askdawn (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
University of Louisville F | Accepted A | Type: RA | Sent: 12/10/06 | Rec: 10/10/07 | Comp: 01/25/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/15/07 | Upd: 18 years | |||
University of Nevada Las Vegas | Waitlisted | Type: RA | Sent: 01/01/07 | Rec: 02/05/07 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 18 years | |||
University of the Pacific PT | Waitlisted | Type: RA | Sent: 12/10/07 | Rec: 02/05/07 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 18 years | |||
Willamette University F | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 01/22/07 | Rec: 02/05/07 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 18 years | |||
Thomas Jefferson School of Law | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 01/19/07 | Rec: 02/05/07 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/12/07 | Upd: 18 years | |||
University of California Davis | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: 02/05/07 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 18 years | |||
Florida Coastal School of Law F | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 01/19/07 | Rec: 02/05/07 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/15/07 | Upd: 18 years | |||
Roger Williams University F | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 12/01/06 | Rec: 02/05/07 | Comp: 01/01/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 18 years | |||
Chapman University | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 01/19/07 | Rec: 02/05/07 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 18 years |
Visitor Comments
First choices are Hawaii (hidden app) and Seattle...moreso Seattle because I would like to live there and they have a nice selection of courses dealing with health law. It'll be interesting to see if SLU offers any's really the only other factor now that could affect future decisions.
Your GPA might be able to get you into UL. My GPA was much lower, plus I had some other things going against me as well. Best of luck.
Yeah it did take some time and effort to write 40 apps. I just didn't have anything else to do during winter I guess. On my personal statement, I did not solely focus on my race and its disadvantages, if there are any, but rather on my experiences as an immigrant which made it more difficult to be where I am today. I'm sure you know what it's like from experiences of your own or your parents. I wish you the best luck with this cycle and hope you get into your top choice!
I'm hoping being a NV resident helps me out a little bit. I will post any news. Good luck to you as well!!
It was about 2 months between the time my file went complete (they sent a letter) and when I received my decision. But remember that was over Christmas so you might have less of a wait. GOOD LUCK!
Honestly, I dont know what to think of the waitllist for Chapman. I'm well under their median, but everyone seems suprised that I got waitlisted. I dont get it! I dont see how applying early would hurt my chances, either way though I'm praying for Southwestern.
Hey thanks. Good luck to you too!
FYI regarding UNLV... They RARELY ever look at applications with LSAT's lower than 160 prior to the deadline of March 15th. I talked to the dean a couple of years ago and that's what he said. As you notice, those who have been accepted have higher LSAT's than 160. With a lower LSAT than that, you should not expect a decision from UNLV until late in March or, more than likely, in early April. Just thought I would let you know.
Hey, thanks for the comment, yeah it is weird how our stats and numbers are very similar. I will definitely keep you posted, good luck to you as well!
Getting into a few schools fews great. What a stress reliever. I am still waiting to hear from UNLV. Nothing back so far. Good luck to you too.
I really have no idea right now. SLU did offer me a nice scholarship, and I'm waiting to see if any other schools (hidden apps) will accept me.
Hey...I'll keep you posted if you do the same for me. Too bad so much emphasis is placed on the LSAT scores! :(
for the kind words. I think schools took so long to get back because they liked my PS but looked in horror at my dredful LSAT. Applying early in one of the only options we low LSATer's have. My best friend's sister-in law went to UC-Davis for law school, loved it, and is now a law school professor, so I have heard good things about it. I just got back from a tour at FCSL and was really impressed with all aspects of the campus. Once you get your acceptance, if your considering going there, I recommend taking a look at it. Best of luck with the rest of your apps
I am going to the University of Kentucky. You? BTW, I visited Brandeis earlier this year...good school...
I feel like keeping all the rejection letters from all the prestigious schools that didn't take me. That way, when I become successful later on, I can frame them and show people that you can still rake in the dough even though the adcomms at T1 schools probably laughed at my app. Anyway, I hope you'll get more acceptances! :-)
Bar passage rate and age of ABA approval.
hey, i read through your profile and hdhicks as well. i lived in the bay area (redwood city) when i was a kid. if you're considering UL, be prepared for a small culture shock. kentucky isn't anywhere close to as ethnically diverse as california is. but it's nice there, slower paced, yet still metropolitan. good luck!
Hey there...thanks for the congrats:) I'm still waiting on MSU and IU-I before I decide. However, I'll probably end up at Ohio Northern if I hear bad news from either of those schools.
Let's see...I moved to Western Kentucky in 96 from Seattle, and SF area before that. I think the biggest adjustment will just be the change in pace. People out here aren't as faced paced as Cali peeps are. And as I said before, KY is very 1-way racially. There isn't much diversity here. It's gorgeous tho. I think you'll really find the area to be beautiful. As for my top choice AU; not sure what I'm going to do about that yet. Still waiting to hear back from Wash and Lee or UK. Also, Marquette has a sports law program that has caught my attention also. Where do you ultimately want to end up? If you really want to chat with me, IM me on AIM @ UKSoccer525. I'm online most of the time and would be more than happy to answer and of your questions.
