrote an essay when I sent in my app a month or so ago. SLU appeals to me due to family and change of scenery desires not to mention I am a fan of their programs. Key (to us both) is that so far Cooley is the only 'yes' which is far from a place I am sure either of us want to go... I am awaiting MSU, John Marshall, and SLU primarily. Intense times...
are u able to check your status online? they told me that the decison has been made on my file....i see completely blank screen on tulsa application status site.. - iwill
Thanks for stopping by my page. Looks like we're about the same numbers-wise. Indy is nice ~ I'm at IU Bloomington right now, so that would be ideal (and I wouldn't have to sell my house!) I wish you luck as well ~ this is very stressful. Keep me posted too.
Well UDM seems like a good law school compare to all the other schools I've applied to. Honestly, I don't have a preference just hoping I get in some where anywhere would be great. How about you? What's your first choice? email me we discuss in detail! BTW congrats to u for getting accepted into Cooley and Appalachian
Here's what I know: It starts in June and lasts for 2 months. They accept 25 students for this pass/fail program. Basically you sit through the program and if you pass, you're offered admission. They look for candidates who might be poor standardized test takers yet might prove to be an asset to the school's program. It's good that you applied, let me know when you hear something. Don't hesitate to email.
I think i wanna study in NY (the more i think about it)..... but who knows, that all might change tomorrow, and then again the day after that...... Conditional programs make me a little uneasy b/c there is that slight element of possibly not getting in after you invest your summer in the program (even if you know you can do the work ). whats interesting is as much as I want to go to school in NY if a really good school call me off their wait list (outside of NY) then i would be pretty stupid to pass it up in replace of a conditional program..... we'll see how it plays out.
Actually I have no idea how anyone manages their wait lists.... lol. Im just happy cause I don't get denied. They sent me a stuffed regular sized envelope with "multi colored" paper... The only thing about them is that they can call you anytime up until Aug and then you have to be ready to give them a deposit "on the spot" ......
I honestly don't know much about the school other than its in Detroit. I hear they get high praise for their high bar pasage rates (the highest out of all the Michigan schools) and i think it doea well reginally but im not sure.
thanks for your recent note. wish u the best of luck.. my first choice would be Hawaii....
No i do not think that being ICLEO really matters all that much. If you can still apply try it, but I heard it is tough unless you are from instate. You may want to try regular Cleo and let them know if you are accepted. My second year is going well. I am a lot busier than last year b/c i am taking more credits. This semester I go to school 6 days aweek and am taking 18credits. It isn't as bad as you would think. My saturday class is called Trial practice and is awesome. I am getting real life experience in the county court house. I am enjoying it but of course I am counting the days until the semeter is over. Finals is going to be stressful, but i'll try my best and see how it goes. I'm confident I can be a good lawyer, the only thing left is TIME.. LAW SCHOOL is a marathon not a sprint. Remember that when you start!! Take care Deja me saber cuando oyes del Indylaw... Ciao
Congratulation on your acceptance to Wayne State University. I note my email. so you will be able to see it when you log on.
Hey! Just got your message. I've heard som mixed things as well. Right now I'm pretty sure I will be going somewhere else besides there. I think the curriculum is a little small, clinics aren't that good and it's a more regional in terms of jobs after school...where are you leaning towards?
Thanks for the congrats. Congratulations on your acceptances too. It is nice to get something in the mail telling you are wanted at some place you know. I am shooting for Stetson Law in Tampa, as it is right in my backyard and the place I have had my sights on from the beginning. We will see what happens though. What is your #1?
dont worry it was rejection day for me too on feb 22, lol. Dont lose hope and keep ur head up high. good luck on the rest of your apps
hey, g/l with all your apps
Thanks! Funny that you mentioned that line because I actually used it in my personal statement. I went to Penn. As for talking about low LSAT scores...We're over it! No more worrying about the superficial significance of our LSAT scores!
hmmm, that's an excellent question. i think my first choice right now is U of Arizona, but it's such a far cry from reality. i aimed pretty high this go round. who knows. i am really just floating in the atmosphere waiting to hear back. i applied to schools that i believed i could do well at... but it's really going to come down to where i get in--and that's it.
