paulygon (2022-2023)

Views: 5617 User Since: 03/27/09

Application Information

F - Fee Waiver A - Attending W - Withdrawn D - Deferred
Please Wait...
# Law School Status Type $$$ Sent Received Complete Interview Date Decision Updated
#10 Quinnipiac University F WL, Rejected Type: RA Sent: 03/13/09 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 07/10/09 Upd: 15 years
#10 Drexel University F WL, Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 03/15/09 Rec: -- Comp: 03/16/09 Inter: -- Dec: 07/27/09 Upd: 15 years
#1 American University WL, Rejected Type: RA Sent: 03/02/09 Rec: -- Comp: 04/01/09 Inter: -- Dec: 07/27/09 Upd: 15 years
#1 Marquette University F WL, Accepted A Type: RA Sent: 03/21/09 Rec: -- Comp: 04/20/09 Inter: -- Dec: 06/12/09 Upd: 15 years
#2 University of Louisville Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 03/26/09 Rec: -- Comp: 04/13/09 Inter: -- Dec: 04/22/09 Upd: 15 years
#3 Michigan State College of Law Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 03/02/09 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 03/27/09 Upd: 15 years
#3 Catholic University of America Rejected Type: RA Sent: 03/13/09 Rec: -- Comp: 04/15/09 Inter: -- Dec: 05/22/09 Upd: 15 years
#9 Duquesne University Waitlisted Type: RA Sent: 03/15/09 Rec: -- Comp: 04/20/09 Inter: -- Dec: 05/14/09 Upd: 16 years
#10 University of Dayton F Accepted W Type: RA $22,500 Sent: 03/03/09 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 04/13/09 Upd: 16 years
#1 Pepperdine University Rejected Type: RA Sent: 03/27/09 Rec: -- Comp: 04/17/09 Inter: -- Dec: 05/07/09 Upd: 16 years
#1 Tulane University Rejected Type: RA Sent: 03/13/09 Rec: -- Comp: 03/23/09 Inter: -- Dec: 05/06/09 Upd: 16 years
#8 Wayne State University Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 03/02/09 Rec: -- Comp: 04/06/09 Inter: -- Dec: 04/06/09 Upd: 16 years
#4 Mercer University F Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 03/13/09 Rec: -- Comp: 04/13/09 Inter: -- Dec: 04/30/09 Upd: 16 years
#3 Gonzaga University Accepted W Type: RA $24,000 Sent: 03/16/09 Rec: -- Comp: 04/01/09 Inter: -- Dec: 04/22/09 Upd: 16 years
#4 Syracuse University Waitlisted Type: RA Sent: 03/15/09 Rec: -- Comp: 04/01/09 Inter: -- Dec: 04/29/09 Upd: 16 years
#1 University of Connecticut F Rejected Type: RA Sent: 03/13/09 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 04/30/09 Upd: 16 years
#3 Temple University Rejected Type: RA Sent: 03/02/09 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 04/27/09 Upd: 16 years
#10 Western State University F Accepted W Type: RA $72,000 Sent: 03/16/09 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 04/06/09 Upd: 16 years
#4 Albany Law School of Union University Accepted W Type: RA $30,000 Sent: 03/02/09 Rec: 03/06/09 Comp: 03/09/09 Inter: -- Dec: 04/22/09 Upd: 16 years
#6 Howard University Rejected Type: RA Sent: 03/13/09 Rec: -- Comp: 03/18/09 Inter: -- Dec: 04/30/09 Upd: 16 years
#6 Drake University F Accepted W Type: RA $45,000 Sent: 03/02/09 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 04/10/09 Upd: 16 years
#3 George Washington University Rejected Type: RA Sent: 03/26/09 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 04/24/09 Upd: 16 years
#1 Ohio State University Rejected Type: RA Sent: 03/13/09 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 04/08/09 Upd: 16 years
#8 University of North Dakota Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 03/02/09 Rec: 04/01/09 Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 04/17/09 Upd: 16 years
#2 University of Maryland Rejected Type: RA Sent: 03/13/09 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 04/17/09 Upd: 16 years
#1 Penn State University (Dickinson) Rejected Type: RA Sent: 03/15/09 Rec: -- Comp: 04/01/09 Inter: -- Dec: 04/20/09 Upd: 16 years
#2 Florida State University Rejected Type: RA Sent: 03/13/09 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 04/10/09 Upd: 16 years
#1 George Mason University F Rejected Type: RA Sent: 03/26/09 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 04/18/09 Upd: 16 years
#1 Villanova University Waitlisted Type: RA Sent: 03/02/09 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 03/27/09 Upd: 16 years
#8 Cleveland State University F Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 03/13/09 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 04/07/09 Upd: 16 years
#10 University of Tulsa Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 03/02/09 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 03/23/09 Upd: 16 years
#10 Thomas M Cooley Law School F Accepted W Type: RA $20,500 Sent: 03/03/09 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 03/27/09 Upd: 16 years
#10 Phoenix School of Law F Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 03/20/09 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 04/10/09 Upd: 16 years
#10 Appalachian School of Law F Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 03/13/09 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 03/30/09 Upd: 16 years
#10 Florida Coastal School of Law F Accepted W Type: RA $10,000 Sent: 03/08/09 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 03/23/09 Upd: 16 years

