pahefl01 (2022-2023)

Views: 2547 User Since: 02/23/06

Application Information

F - Fee Waiver A - Attending W - Withdrawn D - Deferred
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# Law School Status Type $$$ Sent Received Complete Interview Date Decision Updated
University of San Diego Rejected W Type: RA Sent: 12/15/05 Rec: 12/18/05 Comp: 12/26/05 Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 19 years
California Western School of Law Accepted A Type: RA Sent: 12/15/05 Rec: 12/18/05 Comp: 12/26/05 Inter: -- Dec: 01/06/06 Upd: 19 years

Applicant Information

  • LSAT: 153
  • LSAT 2: -
  • LSAT 3: -
  • GRE : -
  • LSAC GPA: 3.64
  • Degree GPA: 3.76
  • School Type: public
  • Major: philosophy

Demographic Information

  • City: Louisville
  • State: Kentucky
  • Race: white
  • Gender: Man
  • Non-Traditional Applicant: Yes
  • Years out of Undergrad: -

Extra Curricular Information

4/25/06: USD finally decided to grace me with their decision today. Unsurprisingly, I was rejected. But why the hell did that decision take so damn long to make? USD can kiss my ass as far as I'm concerned!

Additional info & updates

I know it was a bit presumptuous of me to only apply to two schools. But my wife is from San Diego, and after having lived in Kentucky for four years she was totally determined to get back to Southern California. She once told me, in not so subtle terms, that even if I applied to Harvard Law School and, by some divine miracle, was accepted, there was no way in hell she was going anywhere that it snows. So I decided that Id save my application fees by not applying to schools outside of San Diego. Luckily I got into Cal Western. Now Im just waiting to hear from USD.

2/27/06: I just checked the mailbox, nothing from USD. I have a stinking suspicion that those bastards over there already know who they're going to reject, and just want to torture the hell out of us who are eagerly awaiting their celestial judgment. I just want some finality. At this point I don't even care if I'm accepted or rejected, I just want to know the decision.

2/28/06: Again, nothing from USD.

3/1/06: I received a invitation to an open house at Cal Western, which is being held on two different dates (Mar. 18th and May 13th) from 9:00 a.m to 1:00 p.m.. Obstensibly, it is an opportunity to hear from the faculty, staff, students, and alumni. Cal Western may not top the list of U.S. News and World Report law school rankings, but they are--in my opinion--a lot more professional and courteous to their applicants than those soulless bureaucrats over at USD.

3/2/06: My only law school correspondence today was a fee waiver from Hofstra University. Too little, too late in my opinion. Thanks, but no thanks, Hofstra!

3/10/06: Still no word from USD! I'm cutting my losses and just going to accept the offer from Cal. Western.

On an unrelated note, I've been looking into some law preview courses that you can take prior to going into your first year of law school. Does anyone out there know of someone who may have tried one of these programs? If so please let me know what they thought of it. Thanks.

3/13/06: The cruelty continues...nothing from USD. This waiting game is driving me insane.

3/17/06: I just read that Whittier Law School and Golden Gate University School of Law have been placed on probation by the ABA. Applicants Beware! See this site for more information:

3/18/06: Today I attended the Law Preview Day at Cal. Western and was so impressed with what I saw and heard from the faculty, staff, current students, and alumni that I have unequivocally and excitedly decided to make Cal. Western my law school. I realize that I likely wouldn't have another option anyway since I haven't from USD, and when I eventually do it will most likely be a rejection letter. This doesn't change the fact that I was totally and utterly impressed with Cal. Western. The professionalism that everyone displayed (anyone who has had contact with the admissions office has an idea of what I'm talking about) in conjunction with the family-like environment makes Cal. Western a top choice in my book.
I must admit, initially, I did feel a little disappointed that I was most probably going to attend a 4th-tier school--Cal Western. But my experience today has greatly lifted my spirits. I think, perhaps, it will all work out for the best.

I hope everyone finds a law school that they are as equally impressed with and excited about attending. Best of Luck!

3/27/06: So it's official now. I just mailed out my first of two seat deposits to Cal Western. So even if USD does accept me now I'm going to withdraw because they haven't shown me or anyone else--as far as I can tell from what I've read on this site and LSD--even the slightest modicum of respect. In fact, I now despise USD and I plan to spend the rest of my legal career sticking it to the university and its law graduates. Yes, I'm a little bitter. I expected to be treated with a little more decency here. I guess USD plans to keep me in the dark for six months about the status of my application then seemingly out of the blue give me a rejection letter. To hell with USD! I'm a bright and ambitious young man. If USD doesn't want me then I don't want those bastards either. I say good riddance to bad rubbage.

