marymcq (2022-2023)

Views: 4211 User Since: 01/13/07

Application Information

F - Fee Waiver A - Attending W - Withdrawn D - Deferred
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# Law School Status Type $$$ Sent Received Complete Interview Date Decision Updated
Santa Clara University Waitlisted W Type: Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: 11/15/06 Inter: -- Dec: 12/10/06 Upd: 17 years
Lewis and Clark College Rejected D W Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: 12/18/06 Inter: -- Dec: 02/20/07 Upd: 18 years
California Western School of Law Accepted A Type: RA $48,000 Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: 12/10/06 Inter: -- Dec: 12/28/06 Upd: 18 years
Willamette University Waitlisted W Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: 01/03/07 Inter: -- Dec: 03/31/07 Upd: 18 years
Western New England College School of Law Accepted W Type: RA $54,000 Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: 12/20/06 Inter: -- Dec: 01/16/07 Upd: 18 years
Thomas Jefferson School of Law Accepted W Type: RA $42,000 Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: 01/09/07 Inter: -- Dec: 03/07/07 Upd: 18 years
Southwestern University School of Law Waitlisted W Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: 01/04/07 Inter: -- Dec: 04/10/07 Upd: 18 years
Seattle University Accepted W Type: RA $1,000 Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: 01/03/07 Inter: -- Dec: 02/10/07 Upd: 18 years
Golden Gate University Accepted W Type: RA $30,000 Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: 12/06/06 Inter: -- Dec: 02/02/07 Upd: 18 years
University of the Pacific Waitlisted W Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: 12/17/06 Inter: -- Dec: 05/07/07 Upd: 18 years

Applicant Information

  • LSAT: 154
  • LSAT 2: -
  • LSAT 3: -
  • GRE : -
  • LSAC GPA: 3.1
  • Degree GPA: 3.2
  • School Type: large public
  • Major: sociology

Demographic Information

  • City: San Diego
  • State: California
  • Race: sunburn prone
  • Gender: Woman
  • Non-Traditional Applicant: Yes
  • Years out of Undergrad: -

Extra Curricular Information

My cycle is over! Even though I have yet to hear about my deferral status from both Lewis and Clark,and Santa Clara, I've committed myself to Cal Western. I really do like the school, I had an ejoyable experience at Scholar's Day last weekend. Staying in San Diego is the best option for me; my partner will be pursuing a Masters at SDSU and we've just signed a lease on a new condo. I'm very pleased with my cycle and grateful to have no outright rejections. Thanks to all who've commented on my page :)

Cal Western: 74%- ACCEPTED
Golden Gate: 69% - ACCEPTED
Lewis and Clark: 11%- DEFERRED, REJECTED
Santa Clara: 12% - DEFERRED
Seattle Univ: 24%- ACCEPTED
Southwestern: 27%- WAITLISTED
Thomas Jefferson: 39%- ACCEPTED
McGeorge: 34%- WAITLISTED
Willamette: 39%- WAITLISTED

Additional info & updates

1/14/07- I heard back from Cal Western really early on in the cycle, I guess. There are 4 other schools to which I applied that were completed on the same day as Cal Western and I haven't heard a word from.... Is that a bad sign??

1/16/07- Got a phone call from the Dean of Admissions at Western New England College School of Law... scholarships for $18,000 (!!) renewable if I stay in top 50% of class... Y'all, I didn't even think I could get in anywhere, let alone a scholarship. It just might be worth it...

1/23/07- received my WNEC packet in the mail

2/2/07- received a large white envelope from Golden Gate University! They sent a comprehensive packet about visits, housing, etc. They also had this weird ambigous half-page note about how they are revamping their scholarship system and I should expect to hear from them in 2 weeks. Ok! Go San Francisco!

2/6/07- Seattle decision checker changed to "decision mailed" (but said it was changed yesterday. Even though it wasn't, I checked. Weird!)

2/10/07- In at Seattle!! Take THAT, nay-sayers!

2/20/07- Deferred from Lewis and Clark. No surprise. The deferral letter says they will take a look at my app again in late april or may depending if there's space available. I wish I knew what this means knowing that they also have a waitlist.

3/7/07- finally got into Thomas Jefferson. I applied as a safety and began to wonder what was taking them so long... I was offered a Dean's Scholarship for $14,000 a year provided I stay in the top 30% of my class.

3/23/07- got two scholarship offers from Golden Gate. $10,000 + $5,000 for the first year, and if I keep a 3.0 the last $15,000 will be spread out over the last two years (an awkward way of dispersment....)

