purplecheerios03 (2022-2023)
Application Information
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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
#3 | Drake University | Accepted W | Type: RA | $16,500 | Sent: 12/18/07 | Rec: 01/07/08 | Comp: 01/24/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/21/08 | Upd: 17 years | |
#2 | Creighton University | Accepted W | Type: RA | $8,000 | Sent: 12/12/07 | Rec: 12/20/07 | Comp: 01/03/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/08/08 | Upd: 17 years | |
#1 | University of Iowa | Accepted A | Type: RA | Sent: 12/17/07 | Rec: 01/03/08 | Comp: 01/16/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/21/08 | Upd: 17 years |
Visitor Comments
Hey behnkejc, I heard from Creighton about 5 days after I got notice that they had completed my application by mail.
My status hasn't changed. The general consensus seems to be that it never does. Its basically useless. Anyways, you sent after I did so you haven't been waiting that long. The only way that I found out that I had been deferred is that I emailed them to ask if I was complete and they told me that my file had been reviewed once but that they had not made a final decision. Generally, they don't send out letters about this. Basically, I'm guessing unless you have some cool softs or something that you'll be waiting until april like me.
Sorry if I came across as a bit rude or curt in my last message. I just noticed that it might be construed that way and I didn't mean it to.
Got a letter in the mail today stating I was on hold....I'm thinking that if you don't get accepted soon you'll be getting one of those. Keep in mind though that not really anybody of LSN has gotten in that applied as late as us.
i see that u applied to iowa and we have similar numbers. did iowa send you a username and password for isis there? congrats on your creighton acceptance too!
Congratulations on your Iowa acceptance. I'm still sitting here in the hold category.....it's not real fun. After noticing when you got your ISIS stuff this is actually right when you should have been getting a decision.
Nope haven't heard anything about scholarships. I'm assuming they wait till they receive the FAFSA. Anyways, I'm really not planning on getting any because my LSAT is so low. Thanks.
Thanks for the congratulations on Iowa. I actually applied to law school a few cycles ago but not Iowa. I need to visit the school some time. I am assuming that you did your undergrad there and are familiar with the law school. What are your impressions of it?