Congrats on UofL!! I think you will like UofL a whole lot. I am a senior getting ready to graduate and I have enjoyed my time here very much. I think it is a school where you can get a lot out of it if you put your time in. I would be surprised if there are more than twenty minority students in each law school class (or even the whole law school). However, there are lots of minorities around campus and in the surrounding neighborhoods. There is an asian enclave in the South End of town. Oh yeah, and the new dean of the law school is asian too. Again, I think you will like it because it has a nice mix of metropolitan life mixed with country influences. Why are you interestded in going to UofL? Especially since you are from the Bay Area?
I have lots of acceptances, but nowhere that I'm genuinely interested in going. Very upset about the Pace rejection, I thought I was going to get in. Doesn't look like you're doing too bad yourself, are you considering FCSL? I'm going down to see the campus next month.
It was at least a month from when the assistant dean told me my file was in front of the scholarship committee. I even sent him (Jack Cox) a follow-up e-mail because I thought it had been lost in the mail. If you have any questions I would call him. He is extremely helpful.
it took quite a while to hear from louisville concerning scholarships. i applied pretty early, and i'd say it took about 5 weeks. thanks and good luck this admissions cycle
Yeah I guess I wrote a good PS as I am getting many acceptances from schools where my numbers are only around 25th percentile. I wish you the best luck with the rest of schools pending.
I think I will go to Stetson now over RWU...but still waiting for other decisions. I see we both have been accepted to RWU and FCSL...where are you thinking of going?
Congrats on U of L! I live in Louisville and have been to Brandeis quite a few times. Let me know if you have any specific questions about the city or the school and I can try to answer them for you.
Did UofL give you a date that they expect you to respond to them by???
thanks a lot!!! good luck :)
Congrats on all your acceptances! Where do you think you will be attending?
I am most likely going to attend Willamette. It has a great reputation in the NW and that's where I want to end up practicing. You should seriously consider that school.
I am actually planning to attend the preview day this Saturday so I will tell you more about the school and my personal impression. What persuaded me to attend Willamette vs. other accepted schools such as Idaho ($), Syracuse, Pace and Toledo is their reputation in the Northwest. Willamette alumni base is extensive throughout Portland and Seattle so you won't have any problem finding a job after school if you want to work in the NW. Outside of the Northwest and probably some Mountain areas, Willamette is not well known and you will have a hard time finding a job. But that is same with any other T2 schools because they are all regional schools. If you want to work in Portland or Seattle, Willamette will do you justice.
Regrettably, I have nothing to report except that this wait is killing me. I suppose we will find out in the next week or so.
Regrettably, I have nothing to report except that this wait is killing me. I suppose we will find out in the next week or so.
I posted on another member's page, but noted that I saw some comments where they hadn't heard from UNLV until the 21st of April. Hopefully it will be sooner for us, right? I graduated from SJSU, same degree as you, woohoo. You beat my butt on the LSAT though, haha! I'm about 90% going to TJSL. Figure it's good to go to [start at?] a CA school, pass the CA bar and go from there. It also seems like a really collaborative [as opposed to extremely competitive] school. Don't you love gambling what seems like the rest of your life away based on such a narrow set of factors? Law school is a sassy misstress. I was looking at at a list of where students who graduated from UNLV go to work, and didn't see a lot of them leaving the immediate area. Plus the rate of hire out of school is a bit low... seems kind of weird. I'd only go there though [if they let me in which I'm doubting at this point] to save money since it's so close to me now. :D GOOD LUCK THOUGH!!!
I sent you that last message -- Jenn
No word from UNLV yet. I was just gone for 4 days for the holiday weekend and came back to a mailbox full of nothing but junk. That's pretty much the only mail that I'm looking forward to receiving. I don't understand why they insist on making everyone wait so long; it is so unfair!!!
I haven't heard anything.
haven't heard anything =T
Nothing from UNLV! I had a dream about the school a few weeks ago, does that count? :) But no....very quiet!
I've paid my seat deposit at Pacific but am still hoping to get in at Utah or UNLV. Yourself?
I visited both schools, twice. Personally, I don't think they are that different - Cal Western is ranked a small thumbnail above TJ, but the overall atmosphere was one of doom. Apparently, the intentionally flunk out nearly 20% of their first year class. In all 1L classes, people are sitting on the floor for weeks because the know that people won't be making it and then by the end of the year all students will have seats. Their are some nifty myspace blogs about Cal Western - one is something like Cal Western Students Vent. Of all the myspace schools, Cal Western wins the award, overwhelmingly, for the worst press from students. At TJ, the new dean of admissions personally took the time to meet with me and the overall atmosphere, to me, seems really supportive and positive. We discussed their last bar pass rates and I know she is taking action to get the bar rates up. New regime there that seems very cool. Did you visit Golden Gate. I've haven't yet, so I'd love to know your thoughts if you have visited. Best of luck in whatever path you choose.