Applicant Information

  • LSAT: 157
  • LSAT 2: -
  • LSAT 3: 157
  • GRE : -
  • LSAC GPA: 2.87
  • Degree GPA: 3.5
  • School Type: GWU
  • Major: Criminal Justice/ Hist.

Demographic Information

  • City: Lakota
  • State: North Dakota
  • Race: Caucasian
  • Gender: Man
  • Non-Traditional Applicant: Yes
  • Years out of Undergrad: 1-2 Years

Extra Curricular Information


Additional info & updates

06/16/2009- As you can see I was accepted at Marquette. A few days before I received an email asking me to reconfirm, for a second time, that I was interested in coming to Marquette. After that I received no calls or emails, just a big packet of material on Saturday the 13th of June. No money was offered, but I am calling this week to hopefully get something.

05/29/2009- Rejected from Catholic. I know this is because I was such a late applicant. Well, you win some and you lose some. Still on the wait lists.

05/26/2009- Is today the day? Will i get a wait list letter or a flat out rejection from Catholic? Only the mail man knows and that fucker isn't say'in shit.

05/22/2009- Catholic Letter has been mailed; however, since I didn't receive an email or any other positive notifications, I doubt that I was admitted. I am expecting my wait list or rejection letter. Eh.

05/21/2009- LOCI's went out today. I sent them to the dean and assistant deans of admissions at Villanova, American and Marquette. I know that they may not help, but even if they remember my name that is all I need.

If anyone wants me to email a copy of my letter to them, be sure to leave a note and I will forward a digital copy you way for your own use.

05/20/2009- Getting my LOCI ready for Marquette, Villanova and American. Sending a letter to the dean as well as the assistant/associate dead of admissions. Hopefully someone will read the letter or at least see the letter and remember my name. Should have these letters ready to be mailed tomorrow.

05/18/2009- Was wait listed at Duquesne. Not surprised. I would imagine that I will be wait listed at Catholic as well. This has not been the best way to end my cycle, but I have no one to blame but myself. It is because of my late submissions that I am getting wait listed so frequently. I am going to remain on the wait lists and see what happens.

Called Catholic- Admissions lady said that they are trying to have the rest of the decisions out by the end of the Month- look for a letter by the end of next week. I hope they have some room for me!

05/15/2009- Wait listed at Drexel- Don't really give a shit. Waiting to hear from Nova, American, and Marquette. I hope that one lets me in off of their wait list.

Also- Still waiting to hear back from Catholic. I will guess and say I am going to be wait listed or rejected.

Also- sent in my seat deposit to U of L on Friday, and got a nice email from admissions. Emailed back and they are going to consider giving me more scholarship. Maybe the South isn't looking that bad?

05/14/2009- Well here we go I am ready to eat my words! I was wait listed at Marquette. Mother fucker. Not to happy about this one, but then again I can't be too upset. I live to fight another day. Tomorrow I will pay my 1st deposit at Louisville to lock in my seat for a little while. I will be waiting for a while on my wait lists. I am going to see how far this ride will take me, maybe I get into Nova. -- I will update again once I hear from my last three.

Wait lists here I come! -- I have a long summer ahead of me.

05/14/2009- So is the old adage correct, is "no news good news?" I am not sure if that applies to law schools applications or not, but I hope that since I haven't heard back from some of these schools that it means they committee is carefully going over my applications and that my packet isn't sitting in a pile of "no's" waiting to be processed. Ugh - I have come to the realization that the last four schools are going to either say yes or no, there will be no wait lists this late in the game. Knowing this I am both happy and nervous. The wait list option was always a nice cushion of mediocrity that I was hoping to hit if I couldn't get to "yes" right away.