Congrats on Wayne State and UDM. I graduated Undergrad at Wayne and liked it. I don't think I'd get in at Wayne. I am hopeful to get into the SSP at UDM because my LSAT is a 143- but my GPA is sub 3. If you do Y-messenger give me a buzz at
hello, did u receive anything about ICLEO information from the indy law?
As of now its between them and Wayne state. The only difference is that CSU wants me to take 1 evening class during the summer (and if i do that then I won't be able to attend CLEO). If i decide to go to Wayne State then I could do the CLEO program...... Tough decisions to make my friend. Tough indeed! How are you doing, hope all is well!
hey! good luck- looks like you already have several schools to choose from. how did you hear from roger williams?
Good to hear from you again bro. In regards to the open house. I assume that you mean the Law Day open house on April 19? If so, then I wouldn't think much of it. The Law Day open house is for everyone not just admitted students. I believe that there are other Admitted Students day strictly for admitted students. When did you apply to Mcgeorge? If you apply full-time, I would advise you to send the admission an email stating that you want your preference changed to part-time. You see, I initially had my file for full-time as my first choice, and part-time as my second choice. After looking up the LSAC data and researching, it seems as though they accept ALOT of people for the part-time division and the numbers are quite lower to get in. Not to mention that you're URM, which will help tremendously. I applied in late november, and have heard nothing for months. After i changed my division to part-time (first choice), they accepted me 2 weeks later. Hopefully, you'll get accepted to Mcgeorge. Maybe we can be roommates? hehe. Good luck!
On Hamline! You have some options there kid! What school are you leaning towards at this point in the game?
LOL, I use the word kid as a term of endearment, it might be a generational gap i suppose....... in relates to your situation I honestly don't know much anout Hamline but I think its in CA? And if so I think there would be alot more competition for the good jobs cause all the really good CA schools (and just schools on the mid-west in general, WA,AZ,etc.) WSU is in Detroit and I know they have really good bar passage rate which I know firms look at cause thats whats its really all about (what good are you to that firm if you can't pass the bar right?). I would also think UMICH grads all don't say in MI, im sure they get offers all over the country so that really leaves Wayne State grads to cash in locally on the BIGLAW firms in the city. Detroit is a major city but i woudn't think it attracts grads from all the tops schools like NYC and Los Angeles does so there has to be less competition for top jobs (relatively speaking). I thik also being on the East coast would make it easier to move from city from city as you decide where you wanna end up or if you decide to move midway through your career. As for me, Im actually visiting Cleveland Marshall for an open house at the end of the month. If I had to choose right now I thad to choose between WSU and Clevelnad MArshall...... i think I would go with whichever would cost me least to attend and closest to home. CSU is about a 7 hr drive so I could in theory go home every once in a while, which would be nice. And the school is well respected in the area too so that helps.... but Wayne state has lot of benefits too (as i mentioned before). As far as the ranking goes, I don't really think they matter as much when you are looking outside of the top 30 school in the country..... Most schools are regional and no matter where you end up going, if you graduated at the top of your class you'll get a nice job offer! Again, thats what its all about! Let me know what you ultimetely decide.....
Hey! Sorry It took me so long to respond..I'm undergrad at the University of Scranton in PA...Right now I'm between florida coastal and cooley how about you? Have you heard anything about coastal's grading's kind of making me nervous
no ! man...nothing at all
did u get anything from the indianapolis? let me know.. any mail or email?
I received an e-mail a week ago from the director of admissions. It was a general e-mail to be patient with the process. They have a lot of applicants, and it may take awhile. Did you receive that one? I hope that all is well. Look forward to hear from you.
This whole law school process is making me tired. As you can see, I am now posting comments that are meant for other people on my own discussion board.
ok! got the same email...allright!!! good luck..