So...I called UNLV a couple of days ago and they said a decision still hadn't been made....I wonder if I'll ever get a darn decision letter...I think they were sending out letters to non-residents first and they're waiting to send out letters to most of the residents...if you look at the few people who have heard in the last week and a half from UNLV, they're non-residents. I'm really surprised you haven't heard anything yet. I guess I'll hopefully expect to hear the first week in May or something; who knows. Good luck to you. Keep me posted.
I really liked it. The campus was beautiful although it feels kind of small. People were very very friendly. I hung out with the dean for lunch and he was super cool. After talking with many 1Ls and 2Ls, it seemed like everyone is enjoying their experience. Oregon Supreme Court Justice Virginia Linder is also teaching a class in fall. It's not a 1L class but I thought that was really cool. It seemed like the school provides a quality education with small class size. Also firms in the Northwest regard Willamette highly because of its history of excellence. Alumni base is extensive in both Portland and Seattle. I have a family friend who is a partner at a big firm in Seattle. He told me Willamette is regarded very highly. I was surprised how he thought WU is even better than Seattle and Lewis and Clark. That's probably just him but probably many partners in late 40's might think the same.
I'm just ready to get started. So did you make a decision yet? Is U of L still in the lead? I will say that the city of Louisville is absolutely beautiful in the spring. It's almost Derby time!!!!
I think you'd really like Brandeis. I'm ready for a change of scenery, but reading your extracurriculars, I think it would be a good fit for you.
Thanks....I need all of the help I can get!! Still nothing though
Put down deposits at New York Law. Still waiting to hear on my wait list status at Rutgers Camden.
Are you still going to consider going to UNLV if you get off the waitlist? I hear, and as you can see, that lots of people that are accepted withdraw and so they usually do go to their waitlist, even if it is very late in the summer. So if you got into UNLV off the waitlist, would you go there instead? I'm not getting my hopes up anymore, either. My scores practically mirror yours. I have not gotten my decision in the mail yet, but was told the committee met Wednesday and I'd have a letter by early next week. But it doesn't seem like anyone with our scores is really getting in. Oh well. I'm sorry. Good luck to you at U of L.
Still haven't heard one word. I guess that means either my application didn't get in front of the committee last week, even though I was promised that it did, or that the mail is just major slow. But I've pretty much retired the thought already. It's May and I have other decisions to make and refuse to base them on UNLV. So good luck to you. I don't think I have a chance anymore; if I did have one I would have gotten a letter already.
So far I am leaning towards Nebraska, but hoping for maybe getting off some of the waitlists or hearing good news from ASU and Santa Clara!
No, I didn't call them this week. The completion letter I received in the mail stated they do not like it when students call about their status. Perhaps I will give them another week. If I haven't heard by the middle of next week, then I will give them a call again. Usually I only call about every 2 weeks. I'm getting ready to call Southwestern next week, because they're just really ridiculous. My application has been complete there for over 2 months and I still haven't heard one word. Even my family is getting pissed off with these schools. But that's life. The admissions committee gets paid the same amount, no matter how long they sit on their a$$e$ for each day instead of doing work.
I sent my Addendum to UNLV today, along with an updated transcript. Hopefully that will cause them to make a decision in a REASONABLE amount of time. I am so sick of waiting, I'd rather have heard and been on the waitlist or rejected, than in the position I'm in now.
No doubt, this broad fails out of law school 2 times and blames everyone but herself for her state of affairs! She then goes on to post venom about every school under the sun because "she lived in the area" or "knows that rankings don't mean anything" but can't stand to take any criticism about her posts. She also has the gaul to make demands on UNLV to hurry up with her answer, come on hoe, you know you ain't getting in, quit acting like it makes a difference and that UNLV owes you anything, you'll get your rejection when they decide to send it. Keep your victimhood to yourself, we are all tired of it you scrub. Stop feeding into this chick's insanity by communicating with her.
I am considering Louisville...have you been to visit yet? I may be looking for a roommate...please let me know if you're interested. The best way to contact me is by email.
I posted some info about UofL in the TLS forum where you were asking about it. Let me know if you have any specific Qs I can help you answer. Paul
Thank you...Good Luck at U of L in the Fall.
Good Luck at Louisville!!!
Hey there; I'll be at MSU in the fall. Good luck in the fall!
None of my applications were EA, although technically Northwestern's application was (any app that went complete by early December would get a decision by 1/31). Good luck this cycle! What's your top choice?