lionheart (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
#66 | Loyola University Chicago F PT | WL, Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: 02/08/08 | Comp: 03/04/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/18/08 | Upd: 16 years | ||
#47 | American University PT | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: 01/10/08 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/05/08 | Upd: 16 years | ||
#85 | Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law F PT | Accepted A | Type: RA | $10,000 | Sent: -- | Rec: 01/30/08 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 16 years | |
#60 | Temple University F PT | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: 01/10/08 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/25/08 | Upd: 16 years | ||
#94 | DePaul University F PT | Accepted W | Type: RA | $4,000 | Sent: -- | Rec: 02/13/08 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/10/08 | Upd: 16 years | |
#31 | Ohio State University F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $10,000 | Sent: -- | Rec: 01/09/08 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/10/08 | Upd: 16 years | |
#100 | Quinnipiac University F PT | Accepted W | Type: RA | $8,000 | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 16 years | |
#25 | Fordham University F PT | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: 01/29/08 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 16 years | ||
#36 | Indiana University Bloomington F | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: 01/10/08 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 16 years | ||
#60 | Villanova University F | Pending W | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 16 years | ||
#100 | Suffolk University F PT | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 16 years | ||
#100 | University of the Pacific F PT | Accepted W | Type: RA | $5,000 | Sent: -- | Rec: 01/08/08 | Comp: 01/24/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/05/08 | Upd: 16 years | |
#31 | University of Wisconsin Madison F PT | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: 01/03/08 | Comp: 01/25/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/15/08 | Upd: 17 years | ||
#14 | Georgetown University PT | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: 11/01/07 | Comp: 01/05/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/05/08 | Upd: 17 years | ||
#34 | George Mason University F PT | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: 01/03/08 | Comp: 01/10/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/25/08 | Upd: 17 years | ||
#25 | Washington and Lee University F | Pending W | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: 01/04/08 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 17 years | ||
#22 | George Washington University PT | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: 12/27/08 | Comp: 01/08/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/12/08 | Upd: 17 years |
Visitor Comments
hey dude i was just going to ask you how your cleo experience was, and what college did you choose and whatnot? i have the same numbers and applied to cleo too.
good luck bud..hopefully, u get in all the schools u have applied.
That was some really awesome feedback. This whole application process has been a tad dienheareing I decided to go to Cardozo, they are the first to give me an acceptance and they're really well known in NY, I wish I had known about those fee waivers before (arrgh). In any event, I hope that your first year has proven to be successfull.
good luck to you!!! I'm waiting to hear from Fordham too. The anxiety.
Hey man, good luck to you in the rest of your cycle. My #1 is GW, and thankfully that worked out for me. How bout you? Did you apply to mostly PT programs to increase ur chances of being accepted or do you plan on working while going to school, lol or both? oh btw, Im a columbus boy so congrats on OSU. Columbus is a city on the rise!
Thanks for the congrats man, i really appreciate it. Hopefully youll get urs soon too! They sent me an email, and told me that my formal acceptance letter was on the way. I about went crazy when I saw the "GW Law" subject line in my inbox. I still half thought it was a prank until I logged on to the admitted students site. Good luck with the rest of ur cycle man, esp. GW. Maybe ill see you during the evenings next year!
... I am also a Big Tener, haha. All my college friends are from Chicago, but me family is in Minnesota. I would kill to be at the U of MN, but I don't think I even stand a chance. I only applied on a whim over a week after I sent my first apps in. I figure it couldn't hurt. I'd also love to be at Madison, but again, I don't see much hope. What's your #1?
Thanks for your comments, i applied FT to American. I should have taken the test again, but i was discouraged since i scored higher in my practice than the actual test. Good luck with everything
Thanks man! I already sent in my payment for the program. I'll be going to the institute at DENVER! I know i'll have no regrets..... thanks!
Thanks for stopping by my page and your encouraging words.. Yeap!! I am interested with applying and hopely getting into CLEO summer institute program for 2009 cycle... Are u planning to attend CLEO Program this summer?? Are there anything that I'm missing about this program?? if there's any please inform me.. Once again, thanks very much for your concern and congrats on the acceptance from OSU!!! Good Luck on the rest of cycle!!!! PS) I'm out of school for several yrs now and staying in my home-country korea and currently possessing a tourist VISA(VISA Type: B1.B2) I know cleo accepts the applications from international applicants like myself but still not sure it's only for those who currently posses student VISA (known as VISA type of F1)... Can U please inform me if u have any info regarding this issue??? I'm sorry for bothering you..... Sincerely yours,
I just got the acceptance letter from AU, i am exited about the fact that they are the first to accept me. !!! good luck to you
Thanx for your insights nan.. I'm sure ur e-mail helps alot.. And I sent another e-mail with couple more questions.. Thanx again and I will keep'in touch with you...^^ best,
I did send reply e-mail about 3hrs ago but it was returned with a mgs saying "Delivery Failure." Can u give me an alternative e-mail that I can forward to???
Quick question, being how you went through the program...... in regards to the whole placement thing, do you think schools will reconsider an applicant and possibly let them into the school once they have been denied? Also, what location were you at? What was an average day like in the program for you and your classmates?
Hey man I just sent you a email. Thanks again!
how did osu notify you? Did the school ever sent you an application completion email?