03/31/07- waitlisted from Wilamette. I'm not sure how I feel about it after a dissapointing visit to other parts of the Pacific Northwest. I'll stay on it for now

04/10/07- waitlisted at Southwestern according to online status checker. I will most likely withdraw, gotta talk to the wifey first.

4/12/07- got a call from Seattle University School of Law's Dean of Admissions to inform me I have been "unanimously chosen among the scholarship committee" to be the 2007-2008 Outlaw Scholar. The scholarship is only $1,000, I don't think it's enough to make me rethink Seattle. I feel kinda bad now....

4/16/07- A couple of weeks ago I wrote a scholarship negotiation email to the Cal Western financial aid office. I had pretty much given up hope on it, seeing how they gave me no $$$ to start with. But lo and behold, after sending them my seat deposit, they email me to tell me they will give me a diversity scholarship of $16,000/year!! Sweet! I was already going to go for full price, this is AWESOME!

5/7/07- Waitlisted at UoP, surprise surprise. Letter was dated April 30th, what a joke. Withdrew immediately.

5/11/07- L&C rejected me after deferring me. No surprise here either.

5/29/07- Waitlisted at Santa Clara after being deferred in December. Not only did I withdraw weeks ago, but they sent the letter to my old address...

Visitor Comments

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Sunday, October 16 2005 at 08:00 PM

congrats on WNEC!!! i'm hopin to get some $$ too....we'll see. You're gonna kick ass the rest of this cycle

Friday, January 12 2007 at 07:00 PM

Most definetly leaning towards Seattle, there are so many things about the school that I like. I'm going to one of their open house admit days. My only concern is the $$$, especially if tier 4 schools are offering. What is this outlaw scholarship you speak of?

Tuesday, August 30 2005 at 08:00 PM

What rumors have you heard about their accredidation?

Want to share you insight on TJSL?
Thursday, January 18 2007 at 07:00 PM

Want to share you insight on TJSL with us?

Tuesday, March 27 2007 at 08:00 PM

with Pacific...thats high on my list too. Our numbers are reversed but were in the same boat!

Thomas Jefferson
Wednesday, March 21 2007 at 08:00 PM

Hey There. Congrats on your acceptances. I visited Cal Western and Thomas Jefferson and have been just totally falling in love with Thomas Jefferson. If you haven't already, I would really encourage you to visit TJ and talk to the Dean of Admission. Their whole admissions staff has just gone above and beyond, in my view. I can't seem to get a return phone call from Cal Western - even though I've already been accepted and put down a deposit there.

Wednesday, October 11 2006 at 08:00 PM

Congrats on Seattle thats awesome! Gotta a question for you...did you apply to Southwestern for the full time or part time program? And please kindly withdraw as soon as the wifey gives you the green light! Thanks and GL on Pacific.

Tuesday, March 27 2007 at 08:00 PM

I hope you get that big envelope! I just got it today 4/12! maybe ill see you there.

Wednesday, March 21 2007 at 08:00 PM

I am feeling you about UOP. I was promised a decision by May 1st as well. Errrg! Is the night program an option for you?

Tj vs Cal Western
Wednesday, March 21 2007 at 08:00 PM

I keep going back and for between TJ and CW. What were your deciding factors, if you don't mind me asking. Are you attending the CWSL scholars event on May 4th. I will be there. I'm visiting Penn State this Wed to see how I like the campus and in hopes of getting off the wait-list. I'm from So. Cal. - I know Penn State could be a tough adjustment for me. But, both CW and TJ would be easy for me. Thanks for your insights.

Cal Western
Friday, February 16 2007 at 07:00 PM

Hi! I noticed that you're from San Diego and there's a good chance I'll be heading that way this fall, could you tell me what the area is like? It seems like a big city, but are there places to escape the city and go hiking or anything like that? I grew up in Miami so big cities don't scare me, but I live in CO now and love that I can walk 20mins out of my house and be in the woods. Congrats on your acceptances and good luck with UoP. I'm waiting on them as well (although I've pretty much given up hope for an acceptance!). Is Cal Western still an option for you? Are you going to the preview day on May 19th?

Friday, October 20 2006 at 08:00 PM

I haven't heard a peep from them since they notified me back in December that I was complete. How did you find out you would get a decision by May 1st? Thanks and G'Luck!

Wednesday, March 21 2007 at 08:00 PM

I still haven't decided, although I'm leaning toward Cal Western. Congrats on your scholarships! Seattle sent me an e-mail about the Outlaw Scholarship, but then rejected me. I think San Diego will be a good place to be out though. I listed my personal e-mail, if you want to chat further. I'd love to have some buddies (like you and your partner) to hang out with, when I get to San Diego.