r6philly (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
#2 | University of Pennsylvania F | Accepted A | Type: RA | Sent: 10/07/10 | Rec: 10/07/10 | Comp: 10/08/10 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/20/10 | Upd: 13 years | ||
#4 | Columbia University F | Waitlisted | Type: RA | Sent: 10/11/10 | Rec: 10/12/10 | Comp: 10/19/10 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/03/11 | Upd: 13 years | ||
#3 | University of California Berkeley F | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 09/21/10 | Rec: 09/22/10 | Comp: 10/14/10 | Inter: -- | Dec: 11/29/10 | Upd: 13 years | ||
#4 | New York University F | Waitlisted | Type: RA | Sent: 11/22/10 | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/10/11 | Upd: 13 years | ||
University of Chicago F | Waitlisted | Type: RA | Sent: 10/07/10 | Rec: 10/07/10 | Comp: 10/07/10 | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/10/11 | Upd: 13 years | |||
#5 | University of Texas Austin F | Accepted W | Type: | $93,000 | Sent: 09/21/10 | Rec: 09/24/10 | Comp: 09/29/10 | Inter: -- | Dec: 10/28/10 | Upd: 14 years | |
#5 | University of Michigan Ann Arbor F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $45,000 | Sent: 11/15/10 | Rec: 11/18/10 | Comp: 12/10/10 | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/21/11 | Upd: 14 years | |
#5 | University of Virginia F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $90,000 | Sent: 09/21/10 | Rec: 09/21/10 | Comp: 09/22/10 | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/21/11 | Upd: 14 years | |
#5 | Duke University F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $67,500 | Sent: 09/20/10 | Rec: 09/21/10 | Comp: 09/22/10 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/05/11 | Upd: 14 years | |
#1 | Harvard University F | Waitlisted | Type: RA | Sent: 10/07/10 | Rec: 10/07/10 | Comp: 10/21/10 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/21/11 | Upd: 14 years | ||
#1 | Stanford University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 10/11/10 | Rec: 10/12/10 | Comp: 10/13/10 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/11/11 | Upd: 14 years | ||
#1 | Yale University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 10/21/10 | Rec: -- | Comp: 10/29/10 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/11/11 | Upd: 14 years | ||
University of Southern California F | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 10/23/10 | Rec: 10/25/10 | Comp: 10/25/10 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/25/11 | Upd: 14 years | |||
Cornell University F | Waitlisted D W | Type: | Sent: 09/20/10 | Rec: 09/22/10 | Comp: 10/21/10 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/22/10 | Upd: 14 years | |||
University of California Los Angeles F | Waitlisted | Type: RA | Sent: 09/21/10 | Rec: 09/24/10 | Comp: 10/07/10 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/02/11 | Upd: 14 years |
Visitor Comments
Thank you!
I think it's hard to get into Berkeley because of my GPA.... and I think it's hard to get into any school ever if you're Asian. One would think law would be different, but I guess not.
thank you for the nice comments that you left on my page, and best of luck to you in your cycle. Feb isn't too late the most important thing is to get the right score :)
If your GPA is any indication of your future LSAT score, I'm sure you will do great in February. I will send you the Yale materials as soon as I can.
Thanks for your comments. Yeah I was hoping to at least make it on a waitlist or a conditional program at NYLS but oh well. As of right now, I would probably take the LSAT over again unless something else springs up. I haven't completely ruled out moving out of state but would much rather prefer to stay in New York. Good luck to you!
I noticed on TLS that you were happy to mention that you had gone complete at some schools, so I immediately knew you rocked it!! And then of course, I check on LSN and my beliefs were merely confirmed. I sincerely hope you get in to your top choice, and I wouldn't mind being classmates with you either :) Oh and I just wanted to say, that if that's your own little Blasian in your avatar...He. Is. Gorgeous.
not certain about columbia yet; i'm waiting on word from several other schools, and i haven't completely ruled out michigan. i'm fairly certain georgetown was yield protection. UVA is just flooded with out-of-state applicants. good luck!
Thanks for the message! Today's been a pretty good day for me. . .
You've certainly got the numbers to be competitive. If things don't work out optimally this year you should just reapply in the fall and enjoy life for awhile. Win-win solution.
Yeah, hopefully the only issue is the timing. I'm seriously considering reapplying at this point. Of course, I'll have to wait and see if any of my remaining schools (not posted) can save my cycle! I'll be the first to admit I've gotten off on a horrible start! Good luck to you going forward.