Thanks for you kind words.. I dont know much about the program but I do know that they charge only a very small processing fee to attend it. I dont think I'm gonna do it though, the yearly tuition over there is just too much for me, and I'm really not a fan of conditional programs. It looks like its going to come down to FIU or Akron for me. In order to limit the debt, I'm going to have to lean heavily on the public schools that I applied to.
anything from indy law?
Harrisburg campus
Congrats since I've last visited! This is really good to see someone get into places despite the LSAT(I have a low one too), your GPA was good. Wow that was real cool of UDM to tell you that you didn't have to apply to the summer program.And Wayne is a good school!
yes, i did applied to LEOP program. keeping my fingers crossed. i would love to attend indy.
Are you going to accept and attend SLU? I am leaning strongly towards it since I visited campus last weekend. Yes we are taking 2 classes civil procedure & legal methods May 26-July (mid). Their letter was ambigous about whether we would be part or full time, I plan to ask this week you can too if you like, I applied part-time so not sure if they would let me slip into full-time if/when I pass summer program. Congrats on your acceptance to SLU & Widener. So with all those options which are tops or which you going for?
I found out more information today about this program. As of now, I am attending the Summer Institute at SLU. I am looking forward to the intellectual challenge. I think that we would probably slip in the full time class, but who knows. So, there are 25 students that enroll in the program. I know that they take only 13 students, right? Conditional programs are always a little disconcerning, but oh well. I know that we will be assessed through exams and through law school exercises. Are you originally from Saint Louis? What did you think of the surrounding area? During the summer, you cannot buy a meal plan and you cannot live on campus. I hope that this helps. Look forward to hear from you, and congrats again on SLU!
I e-mailed admissions asking about whether we get to choose or are relegated to the program we applied into and will let you know their response. I called about that 13/25 deal and it is not that accurate per se. The admissions officer clarified that each year at least 2-4 students right away drop off seeing that law school is not for them. Sometimes a few students complete the program but do with poor grades on their final exam. Overall she said, last season of summer institute 4-5 dropped on their own and 20 completed it and 20 were accepted. Which eased me. Family just moved there so I can staying with them during summer to save on costs while I look for an apt & job (if I end up in part-time). We only pay $50 though, they cover tuition & books through the program which is nice. I enjoyed the city because I am from Indiana and it is bigger then Indianapolis but smaller then Chicago/NYC so it seemed like a manage-able metropolis. Huge law opportunities both federal and private sector. Campus is segregated like IU-Indianapolis's, law library was sturdy with extensive study areas, classrooms new, moot courtroom nice, and overall established in 1873 has a flavor of old prestige and new building of modernity. I was charmed more then visiting John Marshall despite the charm of Chi-town it is its own island and was not as appealing.
I applied full time, and late in the cycle as you probably noticed. I am not too concerned with this denial, but I wish I had applied to more PT programs. Thanks for the kind words and email me!
No word back from admissions on placement. I also hit up financial aid because I need to see what options there are since my income is zero once I move there in summer. That alumni link was interesting are you going to hit any of them up? Let me know which so I hit up others so we can compare responses. I'll keep you posted. I included my e-mail so you can hit me on that if you want less "front street" communicae.
Wayne state, I am definitely going to consider it. I applied to Michigan State too though and haven't heard back yet. The crazy thing was the call from Northeastern. I'm going to try to get my butt to Boston to go there just because of their public service emphasis... but who knows. Acceptance is great but still needs to be backed up if ya know what I mean. I am really confused at this point aaaaand, I guess I am going to slow things down to get a good look at the big picture. This is CRAZINESS!!!!
I would strongly recommend Northeastern over WSU or MSU. Northeastern is a good school, and it will be a solid tier 2 school. Congrats on your acceptance. I am very proud! Keep me posted on your decision.
I must be tired....all this law school talk on a Friday evening makes me crazy. I keep posting on my own profile.
I'm leaning towards UT-Knox right now (money). What do you think your decision will be?