I am going to try to update this page once a day and kinda go through the feeling of waiting and the anxiety that is brewing. I hope to allow 2010 applicants to get an idea of what this process is like and how shitty it feels to wait! Think of Christmas when you were little the dentist's office buying a home -- and you will kinda know what kind of excitement, dread, and pain of taking on debt you will feel.

05/13/2009- I have called the last 4 of my cycle, and all have given me the very standard, "your application is currently with committee, you should he hearing from them within a few weeks." I hope to hear from Marquette and Catholic soon! As for Drexel and Duquesne, I could really care less if I get in. They have jerked me around a lot, and for two unraked schools it has taken them a long time to get back to me.

I most likely will call Marquette again on Friday. -- I know I am crazy, i have learned to use it to my advantage...some people call it vigilance, others call it a psychotic break.

05/11/2009- Rejected from Pepperdine and Tulane- two "go fuck yourself" letters in one day...what a special day. I also received my packet from U of Dayton; got a nice $7,500/year scholarship.

Still waiting on Marquette- please for the love of everything holy let me get into Marquette!!!!! I miss the Midwest! Please Jesus, let me get in! You fuckers better pray for me!

5/07/2009- Tulane has made a decision. A decision in less than 2 days can not be good. I should be expecting my little white envelope in the mail by the end of next week.

5/05/2009- Went into review at Tulane on the 4th of May, would anyone like to take bets as to how fast I get rejected? I am thinking by the end of next week I will have a little white envelope from Tulane.

5/04/2009- Alright, well kinda a mixed bag of shitty news. I was wait listed at Syracuse, which to be honest, is kind of a surprise/not a surprise. I was expecting to at least get wait listed but more so, I was expecting to get in. I am not sad that I didn't get in right away, as I will not attend Syracuse as they were just booted off the top 100 list and it costs one million dollars to attend.

UCONN- R-E-J-E-C-T-E-D --> not surprised at all. Thanks for the fee waiver! I am glad I could do my part to make your school seem more selective. :)

The recent decision from Syracuse makes me very nervous to hear back from Marquette. God damn me for waiting so long to submit my application. If i don't get in to Marquette I don't have anyone to blame but myself. Ugh... I am going to have so many feelings to eat if I don't get in. Everyone who sees this post, keep praying that I get in to Marquette! I really want to get back to the Midwest, and it is a great school! Fingers crossed, light a candle, pray to Tom Cruise and Oprah so that they can use their witchcraft to get me into Marquette.

5/01/2009 - Happy May 1st! I thought that with the beginning of the new month I would make some Nostradamus-Esque predictions about the rest of my cycle. I am not sure if this is bad luck or not, but here it goes -->

On second thought...I can't do it. To be honest I am way to superstitious to write down whether or not I am going to get in somewhere or be rejected. However, please keep your fingers crossed for Marquette! I really want to get back to the Midwest and would really like to go to a good school like Marquette.

Called Syracuse -- Should hear something back within a week/2 weeks. I would guess I hear back roughly the same time from Marquette.

4/30/2009- The Decision has been made at Howard, and something should be mailed out by the end of the week.

In at Mercer -- notification via email. Why don't all schools notify via email. Thank you Mercer for joining the 21st century.

Rejected from Howard, or as they put it, " the Admissions Committee did not act favorably on [my] application for admission." -- I honestly could care less. Howard is a T3, and I wouldn't have gone anyway. I only applied there because my GF wants me to stay in the DC area. Eh.

Rejected at Temple. I didn't think I had a good chance and the little white envelope confirmed my suspicions. Not really disappointed, but I guess it would have been nice to have been surprised.

Two decent scholarships from Albany and Western University, made the Temple rejection not as bitter.

4/28/2009- Temple has made a decision. Will be mailed on 4//29, I should get it by Friday or Saturday. I am expecting a rejection since statistically I am not good enough to get in, but I got hope. I mean crazier things have happened right? Right?

4/27/2009- Got my letter/ package from Gonzaga and was surprised to see that they gave me a 4K/ Semester, 24K over three years scholarship. Not a ton of money, but every little bit helps.