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Cal West
Wednesday, August 24 2005 at 08:00 PM

Did they really accept you in ten days over new years, or do you not really remember the dates? I applied on Oct. 3 and was complete two weeks later, but I havent heard back

Cal West
Wednesday, August 24 2005 at 08:00 PM

Well, thats great. Those SOBs are sure taking their time with my application then. Im not sure why its taken them so long. I just want this waiting game to start to come to an end. I applied early, as many resources told me to do, so that I could get accepted (or rejected) earlier... We all have lives to plan! Regardless, congratulations

Saturday, July 30 2005 at 08:00 PM

Well, I think you would have had a better shot PT. But full time with a later application is going to be an uphill road. I hope you do get in but I would bet on it.

CWSL bound
Saturday, September 10 2005 at 08:00 PM

Yes, 99.5% I will end up there. Like your wife, family and sun are calling me back to San Diego (read in your info). Civil law is where I plan to focus; real estate and its financing, business entities and corporate bankruptcy. How about yourself?

Wednesday, August 24 2005 at 08:00 PM

Nothing yet. I must have really wronged someone in addmissions. They arent even returning my calls. I dont get it, I really dont...

Cal West
Sunday, February 26 2006 at 07:00 PM

I am currently on spring break and have no idea if I am getting any responses back at school! Anyway...I got an email from Cal West yesterday giving me my financial aid application pin# when I went to the site it said that only accepted and continuing students could log in...I was wondering if you recieved one of these emails with your number and how long after you were accepted...Im going crazy not knowing what im getting in the i am guessing im accepted i have no idea! Thanks alot!

Fellow Phil major/CWSL acceptant
Saturday, February 25 2006 at 07:00 PM

...congrats! Yeah, yeah, it's been nearly a month since your post... my bad! Visited SD/OC/LA recently for schools (see my reviews), and yeah, I feel the same about CalW--very professional and courteous. And I've heard that CW-staffed firms hire CW grads.. so if this is what you're looking for (I am), the job market shouldn't be too rough. Enjoy biking in SD! My fiancee and I are looking to move down in June/July (barring positive word from UoP, that is). Would you email me about your housing situation, if you don't mind? We have some ideas, but would appreciate input. And always good to know someone in the area! ...and I love how a "heavy rainstorm" in SD is NOTHING compared to a rainshower in IN/KY. And don't even mention the snow (just had more this week!) Please...

Cal Western
Tuesday, April 26 2005 at 08:00 PM

Hey...Congrats on your decision. Guess I'll be seeing you there this fall. Are you considering taking the Summer Enrichment course. I'd like to if we can get moved at there by then. Feel free to write if you want to talk about the school or housing.

You will be very happy at CWSL
Monday, December 05 2005 at 07:00 PM

Both of my brothers went there. Both graduated magna cum laude. Both absolutely loved the school. I used to volunteer as a witness when the both of them did moot court practice. I loved the staff and thought the students there were very friendly. Both brothers are now practicing attorneys in San Diego. One is at a large firm; the other is a partner at a small firm. They have no regrets about attending CWSL. Enjoy San Diego!

Wednesday, August 24 2005 at 08:00 PM

Still nothing... The way you feel about USD is how I feel about CWSL. They must not be happy with my pass from last year, but I called and talked to them about it last year. Whatever. Congrats on the decision. Perhaps I will see you down there.

You're right...
Monday, February 13 2006 at 07:00 PM

I'm taking some risks. Enjoy law school at Cal Western (and the nice weather).

Cal Western
Saturday, February 25 2006 at 07:00 PM

Thanks for the note about Cal Western. I've been really impressed by my interactions with them, and definitely NOT IMPRESSED with some of the other schools I've applied to. I would really like to know as much as you can tell me about the school and the people there. I was interested in what you said about a tier 4 school, and confess to some of the same reservations, but I think you can trust rankings only so far. Just email me if you want. BTW, all I had was an email exchange with USD, and I was so struck by their arrogance and bastardliness that I didn't even apply! Thanks and good luck to you.

Sunday, September 25 2005 at 08:00 PM

Hey, I'm just curious to know everything you know about CWSL. As of now, it looks like I'm going to be sending my seat deposit there. I lived in SD all my life so I know everything there is to know about the school. I was just wondering about any experiences you had with current students/alumni, employment after graduation, etc. I am a little worried since it is T4, but I'm interested in learning more.

USD rejection letter
Sunday, March 05 2006 at 07:00 PM

I actually got the letter on 4-22-06...It took them 6 months to reject me! I am glad I baby-sat the mailbox that long....Anyway, good luck to you.

Saturday, September 10 2005 at 08:00 PM

Welcome to the CWSL family! :)

Saturday, February 25 2006 at 07:00 PM

about San Diego. That really sucks. I didn't apply there, because their response to 1 email was so condescending. Hey, I think we'll do better at CWSL!

Summer Class
Saturday, September 10 2005 at 08:00 PM

I'm actually not going to do the summer enrichment program. I will be working around 50 hours per week and the idea of fitting that in... less than appealing. Plus, I'm too cheap to spend the extra money when there are other classes I want to take down the road for those same credits. Taker easy!