Hey man wassup! Yeah it was a togh day for my in terms of rejections (anytime you get more than 2 rejections in the day, its not a good day). I don't think im goingto do any of those conditional programs. I m actually going to Cleveland Marshall this weekend for their open house to check it out. Im leaning towards it but we'll see how they stand definetely after this weekend.... I also applied for the LEOP program through UC Hastings. I get the feeling the LEOP have their own range of scores they look at just to be competative for that program. I think i'll rank a bit low compared to alot of other students. I think their normal LEOP students all break a least a 150 LSAT im sure. I figure that cause their normal class averages a 163/166 LSAT, so by all means a "disadvantaged applicant" would have to score at least in the 150's. Thats just that im thinking, i could be wrong. Im would really like to get off the waitlist for either Northeastern or Loyola Chicago. That would make my day. But I don't expect to get any notice of anything till May at the earliest. What are you leaning towards?
I talked with SLU admissions and we get to choose any program we want once we pass summer institute. Hence I am probably going to the full-time program in fall. I see you have some options with Hamline, etc what are you leaning towards? Despite acceptance letters on their way from MSU & John Marshall I am signing with SLU due to their program, clinics, and other things I find more charming then JM or MSU. Don't trip on MSU....
No doubt, I talked with financial aid already parents get credit for pushing me to do that because both they and myself are not wealthy by any means so private jesuit could be deadly to a lower class Zapatista like myself but fin aid said they will present at our institute and after we pass we can apply in July. Yeah MSU and JM are good schools and I have no ill will towards them but SLU has solid programs, charming campus, and I simply like the city and job options within city and ability to transition into a Chicago-etc openings. Also I'm about bucking odds always have always will. Billikens is a creepy archaic mascot too, I had to research it to find out what it really was.....on campus there are 300 statutes and each one looks like a baby satanic Buddha. Then for now are strongly possible classmates! Keep me posted.
Good point on the MSU/Widener thing. I def agree with you on both. Especially on Widener. I would only do that if i was in dire straits, which, luckily, i'm not. I dont think I could do either of them because I'll be out the country for when the programs start so its not even much of a possibility for me. That SLU opportunity is big time though.
It is a very tough decision and I have nearly driven myself crazy trying to decide.
As of now, I am leaning towards Pacific. The only school, I would probably go rather than Pacific, if accepted, is santa clara and san diego. It is a good thing you change your status to PT, you have a much better shot now. Btw, USF has moved down the US ranking to the 3rd tier. I expect this will deter people away from USF, and thus will increase your chance even further. I live in San Jose, fyi. Keep in touch, bro.
Thank you my friend. I am totally excited about the thought of going to INDY LAW! Its awesome! Its nice to be able to lead by example and I hope everyone else shares similar success, including you! Thanks!
Hey! Well the other day I decided on NCCU, I put in my housing application today. I just couldn't wait any longer for the other 11 schools.Besides, I didn't really want to live in Detroit anyway haha. Have you made any decisions?
Hmm, What do you mean they came in at 12 of 20? As-in 12 of 20 passed the summer institute yes? When I spoke to admissions they conveyed that most of the attrition was due to people self-dropping or simply delineating in grades due to law school not being for them... Did you emerge from a conversation with admissions that made you think otherwise? Clarify for me. I signed on so I am in it fully irregardless but your message seemed nervous...? Get at me.
Hmm, What do you mean they came in at 12 of 20? As-in 12 of 20 passed the summer institute yes? When I spoke to admissions they conveyed that most of the attrition was due to people self-dropping or simply delineating in grades due to law school not being for them... Did you emerge from a conversation with admissions that made you think otherwise? Clarify for me. I signed on so I am in it fully irregardless but your message seemed nervous...? Get at me.
Ah ok, yes clarified. So 7 did not 'pass' per se. Yes a little nervous but we both are hungry and want it, some people enroll and meander, some enroll and just cannot think/perserve in the curriculum.... At least we are not competing for spots literally, it is grade-based but worst-case scenario and only so many people are granted passing grades......its us vs. 19-22 other people. I'm game, we still have 12/19, that's pretty decent odds..... At least we know each other and can create a think tank/brain trust study group.. Yes I submitted the $50 is that what you are referring to? I am not second-guessing and will simply show up and take it down...