4/25/09- Rejected from gwu. Not sad in the least. I expected it as I didn't have the grades and gwu is known for not taking their alumni.

4/24/2009- Nothing new to report. I am kinda losing steam waiting for my last schools to decide. I still need to hear back from Marquette, Temple, and Catholic. I figure those three schools I actually have a chance. Marquette I think is the most attainable out of the three, and is my first choice if I am accepted. Marquette is a little closer to my family as well as situated nicely in the midwest.

Good luck to everyone with the rest of their cycle. I wanted to know what everyone is doing to get ready for next year. Are you taking courses this summer? Reading lists? Nothing?

4/23- In at U of L! I am happy about this. I was stoked yesterday that I got into Gonzaga since it is a top 100 school as of today, but wasn't that happy about moving to Spokane. Kentucky is where it is at. Sun, women, football, thank Christ I got in to U of L!

I will have a long wait till I hear back from Syracuse and Maruqette, and I am guessing that Catholic isn't going to decide until the middle of May if not later, but as of right now I am going to an OK tier 1 school! T1 bound!

4/22 -Update- Called Gonzaga, and in at Gonzaga! This is good as they are ranked in the top 100 as of tomorrow. T1 bound! -- A side note, I asked the admissions person, who was actually sending my letter out as I called, if I would be please or a little upset about the letter I would receive, I asked this as they usually can't say no or yes over the phone, and he said I would be very pleased. So in at Gonzaga.

****New Law School Rankings leaked --

4/22/2009 -- More bullshit...

Ok I have looked at my list and I need one of the following schools to accept me:

University of Louisville

Just one of these schools needs to say yes. What do you all think, do I have a shot? I have a good feeling about U of L and Mercer (and I would go to U of L over Mercer -- football, cheerleading, ect.; however, the other three I am worried about or at least on the fence about. Let me know what you think about my chances down in the comments.

4/22/2009- In at Albany. I am kinda glad about this one, at least now I have an option that is a little closer to my life in DC. I still prefer Michigan State over Albany because of the football and campus life, but still, it is nice to be accepted.

Keep your fingers cross for U of L. That is the one that I need so that i can breath a huge sigh of relief. I need to get into 1 tier 1 school. Fingers crossed? No? Fuckers...

Also -- Light a candle, say a prayer, do what you need to do but please do something for my application at Marquette. I am a late applicant and need everything I can get! Marquette is my number 1 choice!

4/21/09- Rejected at Maryland. I'm a sad panda. Wellll.... Not really. I expected it, and I didn't really want to go that bad. I do like terp football but oh well. Marquette hope is still alive!!

In at UND -- excellent. Will not attend but glad that I got into my home town law school. It's a pride thing.

4/21/09- I am hoping that the rest of my cycle does not go the way of Quinnipiac and Penn State. My next top choice is Marquette. I think I have good enough numbers to get it, I just hope that the lateness of my application isn't going to screw me over. I won't lie, I am getting a little worried/nervous about the rest of my cycle. I really need to get into a tier 1 school!

Alright, time to go sacrifice a goat and throw it's blood on some monkey bones to bring the lucky spirits towards my applications. -- Just kidding...I am sacrificing a chicken, not a goat, I mean what kinda of pagan do you think I am?

4/20 - Last entry for the day--

Penn State- Go fuck yourself. Not only did you reject me, but you sent the rejection letter to my parent's house. This forced my parents to read my rejection letter to me over the phone and then ask me 100,000,000 questions about why I didn't get in. I am a little pissed I didn't get in. I thought it was a reachable school, but I think because I applied so late it really shot my chances to hell. Welllllll so be it. I am glad I don't have to watch Joe Pa fight off dementia while trying to coach Penn State to yet another lower than average year.

Alright, good night -- it is time to go cry myself to sleep after I eat an entire deep dish pizza along with my feelings.

4/20 -- Update -- Puff Puff Pass
Alright well I decided to throw a little money away today and sent my first deposit to Michigan State. I am too nervous about being a late applicant, and figure at least Michigan State is a solid place to start out; T2 is better than nothing. I still haven't heard back from my top 10 schools so I want to at least lock in one school while I wait to hear back. I bought some expensive time today -- I have till June 15th until I have to send my 2nd, binding seat deposit. One would think $300 would buy more than 1.5 months. Damn economy.

Gonzaga said I should have something mailed to me next week.

