NervousMom (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
#1 | Pace University F PT | Accepted A | Type: ED | $4,000 | Sent: 11/04/08 | Rec: 11/05/08 | Comp: 12/18/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/17/09 | Upd: 16 years | |
#4 | Touro College F PT | Accepted W | Type: RA | $9,000 | Sent: 03/03/09 | Rec: 03/03/09 | Comp: 03/06/09 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/16/09 | Upd: 16 years | |
Widener University PT | Pending W | Type: RA | Sent: 03/16/09 | Rec: 03/16/09 | Comp: 03/16/09 | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 16 years | |||
#3 | St. John's University PT | Pending W | Type: RA | Sent: 03/03/09 | Rec: 03/04/09 | Comp: 03/04/09 | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 16 years | ||
#2 | New York Law School F PT | Pending W | Type: RA | Sent: 03/03/09 | Rec: 03/03/09 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 16 years |
Visitor Comments
Hi! I wrote you an email off the website! Look forward to hearing back from you. Good luck!
I am really pulling for ya!
I just wanted to say goodluck with the LSAT this weekend!
Good Luck. I wish you the best!
Thank you for the congrats! Pace was definitely one of my reach schools. I did not go for the inverview as I was extremely busy at work at that time and didn't have any vacation days left. Good news comes when I least expect it, really. I think I had a decent ps. I did some, not a whole lot of, research, picked a theme, and made it flow with the overall theme. I got good feedback from the people who read it. I believe you will also get in! Your LSAT score was not too bad, but you are waiting for a better score! Good for you! Your URM status will help as well. I am not an URM. Stay positive! Best of luck to you!
I haven't decided where to go yet... I honestly believe you will be accepted to Pace. Your softs are much superior to mine! There is no reason for Pace to reject you. I will continue to keep my fingers crossed for you!
Thanks!! I really like Pace, especially the certificates in international law and environmental law. I am sure you will get in!! Did you interview?
Congratulations!! I'm new to this site, and I'm sooo glad I found it. I've been pulling my hair out, and trying to hold back tears. I looked for people who applied to the same schools as me and found you. That's amazing! I wish you the best of luck at Pace!
Soo happy for you! Heres to beating all odds!!!! GOOOO PACE
Its definitely spread out for all three years.. Im wondering if they didnt give you $$ bc you have part time status.. but I doubt it. Im also thinking that maybe you can call them and persuade them otherwise.. it doesnt hurt to try. I think Im going to end up at American in D.C.. it has one of the best International Human rights program and thats really what i want. Best wishes to you!
OMG! Congratulations on PACE!!! I am so happy for you!! Hey, I might see you at Pace this Fall!! Are you going to the admitted student event on the 21st?
I sent most at the end of January. Since things aren't looking too hot for me now, I'm trying to do more applications.
How did it go on the 21st? I live so far away, I couldn't go... Most of all, I am still not sure where to go! I have to put the deposit down soon, but I'm gonna wait till the last minute to think it through again...
I was in the process of applying when I saw your message last night lol. Thanks so much for the advice and support and congrats on your acceptance there as well! I just wanna get one and I'll be content...keeping my fingers crossed!
thanks nervous mom! congrats on pace!
Yea I do think that I am going to be going on April 22nd. I need to check out Pace one more time to make sure I have a good feeling about it. As it stands right now I am pretty much set on going to Pace. I sent my check today so my seat will be saved. Are you going on the 22nd?
I am thinking about going to the dinner on the 31st too just to get a better feel of the school. Do you much about Pace. I mean have you meet the students and are you from the area?
Thanks for the information. I am right now living in Philly and am pretty new to the Northeast so the more I can learn is important. As for nationality I am Cuban. My father came over when he was 12. We are originally from Miami, FL.
Hey - you sound like me. I even withdrew the first week of law school b/c the money scared me so bad. BUT this time it is full speed ahead and my kids and husband are pushing me:) I wish you the BEST of luck!
Congrats on Pace!
Congratulations on your acceptance to Pace! Awesome job! I was reading your notes, and I feel the same nervousness wondering how in the world I'm going to pay for school now that I've been accepted. I'm 34 and have all the responsibilities too (minus the kids!)... mortgage, etc... it all adds up, and it's not going to be easy. I wish you luck. If you've come this far, you'll get it done. Never look back.
I just had to say - I just read your post and it made me laugh......CHEERS
Thank youuu! It's a huge weight off my shoulders. I was just hoping I'd get at least one. Pace mailed me their decision today so we'll see...
Thanks you. I am so excited! I know I am going to law school! I am waiting for the letters to come so I can make the finacial decision, but Loyola is #1 thus far.
Thank you!! I'll be sure to let you know. Thanks for the support!
Well, I didnt really overlook it as much as have mail sitting at my parents house while they were on vacation. But if you want money from Pace I suggest, that you e-mail/ call the admissions office and tell them you have been awarded money from Touro and if they could work with you to bring the costs more in line with what you would be getting from Touro. They will probably ask you to send the award letter from Touro. If you want I have a form letter that you can use asking for them to reconsider you for more money.
Thank you!!! I have no idea yet really. I just know Cooley is definitely out of the question. I haven't received my scholarship information from FL Coastal yet, but right now I think I'm leaning towards Touro.
the best of luck on the schollys as well as your legal studies/career...
I just wanted to say good luck! I know how hard it is to study for the LSAT with kids. I have a four year old disabled son and a 2.5 yr old daughter, and it was a nightmare to try and study (and I had to take it twice!)