So then is it set or you waiting out the rest of your pending?
Hey, thanks for the encouraging email. I'm not sure why USF sent me an email and not everyone who is pending. The more I think about it, the more nervous I am about going to Boston but it may be my only option. I'd rather go to SF or Seattle than Boston, but we'll see... I'm really really hoping for New Mexico or Arizona but those are pretty much reach schools. This week should be full of answers.
I meant "post" not "email".
Hey, email me when you get a chance. Thanks for the encouragement. I would like to know more about the schools you have visited etc. Crissy
I actually called the admissions office today. They told me my application was in in review with the LEOP committee. Apparently admissions through LEOP is more competitive vs general admissions. They get like 1300 applications for 84 seat (from what the admissions person told me). He said I should hear back before the end of the month. Im actually not going to be surprised if I don't get in cause its extremely competitive and I still got into Indy Law so im happy about that.... im actually flying down to their admitted students open house this sat.
Awww thanks!!! I hope wait list turns into wl accepted ! lol!
do you know whether indy's class in full or not. hoefully, i get in.
Ya veo...ya veo...Congratulations...I am so happy for you!!!!I have to make a really hard decision today!!!...Wish me good luck!......I have included my email.....hope to hear from you! latino08
I haven't heard from UCLA or UC Hatings..vamos a ver lo que pasa...
So you got into MSU as well eh? Still leaning towards SLU or going with another? Best of luck on the endless mazes of the admissions process...
i see that indy offered Students Open House on April 12, 2008 for applicants who have been accepted into fall semester. i am still waiting on a decision. Does this mean that i am outright reject or maybe waitlist? any ideas?
I'm going with SLU no matter what until I get punked out of the summer institute! I am going to try to defer MSU/Cooley/etc just in case, as a super back up but not sure if they will accept deference. Still a Billiken eh? We could have still ended up classmates at MSU I see. ha.
For your inquiry, Indy kindly rejected me via email. i asked them about my application status. i guess they felt irritated...oh~ well. btw, how do you know that batches of LEOP decision is coming out this week...did u called them? thanks
they are not going to even consider me for their summer
wish u the best of luck..
Im glad that Hastings finally getting around to sending out some decisions! Por Fin! Im really not getting my hopes too high cause I know how competitive LEOP admissions is. But I'll keep my fingers crossed for the both of us.
did admission officers told you that you will receive a decision later this week. i am just wondering if i will receive the decision soon.
thanks.... good luck
Don't know all of your schools, but definitely take MSU or UDM over Wayne. (See here: <a href=",104032.10.html" title=",104032.10.html" class="data">,104032.10.html</a>) Good luck w/ IU
I believe my destination is UOP. I just got rejected to santa clara, my number one choice. I should be visiting uop soon.. hopefully you'll get accepted to uop also.
so, indy waitlisted you. it is a lot better than outright reject.
Hey Indy waitlisted you! Thats not all that bad, at least you have a shot should spots open up! I would get on that letter of continued interest, reach out to the deans and start building a relationship over the phone with deans, current professors. Start lobbying a little so when they start reviewing names off the waitlist they will remember who you are! Do this only of course if you really want to go to Indy, Good luck man and let me know what you decide to do........ If I can help in any way just let me know!
FINALLY HUH!!! Good job! I've heard REALLY good things about that school. Phew, aren't you glad it's over? Well, part one at least. They say the hardest thing is getting IN. So, kick some butt!
I'm so happy for your accomplishments! Your profile has been very inspirational to me. Best wishes at SLU and give yourself a big pat on the back....
HEy. How did you do on your LSAT?
Thank you for your comment. Congrats on all your acceptances. Are you in law school now?
I am doing good just hating the waiting process, how are you?
Good luck to you man during this process. My final tally of schools came to about 86 or. Im insane i know.... but when are you ever going to get to do this again?? lol. Im not really sure what my top choice school. The more I think about it the more I want to stay in the NYC area. Unless I get into a great school unexpectedely (or get alot of free money) then im a have a touch choice to make.......