UND- Is going to email me copy of the letter tomorrow. I applied to UND out of pure pride. All of my dick head classmates from North Dakota are still wallowing at home in their own tears from the years of disappointment and rejection, and I want to get in at UND and show them that yes, I am good enough to to go UND, but I am not going to. (I know I am kinda a dick, but let us all move past it and be ok) So for anyone on the WL at UND I won't keep your seat very long.

I am under review at basically everywhere except for Tulane.

I have a decision in the mail from Maryland. If i were a betting man I would say I got rejected. I should get their small white envelope by Wednesday.

One last thing -- A week or two ago I spoke to someone at Syracuse that said that the typical review period is 12 weeks. Three days later, 6 weeks. A week later, 8 weeks. I get the process is extensive and there are tons of applicants, but are these people shaking a magic eight ball with numbers? Also, if the review does take 12 weeks, WTF are you doing with my applications? Are you translating it into Aramaic, then translating it back for fun?

Here is what I think the process of review should be -- Do you all remember the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and the golden goose egg weigher? Well if not or if you never saw the movie, google that shit and try not to stir up old emotions about how you didn't have a childhood or parents that loved you. That machine should be used to review applications. Either that machine or the sorting hat from Harry Potter.

4/20/09- Called Penn State and I should be hearing back very soon. I hope I hear within a week. Penn State is my realistic #1 choice right now. Also- UND should come this week, as well as Albany.

I also forgot to post that I am in at Dayton- I should be getting their packet soon along with scholarship information.

Just went complete at Duquesne -- I don't get what took them so long to request my LSAC materials, but they finally left LSAC on Friday (4/17).

I am extremely nervous to have to tell Michigan State that I am not going to attend. MSU is my first choice right now, as it is the best school I have gotten in at and I really want to go to a school with football, or at the very least a large "Collegieee" campus. After going to a school with very little sense of community and in the middle of large metropolitan city, I want to experience a traditional campus. Wish me luck this week, I would love to get a yes from Penn State or Gonzaga this week to help ease my nerves.

I should have a decision on UL on Wednesday, letters should be mailed on Monday next week. One day review process.-- That's how it should be done everywhere!

Albany says I need to wait another 2 weeks. I called last week and they said I would know this week. Ugh. the wait continues.

4/18/09- Wait listed at Quinnipiac? Really? Was not expecting that one; I thought it was a sure thing. I guess that goes to show you that nothing is for sure in this process. I would guess I was thrown on the WL because of how late I applied. I figure this might happen at a few other schools- Penn State, Temple, etc.

Rejected at Mason- Not a shocker, basically expected a "no" after I clicked submit. Would have been nice to be surprised. Eh- not a big deal, I need to get out of VA for a while anyway.

4/17/09- In at Drake, $7,500 annual scholarship. I was expecting to get in at Drake. I was hoping that this large packet would have been from Florida State. All-in-all good news.

Still looking for Florida State and Quinnipiac. Hopefully the mail man will bring good news. I am expecting to get into Quinnipiac, but I think Florida State is going to be a reach/ rejection.

Today is a new day and hopeful I will get more letters/ packets in the mail! Looking for Florida State and Quinnipiac today or tomorrow. I expect to get into Quinnipiac, but I think Florida State will be a reach with my numbers. BUT who knows, stranger things have happened.

Howard told me they are going to wait for another 2 weeks to render a decision. They are waiting for the 1st deposits from already admitted students. -- BBBBBBBullshit! Not that I am really worried about going to Howard, but I wish they would just decide already.

4/16- Continued- So i have found that I check the status of the online status checkers at least 6-9 times a day, and call some schools every three days. I am a little crazy and impatient, so no need to point that out.

Why is that schools are so willing to say that they have made a decision, but are so unwilling to tell you that decision on the phone? If i call they ask for the last 4 digits of my soc., date of my birthday, blood type, and a semen sample, but then refuse to tell me yes or no. I don't get it!

One other thing -- Has anyone else lost almost all motivation at work? I am working at a job right now that I don't really like, and I have found that I can not get motivated to do anything except check the status of my pending applications. After I was accepted to Michigan State I knew I was going to school somewhere, and my motivation to work went out the window.

4/16/2009 - I have a large piece of USPS mail waiting for me when I get home. So I was accepted to either Drake, Quinnipiac or Florida State. If I were a betting man I would say it is Drake or Quinnipiac. I am almost sure Florida State is going to send me the nicest "fuck off" letter. I will post later tonight as to where I was accepted.

