indylaw (2022-2023)
Application Information

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Visitor Comments
yup, graduated from IU. I doubt you'd even need a 160 to get in. But that would pretty much guarantee your spot. I wish I was in your shoes.
I graduated in December, so I've been working for about 5 months. I'll remain working at Mittal until law school. As far as the LSAT goes, I did some very intense studying for 2 months. The first month, I worked on my weaknesses and did sections timed and rarely did a whole test. Then, as test day approached; I began taking more full tests. At the most two a day. I hit the 160+ mark a few times, but I mostly tested around my 156. Whatever scores you tend to get is a good indication of what you may get. I'd try not to get too nervous, because I think that hurt my test score. Where are you testing right now?
Did you take the test at IUPUI last weekend? If so, so did I. I had a blue jump suit on with long brown curly hair. Hey, I noticed that you work in HR. I have an HR background as well! Seems we have a lot in common. You are lucky about your practice test results. Mine were always in the 150's. I hate that damn test! I honestly don't believe that it gives an accurate idea of how well someone will do in law school. I am hoping that since 30 people didn't show up for the test that is a sign of less applicants this year. Wishful thinking i'm sure!
I actually have. I'm still debating if there are other schools I should apply to. But in reality, IU-Indy is my top choice.
hopefully we are. If you hit around where you have been practicing, you shouldn't have any trouble getting in. My advisor told me that 32 out of 55 students were admitted with my numbers. And your numbers should be better than mine.
with that score, you have a shot at IU-Bloomington. I would think you are an auto-admit at IU-Indy.
Sorry, I didn't answer your other question. I would attend, but I can't because of work.
I see you went to Depauw, did you happen to know Brian Scott?
Interesting, a girl in one of my classes talked about the Dance Marathon quite a bit. I think she helped run it, but not sure.
Thanks for the congrats, and good luck to you! Are you applying only o IU-I? Is there any specific reason that you want to go there?
Thanks. You're too kind. I actually just sent an email to them, and they said it is complete. So, i'm assuming everything is fine. We can expect a decision within 2 months. I'm sure you will be an auto-admit and hear very soon.
I actually received mail from them notifying me that's its complete. I did forget though, IU-Indy sent me mail notifying me that they received my early decision application or what not. I'd just send out an email or make a call.
with your lsat score, you will get into iupui. gpa isn't nearly as important as the lsat, so you should be fine where you are.
WIth your LSAT and the fact that you applied early decision should make you a sure in plus a scholarship. Your GPA isn't that bad.. The LSAT makes up for it. Let me know if you have any questions about the school. I can't wait to see you next year b/c that means i'll be a 3L!! haha ciao
IU-Indy sent me a letter informing me that they had received my application. Yet then reminded me that my file must be 'complete' by Nov 30th for ED, yet I have sent in all that is necessary (bribery $ + online app) and its on them to get my LSDAS report....... Hence they have not confirmed that my file is 'complete' and just in case I plan to shoot them an e-mail next week. You in same condition or?
Nice, I just e-mailed them and hope nothing is amiss because to miss that deadline would be tragic for myself. You have an intensely strong chance of admissions, this is my second time applying to law schools I originally did a round in 2005 but decided to do my master's first, this is my sequel. Indeed I hope we are classmates but my chances are about as slim as Nicole Ritchie. She does still exist though, as do I, for how long...haha we will see.
Well caught, hence will my chances expand with her or simply be aborted? They are supposed to get back to us anytime from Nov 30th-Dec 30th correct?
Karen from admissions hit me back confirming your sentiments stating they would be getting back to us from monday-onward until Dec 30th. Still though, last year one of my mentees got his letter Dec 6th, and most I think go out definitively before Christmas, so you can appease the inquiring minds. I know what you mean many friends with good intentions keep asking and all they do is make the gauntlet that much more intense.... What is that nonprofit "Paws and Think" about?
Yea... you should be hearing pretty soon then. I know that the law school admissions usually lacks in terms of speed for sending out acceptances. But the ED ones usually are sent before xmas. I like Indianapolis, i came here just for law school. I call it a cleaner, safer, smaller philly. I really like living downtown, i have a great view of the city on my balcany. Do you live in Indianapolis?? Why did you only apply to one school? Your scores may be good enough for bloomington also. I actually miss applying to law schools, as you can see i applied to quite a few, haha. I loved getting all that mail! The law school is really nice, and the professors are a decent.
I bet $20 dinner that one of us hears from IU-Indy within one week of today.
I don't know anybody else other than the people on here. I just know current IU-Indy students. You are a lock though, no need to worry.
True. It would be loving if IU-Indy says yes right after Depaul slapped me around.... Also a dinner is on the line!
I have not heard, I presume you haven't either? They need to hurry up!
Nothing from IU-Indy but like they did 3-4yrs ago when I applied, Valpo hilariously sends out X-mas cards so the staff of admissions of Valpo wishes me holidays but has no admitted/rejected me either... Still nothing, I would say that before Christmas would be 'key' because they vowed on a blood oath to get to us predominantly by Dec 30th, only 15 days left, like 6-8 are viable mail days... This the gauntlet!
Nothing yet eh? If not friday then I'll be out of town the entire next week, sadistic delay... You are very in though, abandon worries, I'm more of the man on death row searching for a gubernatorial divine intervention pardon.. we'll see....
Got it today. They are passing on me, deferring me into the piles of regular admissions with a late answer in April/May.... Which presumably if I did not achieve early admissions I will not regular. I hope you got in.
Props! You got in! Congratulations!
Welcome to the school!! I just finished my last final yesterday and i'm excited to be finished with my 3rd semester here!! Let me know if you have any questions and when you come and visit!! Now yous should call up and ask about scholarship b/c you deserve some... Take care and cya in the fall!!
You did it! Best of luck to you next year! :)
I thought I was logged in. ^ That was from me!
Congrats on the good news!
Congratulations on your acceptance. I will attend IndyLaw as well in their part-time program. Merry Holiday
so we're pretty much the same person, numbers-wise at least haha. are you applying anywhere else? if not, congrats on your acceptance!!
Yea, hopefully it works out. If it doesn't, I'll have a tough decision to make. I'd prefer Bloomington over Indy, but I'd be more than happy with IU-Indy.
Hi! Congrats on your acceptance to IU-Indy! After I got my new LSAT score, I was upset and didn't get on LSN until just now. I got a 152. I went ahead and applied anyway - ED. Got a letter at the end of December saying that I have been deferred with the rest of the applicants. Probably not a good sign.
congrats on IU INdy, i hope i get in there too in the part tiem program. will you continue to work while goign to school or are you going fulltiem?
on iu! i knew you'd get in! :)
Have you taken the lsat yet?? Just sizing up my competition, haha. Good luck!