I withdrew from everywhere today! It was a blessing. Let me know where you end up!!!!
Best of luck in this year's cycle.
I am just weighing my options at the moment but planning on finishing my PhD first. Best of luck to you this cycle. I'm sure you'll do well!
Columbia... I found the school to be out of date. It seemed to be the most behind the times in terms of technology available. Also, it seems to be the least pro-student. Finally, I am going for health law and Columbia has little to no elective coursework in the field. Oh, my tour guide at Columbia certainly didn't help to sell the school. "When given an assignment, you should get to the library quickly because of the competition books often magically disappear." Are you serious? How cut-throat can a school be? I'll let you know what I think of NYU on Friday. Good luck with the applications!
I am looking to stay in the NY area. I am applying to Seton Hall and Rutgers in NJ and Quinnipiac in CT. I think Columbia is proud of its competitiveness. I think competition is only to be expected, but the whole cut-throat atmosphere turned me off.
I'm pursuing a PhD in political science. I'm doing my dissertation on the development of constitutional environmental rights. Law school is on the back burner for now, but I want to keep my options open. Still, you are right that being a professor does afford one a quality of life second to none! Good luck!
I was actually rather impressed with NYU. It seemed VERY pro-student and had tons of opportunities to show off your strengths. Still, it does not have health law which is what I want to study.
Thanks Philly! Good luck to you on your cycle as well! I'm sure you'll get many attractive offers this time around! :-)
I appreciate the kind words and wishes. You look set up to do very well indeed. With luck, we may be classmates in the end. My best to you.
I'm predicting a great cycle. Congrats on your stats and I'm sure we'll soon see acceptances rolling in
that's a huge scholly, r6! That's great news...hope the cycle is a huge success for you!
on berkeley!
for the encouragement. funny thing, i found out i was in at mich right after i read your comment :D
and you too!
Thanks, r6! Throughout this process, you've been a gem. Best of luck to you, not that you need it!
For everyone who gets discouraged by the process, or life in general: don't despair, you will be able to smile eventually! :) Great sentiment. Congrats on your cycle so far and continued luck.
only time will tell :) In all honestly, unless i somehow manage to squeeze some money out of michigan or northwestern, i'll probably stay at my job and go PT at gulc. What are you thinking?
I don't blame you, that's a hell of an offer from UVA (congrats by the way!) I haven't received any money from Michigan, I'm hoping to have something to bargain with but i'm not holding my breath... I've got a really good job here in DC that lets me work from home, and i live just a few blocks away from gulc. Financially I think that may be the best option, but it's not over yet!
Hey R6! I wanted to thank you for the congrats on Chicago! I was on vacation the past few weeks, so I tried to keep my sanity by staying off LSN/TLS as much as possible, hence the belated gratitude. ;-) I was really shocked I got in at Chicago and was held at Harvard on the same day! I'm surprised you got the WL (perhaps your non-traditional history clashed with their more conservative style?). Also, bummer about the UCLA waitlist. I'm really shocked about that one, but it looks like you've received some really great offers in the last weeks. 90k at Virginia is AMAZING!! Congrats! Looks like you'll have some tough decisions to make (Penn, UVA, Michigan & Berkeley). Plus no news from HYS is probably good news at this point! Congrats again. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!
On your acceptance so far. Will hopefully see you at UVA in the fall...ha
Congrats on the awesome schools (and $$$$$$$) so far! Good luck with the rest of 'em though buddy!
Hi r6_philly. Just wanted to say that I have seen you on TLS and here so many times and I wanted to say hi. Congrats on the cycle so far. Good luck with NYU -- I applied way after you and got rejected a week or two ago, so they must be holding onto your app for a reason; i.e., they like you! :) I'm praying on getting off the Michigan waitlist. That would be a dream for someone with my numbers. Sigh.... Anyways, good luck with Stanford, Harvard, NYU, etc.
Thanks; your comment just made me feel better after a long, gloomy day!
Hopefully we'll score Harvard and Stanford before April 30. Keepin' the dream alive, bitches.
Congrats on all your amazing acceptances man. Good shit.
you're such a badass, don't be jealous! some tlsers were talking about how cool you were today... googlin' you on a motorcycle and shit.
Thanks for withdrawing from Michigan dude ;) Now my tiny chance of admission just got a little less tiny
No merit aid from Penn? Color me surprised!
Based on your TLS comments I am so glad you withdrew from UVA!
...amazing stuff. Congratulations.
Your majors are impressive too:)