4/15/2009 - I am going back and trying to update all of my applications to give all of you fellow late applicants a good idea of how my process is going.

As you can see I applied to A LOT OF SCHOOLS. I know this may seem like a dick move to some of you, but I didn't have to pay for my applications, so I figured why not. I also had no idea where I was going to get in so I went with a shot gun approach. If some of you find that to be crazy or stupid, then so be it. It is what it is.

I have decided to go through and rank all of my schools. They are ranked 1-10, 1 being would likely attend, and then the likelihood of attending drops as the numbers increase.

Anyway -- I am still waiting to hear back from my top 18 schools. I will try to keep you all updated as the letters roll in. I finally am able to get on LSN at work, so there will be a lot more comments starting today.

Good luck to all of you late applicants.

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Monday, January 05 2009 at 07:00 PM

Thanks for the info! Right after you left that message for me I checked my mailbox and found the waitlist. I must say, I've enjoyed reading your profile. Good luck with the rest of your cycle. Where do you think you'll end up?

Thursday, March 26 2009 at 08:00 PM

I haven't heard anything back. I went to review today, Wednesday, (4/22). The review process at UL is only one day. The letter should be in the mail Friday or Monday of next week. I will post the decision as soon as I have it.

Monday, January 05 2009 at 07:00 PM

Congrats on your acceptances! Regarding Marquette, a lot of my decision to apply places was based on location. WHen one thinks of Sports Law its Tulane or Marquette, and I think some people wonder why I didn't apply to either.

Wednesday, October 17 2007 at 08:00 PM

Hey man, Syracuse sent me my acceptance letter on March 4th so it took about 4 weeks.

Wednesday, October 17 2007 at 08:00 PM

Its looking like Hofstra, Im from long island and did undergrad in upstate NY and couldnt see myself being up there again at syracuse especially at full price. Im on the waitlists for St Johns and Penn State still and would go to either of those over hofstra if i got in. What about you?

Tuesday, April 14 2009 at 08:00 PM

I sent mine in late March as well (the 24th) and it went complete on April 9th... Based on some of my recent rejections, I don't think I'm going to get in...

Tuesday, April 14 2009 at 08:00 PM

I see we both got waitlisted at marquette... when do you think we'll hear from them again, and is it your top choice??

Tuesday, April 14 2009 at 08:00 PM

I've been wondering the same thing about the chances of getting off of a WL... I think it varies greatly from school to school and from year to year, but based on data on previous years' applicants on this site, it looks like over half of WL applicants are eventually accepted. Good luck!!

Tuesday, April 14 2009 at 08:00 PM

Thanks! It has been my top choice throughout, and I'll almost certainly end up there, pending a successful campus visit I have scheduled for the 28th... I'm going to withdrawal from all my other waitlists except for Marquette. Good luck on the rest of your cycle!!

Tuesday, April 14 2009 at 08:00 PM

Did you just get an email from Marquette re: your interest in remaining on the waitlist?? I sent in a LOCI and another letter of rec. a few weeks ago, but that didn't seem to do any good... A decision soon would really make things a lot easier... for both of us, I'm sure!!

Tuesday, April 14 2009 at 08:00 PM

Congrats on Marquette! Will you be attending, or are you going to ride out your other WLs before you decide? I've heard the new law building is amazing and the school is definitely climbing in the rankings. Unless I hear from Marquette on Monday I'm going to send in my deposit to Syracuse. It's a good fit for me (I want to get a joint JD/MA degree from the Maxwell School of Public Policy) and I also need to figure out where I'm going to live. Keep me posted on what you decide to do... you've got some great options.

Thursday, February 19 2009 at 07:00 PM

Thanks for your comments. Although I want to get off Temple's wait list, I doubt that it will happen. And, I don't really know if I want to go to Penn State. I had my heart set on Philly. I heard from Villanova via the status checker. BEST OF LUCK TO YOU! I think I may just take the year off and retake the LSAT. This is really the only thing that matters in the admissions process.

Sunday, January 25 2009 at 07:00 PM

It was through a letter in the mail. I haven't checked my status checker yet, but I am sure it will reflect something similat.

Tuesday, April 14 2009 at 08:00 PM

Are ya going?? If so CONGRATS! If you're rolling the dice on waitlists... GOOD LUCK!