Yes, i am very exited. Although i am a UF student and UF is ranked the same as AU (i am not into UF yet though)
Thanks, good luck to you too. I just got my first ding from American last week, but that was kind of expected. You'll be a shoe in easy at Catholic, I got in there last year with a PT application and a 154 LSAT. Good luck.
pretty impressive jump: 148 to a 156! if only i had that much guts to retake it & score that well...hehe anyhow, looks like you have more than a couple of schools to choose from, (assumin' you know some arabic...)mashALLAH. congrats!!! g'luck w/ the rest! =D
thanks for the warm wishes! i'm sure you'll do great on your cycle as well. :hoping you get into your top choice: =)
it be great to get into a better ranked school like Hastings. if they accept me, then i'd go there in a heartbeat! =) but i originally had my heart set on CalWestern 'cause they have the Dual-Degree program and i can get a Certificate in family law as well! so we'll see... what about you? and that's pretty sweet you know three languages! so i'm assumin', whichever languages they may be, you've gone abroad and used them?
Don't be too discouraged about American, you have a better shot with URM status I think. I chose not to go to Catholic last year just because I felt that if I'm dropping that much cash, I'd much rather do it at a school with a higher ranking and one that is closer to where I live.
WOW, three different countries?! that must've been quite the experience!! well best of luck to you in all your endeavours!
I greatly appreciate your advice, and I will definitely email to ask you some questions since I will most likely move to Indianapolis. As you well due to your experience, we're in the busy season at this moment. I am overloaded with work. By the way, which big four accounting firm you work for? I am with PwC. Thanks for willing to provide you kind advice, and you will be receiving emails from me very soon. I can see that you're making progress with your acceptances you have any preference yet?
I am so tired because I have to get up early for work after a long day. I forgot to respond to your question regarding whether I received any scholarship from IndyLaw. Not yet, I hope that I receive something from them.
Hi there! Thank you so much for the information. It's nice to know that there are other people out there going through this whole law school process. It really helps! I did apply for part-time or full-time and yes, I do believe that you can switch to full-time after one year. I did not know about the open house on Tuesday. Thanks for that info. Do you think it would help? I have never been to one. Do you actually get a chance to make an impression with some of the admission committe members? Thank you also for the information on ICLEO. I had no idea that 200 prospective students would apply. I thought about calling them but I don't know if it would do any good. You have some very impressive numbers. Congrats on your early acceptances!
I emailed you on Friday...but I will definitely call to talk to you.
Hi! Did you end up going to the open house? I was planning on it but then I had a family emergency, so now I am planning on going to the one next Tuesday. Was it worth it? Did you get any valuable info? Meet any important people? Thanks!
Congrats on you acceptances so far. I go to Purdue and you are right we have very similiar numbers. I am hoping for IU indy with in state tuition, what about you?
First off Congrats on the acceptances. I dont' know where you are located or where you want to practice but that means a lot. Definitely the OSU acceptance is awesome. You should be a sure admit for IU-INDY. You should also get a heafty scholarship with the better LSAT score to add to your profile. The only thing holding you back is that you applied a little late, but now since you are in OSU you are fine! I'd say go there if you want to practice in OSU and go to IU if you want to practice in IN. ICLEO is cool, you have to apply. It is different than the special summer program I did. With Icleo if you do it, you will get 5 grand a year to put to what ever use you want, books, tuition, food. I didn't do icleo, i did the special summer program which you probibly can't do b/c your numbers are too good. The special summer program is for people who have low lsat high gpa vise versa. You should just get in from your numbers a lone. Keep in touch with the school. To see if you are complete, with the commitee etc. Anyway don't worry, b/c you are not in law school. If you have any other questions about IU or INDY let me know. It is an incredible school, but depending on where you want to practice i may or may not recommend it. So far things are going fine for you. Good luck the rest of your cycle. Ciao
I don't know anything at all about the Sacramento area. I wish it was just a little bit closer to San Francisco or San Jose. Pacific was my last choice so I'm hoping SMU or Seattle accept me because those are my first picks.
hey there lionheart, i was wondering if you could answer some questions i have regarding cleo? one of the questions i had was asked by an earlier poster regarding schools reconsidering decisions.... umm.. aside from that.. congrats on your acceptances so far and good luck with the rest of your cycle! p.s. i just got into CLEO today and am unsure if i should do it or not.
congrats on OSU, that is big. I was just curious to know if you could give me any application pointers? Did you write a separate diversity statement or did you just include it in your PS? Thanks again and congrats!!!
Still haven't heard anything from Indy!!! Jeeez, how long can they take?! Thanks for your message by the way! I'm pretty much set on Madison now, and excited to get there!!
Sorry to see that. Still haven't heard from IU-Indy, huh?
Yeah, I'm an alum from UM. I bleed maize & blue, and will have to be a Wolverine in Buckeye clothing! ;)
I decided on Loyola for a couple reasons. I felt the most comfortable there. I liked DePaul, but felt the facility was a bit run down. I also liked the location of Loyola. It is just easier for me to get there. There were also some political reasons I chose loyola regarding benefits and faculty/staff. good luck with your decision!
what happened to Brooklyn? they would porobably rank rounding out your top 10.
Just saw your message, obviously you already chose Indiana, so I guess it\'s moot
Hey man congrats on finally choosing INDYLAW...!!! It is a great school, if you have any questions email me.. I\'ll try to send you an email also since lsn doesn\'t really let people know when they get new messages. haha As for me.. I am back in philly working and loving it... I won\'t be back to indy next year since I\'v decided to visit another school in the philly area. I\'ll stil be back to visit indy and for my graduation pics. haha Hit me up later on... Good luck this year!! I\'m sure you\'ll love the school. I sure did!!
just heard... Pittsburgh! :)